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Anyone else having af like pains?

Mrs Dragonfly

Raising our toddler
Jan 23, 2013
Reaction score
The last 3 days off and on I've been getting crampy like af, is this normal? LO is still super active, I just finished having a bowl of cereal and she's bouncing around:cloud9:

Two days ago I thought I was having legit contractions, they were like bh but happening more frequently and they took my breath away. I had to stop moving and grab something while I remembered to breathe. Called the midwife and she had me drink water and take a hot bath then call her back if they kept up, thankfully they calmed down. But now I'm just back to bh and af like cramps. Anyone else going through this too and not at their due date?
Are you over doing things? Sometimes I get AF like cramps if I do too much.

Put your feet up and relax and if it continues I'd give the midwife a little call x
I had it a lot at your stage. Now I feel like I have it constantly. When I was early-mid second tri I REALLY had them and found out I had a bladder infection.
I was overdoing things last week which earned me a scolding from one of the midwives, but this week I've been taking it easy. Could my body still be dealing with all that I was doing last week?

What sucks is the birth center I'm going through has 3 midwives, two of them are fantastic and always lovely to talk to, the third who is the owner has no patience and really frustrates me. When I told her about my pains and that they were making me nervous since I didn't know if it was preterm labor signs or just my body doing things she said I was having pain because of anxiety. I wanted to break the phone:growlmad:
Ugh!! What a rude person! If you speak to her again I would just ask if you could speak to someone a bit more professional. Rude cow!
I had it a lot at your stage. Now I feel like I have it constantly. When I was early-mid second tri I REALLY had them and found out I had a bladder infection.

Well I'll worry a little less then if you've had those pains around my time as well. I don't believe I have a bladder infection since I don't have any other symptoms of it. But I will be on the look out, I'd rather get that looked into early than feel miserable later...

Ugh!! What a rude person! If you speak to her again I would just ask if you could speak to someone a bit more professional. Rude cow!

I wish! She's the owner of the practice so I doubt that would fly. My next midwife appointment is with one of the ones I love and I plan to mention how upset I feel every time I get off the phone with the other midwife. Praying that the odds are in my favor as I have a 2/3 chance of getting a midwife I like at our birth
I had a similar experience with my former OB. She was always so sweet, but her colleagues were more than terrible. One even made me cry because I called in around 36 wks having constant cramps/BH and he said not to bother him again!

Long story short, I had them with DS and now I'm having them with DD. I'd say it's normal, but double-check with your midwife.
I forgot to add, I asked my midwife about these crampy pains, yesterday, and she said that after 34 weeks, they won't stop labor - LO is usually strong enough to debut. So soon!! Hope that helps. :thumbup:
It's so crazy to think there's 8 weeks left for me! Unless LO decides to show early, but I have a feeling she's going to be a stinker and arrive late. I don't know if our mother's histories change anything but I was 6 weeks early. I would mind LO coming around 37 weeks but no sooner than that.
Mrs dragonfly I wonder, is it possible that the way our mothers bodies handled labour could indicate the way we will? I was born at 38 weeks and labor only lasted about an hour and a half, so would be nice!
Ive been having these pains for weeks, went to midwife today and found out little man is 2/5ths engaged so the pains were clearly doing something :) xx
Mrs dragonfly I wonder, is it possible that the way our mothers bodies handled labour could indicate the way we will? I was born at 38 weeks and labor only lasted about an hour and a half, so would be nice!

We can be hopeful at least! My mom had a very fast labor with me as well and I was her first.

Ive been having these pains for weeks, went to midwife today and found out little man is 2/5ths engaged so the pains were clearly doing something :) xx

That's exciting! I hope mine means somethings beginning, although not too early of course :)

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