Yea, I gave her a little book/card I made that said several different 'jokes' like I was moving to another state, I was adopting another dog (i already have 4), etc and then after each there was a page that said april fools. In the middle of all of them I threw in about me being pregnant. She noticed straight away that I forgot the april fools on the next page. She took it better than I expected but still isn't exactly excited about having two grandbabies under 18 months.
did you want to have them so close in age? thats our plan I want them to be pretty close
We wanted them close but weren't planning on this close. We had a lot of trouble conceiving DD and finally went through infertility treatments to determine what was going on. Our doctor basically told us we wouldn't conceive naturally due to a combination of low seminal volume from DH and really low progesterone from me so we decided not to go back on birth control. I ovulated six weeks after delivering DD despite exclusively bfing and had 5 cycles ranging from 28 to 55 days before I started feeling pregnant again. I thought I was going crazy and didn't test for 3-4 days thinking af must be around the corner. It was a complete and total shock when the test turned positive. I started the progesterone supplements immediately but then decided a couple weeks later it was hindering my milk supply too much plus the hormone was starting to affect DD so I stopped taking them expecting to miscarry. Now almost 13 weeks later, BB is still alive and well. I'm at risk of early delivery due to low progesterone, still bfing while pregnant, and DD was 4 weeks early but doctor is progressing without labeling the pregnancy high risk at this point. Hoping it stays that way...! Depending on when BB arrives, they'll be 15-16 months apart. I'm hoping to at least make it to 37 weeks this time though.