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anyone else newly pregnant but waiting for af date to pass?

but i cant get a BFP on a digi. and even my frer's are faint i dont know what is going on. I called my doc and they said that i can come in and take a test for $20 or a blood test for $59
I think you just got to relax and what will happen will happen.
I know it's hard but i was stressing when I had a ultra faint positive on a hpt but negative at the docs, I waited a few days and took a test when I was a week late and it was a positive and my bloods came back positive aswell.

There again I can't understand how scary it must be waiting to see if you come on or not *hugs* .
Hi ladies I'm in the same boat :) Got a very faint positive yesterday on superdrug test and my first bfp this morning on superdrug and ic. Af is due between today and Monday because of different cycle lengths. I'm feeling positive though just have to play the waiting game.

Is anyone getting cramps or the odd twinge? Don't know if it's something to worry about or not :)
Hi ladies I'm in the same boat :) Got a very faint positive yesterday on superdrug test and my first bfp this morning on superdrug and ic. Af is due between today and Monday because of different cycle lengths. I'm feeling positive though just have to play the waiting game.

Is anyone getting cramps or the odd twinge? Don't know if it's something to worry about or not :)

hiya, congrats on your pregnancy :flower:, all this waiting is agonising lol, iv been having cramping and like sharp twinges around my pelvis,side...... but after worrying that af was going to turn up iv realised it feels more duller and more painful so hoping its a good sign and its due to stretching.
Hi mrslj, congrats!
I've had a dull ache in my lower abdomen for about a week now, stuffy nose and sore throat starting yesterday and nausea on and off. I really felt awful last night with the nausea and stuffy nose and sore throat. Of course, it's all worth it :)
is anyone any good with average cycle dates? i thought id check out my average cycle as far as i could go, from a site i read it said to had all the cycle lengths together and devide by the ammount of months that would give you your average cycle, anywhoo i did that and it says 27.86 ( something along those lines) so would that make me 27day cycle or 28?

the reason im wondering is because this changes the dates than, over the last 2 months my cycles have been 27days, so if i go by the new average of 27 than my edd would be the 24th december and il only have to worry about tomorrow for af arriving lol, im sorry im trying to keep my mind occupied abit oops :haha:
kcbmama, I've had cramps, well more like a dull ache in my lower abdomen, for a week now. Hoping its a good sign for both of us :)
19Sarah, my cycles are always either 28 days long or 30 days long, nothing in between. It makes it hard to track ovulation, when to test, etc. For ovulation, I have to plan around both cycle lengths (I haven't gotten into temping or OPKs yet) but for testing and AF's arrival, I go with the 30 day cycle to be on the safe side. Don't know if that helps at all...
Many of you ladies are waiting on this saturday (today now) so its almost over! Good luck ladies :hugs: ....and congrats :flower:
Congrats mrslj :D I have been getting weird pains too kind of like tummy ache but lower down.

Sarah maybe if is 27.86 then your wait will be over in the evening if you get what i mean?

I'm taking Tuesday as my properly missed af as that will be 36 days as i have had a few 35 days cycles although that would make me 10 dpo today but i have been getting quite dark positives past couple of days?

What we like eh! My hubby just laughs at me he understands but he thinks its mad how obsessed some of us women get on here! How i wish i could just take one test and be satisfied. Only got about 5 IC's left and one FRER and i am saving the FRER for Tuesday FMU.
Thanks ladies I feel better knowing your feeling similar twinges! I am a going to just be positive and enjoy my first ever bfp and hope for the best! :)
I'm freaking out a little bit. I took a hpt this morning bcuz I wanted to see a really strong bfp. The first one I took on tuesday was really faint then they started getting darker each day but still not really dark. The one I took this morning seems to be fainter rather than stronger. I'm due af today and am really worried now.
Please try not to worry loads of things can effect the test, diluted wee, not as much dye in the test etc xx
so af is due sometime between thursday and tomorrow (giving her 1 day cause of me stressing) notohing so far woke up ealry this morning had to pee so of course i use my last digi FR gold. and got "NO-" my lines have been very very very faint but I iknow that when I was pg with my DD and tested at 8 wks the lines didnt seem to dark. And i never tested before then so I am not sure what they may have been. so I have told myself that I am not going to test again till Monday (hope I can hold out till then). I have taken so many test and seem to have very very very very faint lines so i dont think they could all be wrong. i will keep you guys updated.
I'm waiting! But not much longer af due today and nothing so far! I know it's not coming but it's still a milestone cause I got a bfp at 12dpo in nov and bled hours later!! My lines are a million times better this time round so in know it's sticking think I'm gonna do a digi this evening!! Xx
Hey ladies! I understand how you are feeling. I was due AF yesterday after getting BFP on 9-10 DPO. It was such a relief to get past that mark! I hope you all have that same feeling!

Sarah-How are you today? Wasn't AF due yesterday?
just got 1-2 weeks Pregnant on a digi, due af Thursday!
I'm glad I found this thread... makes me feel better about my constant worrying and obsessive testing!

I got my BFP at 10 dpo which was Wednesday but AF not due until today... no sign of her yet and have been getting stronger lines, positive digi and a few symptoms (sore boobs, extreme tiredness, slight cramping/tugging feeling) so hopefully all will be ok!

This could be a good bump buddies thread :flower:

I'm freaking out a little bit. I took a hpt this morning bcuz I wanted to see a really strong bfp. The first one I took on tuesday was really faint then they started getting darker each day but still not really dark. The one I took this morning seems to be fainter rather than stronger. I'm due af today and am really worried now.

I know how you feel, don't stress my test from yesterday was fainter and I was so worried! But it was darker again today so I'm thinking I had maybe just drank to much juice.

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