Anyone else HIV +?

I see a lot of HIV+ women and not one of them has got the same wonderful attitude as you, but everyone takes it on differently. I'm glad you care first for Baby as I know too that the baby's health is important.
Everyday medicine comes closer and closer to a cure and it's surprising how a few people who remained very physically happy and very healthy came to find out their HIV had gone. A man most recently, I believe in Germany, just had this happen. Wonderful news being that he has agreed to further testing to help understand how it happened. Baby steps, but one day there will be a cure. With modern day medicine HIV and aids is no longer considered a fatal disease- it is now in here is the US called a chronic condition for how long people live with it and how well they are doing.
I hope you can deliver naturally too.. It seems well so far. You're only in one pill a day due to pregnancy, right?
Your positive attitude is amazing! It must have come as a shock, but this pregnancy/baby may well have avoided you years of lack of knowledge and provided you early treatment:thumbup: Your baby is your own little angel:cloud9:.
Oh - and even if a section were necessary - I had one for my own medical reasons, and it was fab - no bonding issues, super quick recovery, and immediate and successful breastfeeding. So don't even worry about that.
No, ATripla is only one pill a day. Apparently not everyone qualifies for it though...depends on your health. I had no health issues so there wasn;t even a question on which meds i would be taking. I'm very happy with it.So far, so good. :)
Yes, the Berlin patient...they know how he got cured and even though it was possible is not viable to do that to everyone as they destroyed his immune system completely to give a new one. But, they now know what to try change in everyone else so we could all be cured... it will happen!

And yes, this baby is my little angel. If it wasn't for her i wouldn't know, i would probably end up getting sick before finding out and could've infected my OH. So, I'm so glad i know now.

Here it is also considered a chronic disease. People with undetectable viral loads are treated as negative and luckily we don't have financial problems so I'm one of the lucky ones that will always have the best doctors and medication. Besides, i have a beatufiul daughter, another on the way, i am so so so loved by my OH, he is the best. I have no reasons to give up on life now. I will show other people that it's ok, being positive doesn't change who i am. And if no else can see that, then they are not worth being in my life :)

You girls are great!!!xxx
Hey lovely...I ment to say my sister is HIV + and has a four year old son,but she isnt pregnant at the moment so she doesnt use the forum. She is in better health than me.:haha: She only found out that she had it last year,caught it from her husband who knowingly gave to her. She also has a very positive outlook on life. At first she wouldnt cuddle our little Eli when he was born,not sure if she was afraid of passing it to him or wether it was because she wasnt sure what we would think. It doesnt make the slightest difference to me. I dont treat her any different as in fact she isnt.:flower:
I just wanted to say that I admire your positive attitude - you are amazing! :hugs: I wish you all the best through your pregnancy. :)
My Hubby is on atripla. We have been married 2 months and we hope to fins out about having a baby soon. I have had a test in the last few months and im hiv- so if we wanted a baby we would have to have his sperm washed and have iui. I am ovulating as ive had a blood test to confirm this. It will be strange having a baby this way as id love to have it a normal way. Most babied are conceived out of love and making love but ours will be made in a different way. Seems a bit more clinical and not as intimate...
Stay strong. When my hubby was first diagnosed it was a really big thing to get over at first but with strength and love we r still together and still in love and want to have our happily ever after.
yes, you've told me this before. :) i think you are also a very special person for staying with him.
Your baby will still come from love!!!next year we will be trying for baby no.3 and hopefully will try the natural route. He is not scared of being infected and with proper help it's very achievable in our case.

I really wish you the best of luck going from here onwards...if you are ovulating now, you probably missed the oportunity this month already, but fingers crossed you'll get it soon!:) xxx
Seems like you've already done your research. :) can I ask where you live?
i am not HIV+ and do not know much about it, but my aunt was HIV+ when pregnant with my cousin and took meds im not sure which ones. but my cousin is not HIV+ and is 21 years of age. my aunt is still very well and has had a full healthy life. prob not alot of help but your post touched me in a special place x
:) I live in Swaziland at the moment. But i'm originally from Europe. Have been living in Africa for 8 years. Thank you for your posts. I love reading positive things...keeps me going!!
Seems like you've already done your research. :) can I ask where you live?

it's not just my research... :p i really have an AMAZING doctor and OH. :happydance:

I'm just sure that out there is someone else in my situation and i wanted to give them a bit of positive energy and thoughts...
Awesome:) your a lucky girl, OH sounds amazing. Hows Africa? Is that where OH is from? Or why did you move there? I complain in hot in California with 100 degree weather. Is it hotter there??
Had to come and share this... Today, i went for my check up with the HIV dr.
She never asked me to do any tests on my viral load or CD4 counts since i've been on the meds fro only 3 weeks. Well, i couldn't not do it, so went ahead and asked for them to check my viral load while doing my other blood tests.
In just 3 weeks my Viral Load went from over 37,000 to just........468!!!!she couldn't believe it and neither could we!!she expects my viral load to be undetectable, under 40 in the next couple of weeks and has given me the go ahead for natural birth.
Also said that risk of transmission to the baby and OH is now pretty much 0!I'm so so so happy specially since i have had no side effects and can now have natural birth like i planned.
I feel so blessed!xxx
Oh Hun that is fabulous news!!! Huge congratulations- those #s are amazing!!

Just read this thread. So, so happy for you! What a strong, remarkable woman you are, and so glad you got such wonderful news :flower:
Thank you ladies!i feel so blessed :)

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