anyone else got to move house before they pop?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2010
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Me and my OH are currently living in my flat which is only a one bedroom. We are constantly on top of each other (pardon the pun!) He is so messy and i am the opposite and always tidying up after him, it does my head in!

We went to look at a rented house last week but it was also small and not clean enough for me. We have another two viewings on Friday. It's hard as we need a two bedroom house with a garage for no more than £450 PM!

I really want to get moved before the baby comes as want to clean the house we move into and make it all homely, ya know.

Anyone else doing this at the mo? xoxo
not the same situation but i moved house 2 weeks ago. for same size house as i was in before, but to be nearer to my family for support as i will need them once little one arrives as my daughter will be 16months at the time, so 2 little ones wont be easy, and where i was living before i was lonely, i never saw anyone day in day out, so moved for personal reasons really but it is much harder work when pregnant, really takes it out of you, i'm still trying ot recover lol x
Hand up over here!!

Me and OH have a house together and we decided to rent it out and move home to save some extra cash, so we live in his parents house and have tennants in our house. They have a contract which ends in July ...when i am due!!! and we cant even ask them nicely to move out before as they are from canada and cant move to another house as when the contract runs out there, they will be moving back to canada!

So were stuck! we are moving out to temporary accomodation in a couple of weeks and then staying there until we move home! so we will either be moving back to our house when I am very pregnant or with a new born!!!! Massive stress!!!!!!!! xx
We're trying to find a place at the moment too. It's a nightmare trying to find somewhere that allows pets!!!

We are living at MiL's atm and have a 7 month old puppy which, of course needs taking into consideration when we look. There's next to no properties out there that say they allow pets and the ones that do either aren't ideal or are too expensive! Viewing a house today that is also a no pets one but hopefully (if we like the place) we'll be able to come to some agreement.

It's not like he's a "destructive breed", he's a border collie!
Feel for you all guys, it's stressful enough worrying about having a baby, never mind finding a family home too. It's my first baby also so makes it all that much more nerve racking!
Good luck to you all xoxo
When i had my first i moved 3 times when i was pregnant, lived in a caravan for a while and two houses, it was fun to be honest as the whole family came to help, was a good way to be together, drink tea and i just got to watch and giggle at the men taking control :) x
We moved when was 25 weeks last time as we wanted a house now we have got to move again as our landlady has put house up for sale

I am going out for day i think was far to stressful last time, i am a kinda pack van till it's full person my oh isn't he puts one layer then makes trip can you imagin all arguing we had packing and on the day lol
Yep, Im moving in the next few weeks.

My husband took a job in Gosport (about two hours from where we live now) in August. The plan was to look for another job and then move down to be with him by Xmas at the latest! Anywho obviously that plan didn't go well and I got pregnant a lot quicker than we thought I would so had to stay in my current role to take advantage of Maternity Pay.

Anyway Im going on maternity leave at the earliest opportunity possible which is in about 4 weeks time and somehow have pack and fit a three bed house worth of stuff into a two bed flat!! :(

Just to complicates matters further I've just been diagnosed with SPD so packing on my own isn't really an option (and I only see hubby at the weekends).

Its turning into an absolute nightmare, as I have to try and rent my house out as well so it needs to be spotlessly clean.

Im running out of time fast and it doesn't help that I don't really want to move and leave all my friends and go to a place where the only person I know is my husband!! (Woe is me)

Anyway, best of luck, sending loads of hugs and sympathy for your task in hand :)

hand up over here too! Me and OH are renting a lovely little one bed flat, but it's on the 3rd floor and no room for our LO. So, we were meant to be moving the end of this week to 2-bed in cheaper (rougher!) part of london, but loads of space and parks, gyms, hosp nearby....

but new landlord is being funny, we need our deposit back from current landlady to pay him and he's getting itchy feet wanting us to pay asap when we don't officially move to the 1st feb. If he won't wait then we'll have no where to live cos our contract is up in this flat in just over a week's time. If I really think about it I could STRESS OUT completely but just telling myself it'll all be fine and as long as LO is healthy we'll all be okay....

Me too! We're looking to move, but can't find anywhere. We have a little 2bed, which is fine for the LO but we don't have a garden and I think this would be very useful with a summer baby to stop me getting cabin fever!
We can wait until after baby's born, but we don't want to leave it too long as (hopefully) when I return to work I hope to do it part time and that means my salary will go down and we might not be able to get the mortgage we want!
Aaaaghhhhh too many stresses!
Oh by the way, we're buying a new car too :+) ha ha I'm just lucky we're already married lol...couldn't face a wedding too!
hi there ive just moved home 2 days ago, i never did much but im knackered as 6 months preggo and ive got 4 under 7 aswell luckily my family did everything and i just sat back and relaxed, am gonna do something nice for them as a thankyou as it saved me £360 which i was quoted for a removal van. xxxxxxxxxx
We moved when I was about 12 weeks and morning sickness was in full bloom. That was not fun
Yes we are too, renting and the place we have now isn't big enough and has a damp problem which I refuse to bring little one into, it's such a hassle finding a place though :(
Looks like we are going to have to as well, have been looking around but i feel the pain for anyone thats looking with pets as its a nightmare!! (we actually have 3 dogs and 3 cats!!) You try your best to say they are well behaved and rarely left alone but its hard!
Have managed to find a couple of places to look at but becuase we actually want to go from a 3 bed to a 2 bed (we used to house share) the difference in size is ridiculous and quite hard to get our heads around!!

Really like the house we are in now but our stupid landlord hasnt paid his mortgage so looks like it will be getting reposessed sometime soon, and as no one can tell me when, im just not happy to wait and see. I know my luck, it will be when im due!!
yep, we rent now but its a 2 bed flat and we have a puppy, we need a garden, we went to look at a house yesterday which would be great, except the location is a bit further out then i would like but it will do intil we can afford a deposit to buy somewhere, the rent is more though too, so its a maybe. we cant move until march when the lease is up here. i cant wait though, im sick of this flat now!
yep i have to move and its for the first time in my life so its going to be hard to adjust, we are viewing a house on friday, we have to get a 3 bed as he has 2 teenage children from previous relationship, so fingers crossed the house we see fri will be clean enough.
Me! My lease is up in may and I am due the 20th! I am currently banking on base housing since my husband is Air Force and we were told they would deff work with us to get us a place. We have two beds now and live with an awful managment company I won't go into detail but its been horrid. We have half a floor in our living room has been that way since 3 months after we moved in. As well as sweage further destroyed it and took them two weeks to even attempt to do anything and they won't replace it with wood flooring I REFUSE to pay for a carpet my 2 year old destroys because they are cheap! ANYWAYS! YES! I am moving the month before or of my due date! AHH!
I'm moving hopefully at the end of Feb!

We'd had our 2 bed for sale before we even started TTC and of course the housing market crashed at the same time. When we got the BFP we went to look at new builds and signed up for a partex option where the builders would try and sell our house and if it hadn't sold by the time the roof was on our new home they'd buy it off us. We got a buyer the week before the roof went on and the builders have given us a damn good deal so fingers crossed for a smooth move! Luckily I'll have a couple of months to get things ready for El Bumpo turning up!
I'm in a similar sort of situation...
I'm currently living in a shared house in Derby (where I'm at Uni) and my OH still lives with this parents back home in Milton Keynes! I finish Uni 3weeks before baby is due, so we're trying to save up and find somewhere nice and not too expensive to live back in or around Milton Keynes! Talk about stressful :haha:
I hope all you ladies in similar situations manage to find somewhere lovely to live, and *fingers crossed* it will be before babies are here :flower:
When i had my first i moved 3 times when i was pregnant, lived in a caravan for a while and two houses, it was fun to be honest as the whole family came to help, was a good way to be together, drink tea and i just got to watch and giggle at the men taking control :) x

I agree, sit back and watch the men do the work! It's nice knowing you can't help as you have such a good excuse.

This is my first pregnancy where I haven't had to move house and I am relieved! I moved 3 times during my last pregnancy and went through a really uncertain time in terms of nearly being homeless a couple of times so it's good to feel secure.

I hope you find a lovely place to rent, they are out there! :thumbup:

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