Hi ladies I'm in the same boat Got a very faint positive yesterday on superdrug test and my first bfp this morning on superdrug and ic. Af is due between today and Monday because of different cycle lengths. I'm feeling positive though just have to play the waiting game.
Is anyone getting cramps or the odd twinge? Don't know if it's something to worry about or not
I'm in the same boat as AF is due Saturday and I started testing positive on Tuesday.
just got 1-2 weeks Pregnant on a digi, due af Thursday!
I'm freaking out a little bit. I took a hpt this morning bcuz I wanted to see a really strong bfp. The first one I took on tuesday was really faint then they started getting darker each day but still not really dark. The one I took this morning seems to be fainter rather than stronger. I'm due af today and am really worried now.