Im 23 weeks and some people refuse to believe that i'm pregnant lol I don't have a 'bump', I'm just still in the chubby state. Although this is my first, so maybe the 2nd will be different.
Ignore everyone. I know how unsettling it is to have people say weird things. I went to a music party yesterday and everyone kept saying "Are you excited", telling me how horrible birth was, how horrible their friends babies were, "when are you gonna be all big and fat", doesn't it suck you can't enjoy this beer...ect. There were a few more that made me kinda turn my head, like really? Oh yea, sooo many people touched me yesterday, trying to feel baby. Not like pats, but actual firm probing of the tummy. I started slapping hands away lol
Long story short, people loose their filter and they just need to piss off.