Anyone else expecting a November sparkler? *Updated with due dates!*

Just looking at my scan pics, does top twin has "something" between his legs?! Or will it be his umbilical cord? I'm rubbish at seeing anything!
Just looking at my scan pics, does top twin has "something" between his legs?! Or will it be his umbilical cord? I'm rubbish at seeing anything!

I did think that when you posted it the other day! x
Oooh Zowiey now I've looked again it does look like top twin might have a little winkie, lol. How exciting :)
zowiey- I think you have one of each a boy and a girl!
Gardens- I agree US sucks when it comes to leave and which part of leave it is maternity, sick or vacation.
Creative- I love the picture of LO
Tower- I hope my twinnie is doing okay today
Everyone else good Morning to you Hope everyone feels okay today

I have started these new Prenatal Vitamins via Simulac Company. For those of you on fb remember when I posted the link to free stuff from them? Well, after a few weeks from getting the first free item they sent me a voucher for free 30 day supply of prenatals. And they will continue to do so through out the remainder of pregnancy. I am having problems with them. Within 30 minutes of taking them I get bad stomach cramps and them suffer Diarrhea all damn day!! TMI sorry and sorry for the Language, but it is horrible. I took 3 anti-go (LOL) pills yesterday after I called the doctors office since you aren't really supposed to take them while pregnant. I thought all was okay til I took them this morning!! AHHH!!! Luckily DH gets paid today. I think I am going back to my cheap ones that I have never had an issue with.
Other than that, I don't have any discomforts nor signs of pregnancy going on. :( I have very round heavy pretty boobs, :happydance: My Areola are very dark, they look like I went to a tanning bed and only tanned them! :rofl:
I also don't have the RLP I was having either. only if I get up too quick now.

This in between feeling of nothing really really bites to say the least. I see the Doctors for my follow up on Tuesday and hopefully will scheduling my scan for the Fetal Cardiography and my 20 week anomoly scan too!! FX
Anyone else get extremely BORED a lot? I am so bored all the time and when I find something to occupy my time I am worn out quickly
zowiey- I think you have one of each a boy and a girl!
Gardens- I agree US sucks when it comes to leave and which part of leave it is maternity, sick or vacation.
Creative- I love the picture of LO
Tower- I hope my twinnie is doing okay today
Everyone else good Morning to you Hope everyone feels okay today

I have started these new Prenatal Vitamins via Simulac Company. For those of you on fb remember when I posted the link to free stuff from them? Well, after a few weeks from getting the first free item they sent me a voucher for free 30 day supply of prenatals. And they will continue to do so through out the remainder of pregnancy. I am having problems with them. Within 30 minutes of taking them I get bad stomach cramps and them suffer Diarrhea all damn day!! TMI sorry and sorry for the Language, but it is horrible. I took 3 anti-go (LOL) pills yesterday after I called the doctors office since you aren't really supposed to take them while pregnant. I thought all was okay til I took them this morning!! AHHH!!! Luckily DH gets paid today. I think I am going back to my cheap ones that I have never had an issue with.
Other than that, I don't have any discomforts nor signs of pregnancy going on. :( I have very round heavy pretty boobs, :happydance: My Areola are very dark, they look like I went to a tanning bed and only tanned them! :rofl:
I also don't have the RLP I was having either. only if I get up too quick now.

This in between feeling of nothing really really bites to say the least. I see the Doctors for my follow up on Tuesday and hopefully will scheduling my scan for the Fetal Cardiography and my 20 week anomoly scan too!! FX
Anyone else get extremely BORED a lot? I am so bored all the time and when I find something to occupy my time I am worn out quickly

I can definitely relate to all that you're feeling. I am not feeling much symptoms anymore besides getting up to pee at 4am and the giant bloat-belly lol. I am happy to feel better, but it's almost like I'm not even pregnant bc there are no symptoms and no showing yet. It's like limbo period!

I am also a bit bored. Dh and I are moving this month so there is a lot to do. I feel like I have energy to do it, but at the end of the day I am wiped. What kinds of things do you like to do to fill your time? I remember reading your posts about being outside in the garden and that sounds so lovely. The weather here in michigan has been awesome the past week. I hope the same for you. :) happy friday!
zowiey- I think you have one of each a boy and a girl!
Gardens- I agree US sucks when it comes to leave and which part of leave it is maternity, sick or vacation.
Creative- I love the picture of LO
Tower- I hope my twinnie is doing okay today
Everyone else good Morning to you Hope everyone feels okay today

I have started these new Prenatal Vitamins via Simulac Company. For those of you on fb remember when I posted the link to free stuff from them? Well, after a few weeks from getting the first free item they sent me a voucher for free 30 day supply of prenatals. And they will continue to do so through out the remainder of pregnancy. I am having problems with them. Within 30 minutes of taking them I get bad stomach cramps and them suffer Diarrhea all damn day!! TMI sorry and sorry for the Language, but it is horrible. I took 3 anti-go (LOL) pills yesterday after I called the doctors office since you aren't really supposed to take them while pregnant. I thought all was okay til I took them this morning!! AHHH!!! Luckily DH gets paid today. I think I am going back to my cheap ones that I have never had an issue with.
Other than that, I don't have any discomforts nor signs of pregnancy going on. :( I have very round heavy pretty boobs, :happydance: My Areola are very dark, they look like I went to a tanning bed and only tanned them! :rofl:
I also don't have the RLP I was having either. only if I get up too quick now.

This in between feeling of nothing really really bites to say the least. I see the Doctors for my follow up on Tuesday and hopefully will scheduling my scan for the Fetal Cardiography and my 20 week anomoly scan too!! FX
Anyone else get extremely BORED a lot? I am so bored all the time and when I find something to occupy my time I am worn out quickly

I can definitely relate to all that you're feeling. I am not feeling much symptoms anymore besides getting up to pee at 4am and the giant bloat-belly lol. I am happy to feel better, but it's almost like I'm not even pregnant bc there are no symptoms and no showing yet. It's like limbo period!

I am also a bit bored. Dh and I are moving this month so there is a lot to do. I feel like I have energy to do it, but at the end of the day I am wiped. What kinds of things do you like to do to fill your time? I remember reading your posts about being outside in the garden and that sounds so lovely. The weather here in michigan has been awesome the past week. I hope the same for you. :) happy friday!

Happy Friday to you as well!! :happydance: Well, here in Minnesota it has rained the last two days and right now it is 41 degrees outside. So, a little chilly for me. We did get to plant some vegetables in a few garden boxes. that was fun, we will have enough different kinds to make a whole salad LOL. I was cleaning the house regularly, but I feel that since everyone in the house is a grown up I shouyldn't have to pick up after myself, DH, his dad and his two brothers. Especially if I am doing all the cooking and such, There is a dishwasher here. Although, I don't use it I was brought up to wash them manually and the dishwasher takes forever., Why can't they at least wash their dishes and put them in the dishwasher? Every time I go to do laundry I get bitched at that someone else needs it. I have tried t implement a system that we each get a day. That only worked for a week. I want to start getting the roo we will be using a baby peanuts cleaned out and start figuring out where everything will need to go. But, I am not strong enough to move things down the stairs so I am kind of stuck trying to do little things then when I have DH home to help we have nowhere to go with anything! It is frustrating. I feel I should be doing a lot more around here, yet I can't get the help I need to accomplish anything.
I wish we could afford to moe to our own little place. Then, my life would be easier because I am actually quite great at organizing things and keeping my place clean. But, since we can not do so and are sharing a house with the others we have to maneuver around what they want. :growlmad:

Okay, enough of me boo-hooing as I am told I do too much of!
Ugh peanut! That's a lot of men to have to put up with!!!! I think clearing up after one is bad enough! :-) x
Happy Friday to you as well!! :happydance: Well, here in Minnesota it has rained the last two days and right now it is 41 degrees outside. So, a little chilly for me. We did get to plant some vegetables in a few garden boxes. that was fun, we will have enough different kinds to make a whole salad LOL. I was cleaning the house regularly, but I feel that since everyone in the house is a grown up I shouyldn't have to pick up after myself, DH, his dad and his two brothers. Especially if I am doing all the cooking and such, There is a dishwasher here. Although, I don't use it I was brought up to wash them manually and the dishwasher takes forever., Why can't they at least wash their dishes and put them in the dishwasher? Every time I go to do laundry I get bitched at that someone else needs it. I have tried t implement a system that we each get a day. That only worked for a week. I want to start getting the roo we will be using a baby peanuts cleaned out and start figuring out where everything will need to go. But, I am not strong enough to move things down the stairs so I am kind of stuck trying to do little things then when I have DH home to help we have nowhere to go with anything! It is frustrating. I feel I should be doing a lot more around here, yet I can't get the help I need to accomplish anything.
I wish we could afford to moe to our own little place. Then, my life would be easier because I am actually quite great at organizing things and keeping my place clean. But, since we can not do so and are sharing a house with the others we have to maneuver around what they want. :growlmad:

Okay, enough of me boo-hooing as I am told I do too much of!

awww I'm currently living with 3 men NONE are my FOB. One is my roommate who I get along with great and the other 2 are his friends. At first I didn't mind having the friends staying with us but now I want them GONE!!!!! They are slobs :( I am a VERY clean person and I feel like they expect me to be their maid and that is NOT happening!! Pregnancy brain got me and I forgot to clean my cereal bowl the other day. They gave me grief and washed all their dishes for 5 days (so i was told) and left my bowl to the side!! I was like ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? I wash their dishes all the time. Because if i'm going to wash my dishes I will wash ALL the dishes in the sink because it's ridiculous to only do your dishes and leave everyone elses. But no more. I will only be washing my dishes from now on. OH and one of these stupid guys ate my last brownie. KNOWING it was mine, KNOWING i'm preggo. The other two guys were like ARE YOU CRAZY??? SHE IS GOING TO KILL YOU!... I'm still MAD! :hissy:
Rant over!! I feel your pain 4 guys and you... IT STINKS!!!
I hate how that works in the US. Our sick leave and maternity leave is separate here. So, being off sick only affects our maternity leave if we're off for a pregnancy related problem from 36 weeks onward, and that just means it makes our maternity leave start early (if we weren't already off anyway). I'm American, and I have horrible memories if the paid time off bank, sick leave and vacation days coming out of the same, and it's not even a lot to begin with. :dohh:

Yep, it's absurd. My company made me use all my sick and vacation time before I could apply for maternity leave. I thought this meant I would have my three weeks of saved up sick and vacation time and then my six weeks maternity leave giving me 9 weeks home with my baby (i worked until the day I went into labor). Nope! Six weeks total. They used my own vacation time to cover part of the state mandated maternity leave which is apparently completely legal in CA. I was pissed. That's just not right in my opinion! And had they been up front about that from the beginning I wouldn't have skipped out on taking days off earlier on since I was only going to get the six weeks anyway!

Gardens - You are in Cali. Did you not use the Ca state bonding time as well as your Short Term Disability? I got 16 weeks off, since FMLA guarantees you 12 (if you have been employed for a full year), plus the additional 6 weeks of bonding time. They run concurrently and can overlap, so it does get confusing... I know that not all companies have to pay you for FMLA, but they legally have to give you the time off... but I know they state will pay you for 12 weeks, short term disability and 6 weeks bonding time. And yes, my company makes me use my paid time too, but only for the first week of maternity leave.

BUT mat leave only starts effective your due date! So if you want to take time off earlier, you have to use your sick time for that as well...

I think the U.S. is awful about maternity leave. They push 6 months of exclusive breast feeding, but then only give mothers a MAX four months off of work... If you work for the state of California, you get even less time! I know that makes no sense, but that's how it works...
Zowie - I am terrible about gender guessing... I thought my little one may have had something between the legs, too. Turns out, it was a foot! :dohh:
Everyone else could see it was a foot, clear as day...
Hey all,

So we sort of talked already about some of us having our stomach's sore. I would just like to bring it up again because it's so weird. It's kind of like I'm exhausted, but specifically my bump is exhausted-- all the muscles are tired like they just ran a race-- it makes me feel like I need to lie down. I don't remember this feeling with DS.
Hey all,

So we sort of talked already about some of us having our stomach's sore. I would just like to bring it up again because it's so weird. It's kind of like I'm exhausted, but specifically my bump is exhausted-- all the muscles are tired like they just ran a race-- it makes me feel like I need to lie down. I don't remember this feeling with DS.

Yeah, I know the feeling... it happens more on the weekend when I am running around doing errands and taking care of DS and doing chores, etc. Sitting at my desk at work all day doesn't cause belly soreness... I think it's because the muscles never recovered fully from 1st pregnancy. Is the pain pretty far down on the bump?
Hey all,

So we sort of talked already about some of us having our stomach's sore. I would just like to bring it up again because it's so weird. It's kind of like I'm exhausted, but specifically my bump is exhausted-- all the muscles are tired like they just ran a race-- it makes me feel like I need to lie down. I don't remember this feeling with DS.

Yesterday I had the feeling like I did a bunch of crunches the night before and we know that wasn't the case. My stomach is still slightly sore today from what I could find online it sounds like normal stomach stretching for our babies :thumbup:
Hey all,

So we sort of talked already about some of us having our stomach's sore. I would just like to bring it up again because it's so weird. It's kind of like I'm exhausted, but specifically my bump is exhausted-- all the muscles are tired like they just ran a race-- it makes me feel like I need to lie down. I don't remember this feeling with DS.

Yeah, I know the feeling... it happens more on the weekend when I am running around doing errands and taking care of DS and doing chores, etc. Sitting at my desk at work all day doesn't cause belly soreness... I think it's because the muscles never recovered fully from 1st pregnancy. Is the pain pretty far down on the bump?

It's the whole thing for me. I think it's a combination of muscles stretching and braxton hicks. It is definitely worse when I am up running around instead of resting.
Oh wow tower firstly congrats your baby is healthy!!! That's a massive load of your mind :hugs: and congrats on team pink! I know you'll both be over the moon once it's sunk in. Don't feel bad for feeling a bit disappointed its bot like you do t love your little lady I'm sure we would all feel the same and like peanut says you know how to raise girls!

Lovely scan pics girls :happydance:

Just a thought shall I update the first page with gender colours once we find out? For those staying yellow ill put yellow by your name? Let me know xx
I had Braxton Hicks with my son starting around the time he started moving a lot... so the second half or so of the second tri.

Do they feel different this time around? How do I know if I am feeling them yet, and they aren't just growing pains/cramps? Sorry if that sounds like a dumb question...
Oh wow tower firstly congrats your baby is healthy!!! That's a massive load of your mind :hugs: and congrats on team pink! I know you'll both be over the moon once it's sunk in. Don't feel bad for feeling a bit disappointed its bot like you do t love your little lady I'm sure we would all feel the same and like peanut says you know how to raise girls!

Lovely scan pics girls :happydance:

Just a thought shall I update the first page with gender colours once we find out? For those staying yellow ill put yellow by your name? Let me know xx

I like the idea of seeing how many pink and blues we are having, as I think Creative said before it will be interesting to see if its 50/50 x
Oh and I found bean on my doppler, the little monkey was hiding right near my heartbeat so it was getting drowned out :-) x
Just a thought shall I update the first page with gender colours once we find out? For those staying yellow ill put yellow by your name? Let me know xx

I like the idea! :) Also, can you add me and AngelTk42 to the November 1st due date list? Thank you! <3

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