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anyone else newly pregnant but waiting for af date to pass?

I'm glad I found this thread... makes me feel better about my constant worrying and obsessive testing!

I got my BFP at 10 dpo which was Wednesday but AF not due until today... no sign of her yet and have been getting stronger lines, positive digi and a few symptoms (sore boobs, extreme tiredness, slight cramping/tugging feeling) so hopefully all will be ok!

This could be a good bump buddies thread :flower:


I know me too! My hubby thinks I'm mad haha! I have been having similar symptoms, my boobs seem to have grew over night! I would love some bump buddies!:happydance:
I'm freaking out a little bit. I took a hpt this morning bcuz I wanted to see a really strong bfp. The first one I took on tuesday was really faint then they started getting darker each day but still not really dark. The one I took this morning seems to be fainter rather than stronger. I'm due af today and am really worried now.

I know how you feel, don't stress my test from yesterday was fainter and I was so worried! But it was darker again today so I'm thinking I had maybe just drank to much juice.

Thank you! That makes me feel better. I just want to get through today, AF due day, and I think I'm going to try a digital test in the morning. Then, I just need to stop worrying about it until I go to the Dr. on the 27th.
Yay bump buddies thread :happydance:
Hey ladies! I understand how you are feeling. I was due AF yesterday after getting BFP on 9-10 DPO. It was such a relief to get past that mark! I hope you all have that same feeling!

Sarah-How are you today? Wasn't AF due yesterday?

hi, how are you today? i thought it was due yesterday based on my latest lot of cycles and my monthly cycle having me down as due yest my cycles over the last few months but i did a detailed average cycle calculator over the last 8 months so based on that my af should be due today and my due date moves aday forward, so far so good, iv bloated up so much and really thought af was going to turn up this morning with all the af cramps i was having, i did another tesco test as i did the last one 3 days ago and iv got a nice looking line now and a lot darker as it was, so im calming myself and oh as given up on me testing now lol hes not moaning :happydance:
Congrats onthe new bfps!! I agree this would be a great buddy thread the ambience seem nice lol xx

Nothing much to report here just super thirsty and feeling quite lazy. I peed on all my IC's which were fine and i am saving my FRER for Monday morning when the line should be darker. I have had to get my husband to hide it though cos otherwise it would be too much temptation and i would do it then just end up spending more on another next week.

I think i am going to stay away from the digitals as the conception indicator causes too much worry...
Haven't used a digital before, only FRERs. What is a conception indicator? Should I maybe not try a digital in the morning?
I had a very tiny bit of a pinkish/brown color on the tp when I went to the bathroom just now. I'm really worried again now...
I have no idea how digis work? I tried one for the first time with this pregnancy. It takes a little bit to show the results which is a bit unnerving. I know that it's very common in early pregnancy to spot, especially around AF time.
Thanks, mimomma. How are you feeling?
I'm driving myself crazy so I'm just going to try to relax the rest of the day and put my feet up. It's chilly and dreary in NYC so a good day to snuggle up and watch some movies.
Hey ladies! I understand how you are feeling. I was due AF yesterday after getting BFP on 9-10 DPO. It was such a relief to get past that mark! I hope you all have that same feeling!

Sarah-How are you today? Wasn't AF due yesterday?

hi, how are you today? i thought it was due yesterday based on my latest lot of cycles and my monthly cycle having me down as due yest my cycles over the last few months but i did a detailed average cycle calculator over the last 8 months so based on that my af should be due today and my due date moves aday forward, so far so good, iv bloated up so much and really thought af was going to turn up this morning with all the af cramps i was having, i did another tesco test as i did the last one 3 days ago and iv got a nice looking line now and a lot darker as it was, so im calming myself and oh as given up on me testing now lol hes not moaning :happydance:

So glad to hear you're doing well and just as bloated as me:winkwink: I pulled out my maternity sweats to be more comfortable! I swore I was going to be done testing yesterday, then last night while running errands I picked up 2 more $ store tests. :blush:
Thanks, mimomma. How are you feeling?
I'm driving myself crazy so I'm just going to try to relax the rest of the day and put my feet up. It's chilly and dreary in NYC so a good day to snuggle up and watch some movies.

I know it's so hard to relax, but it's the best thing to do. Snuggling & watching movies sounds nice, enjoy! I'm having some nausea today and finally starting to get sore bbs. Hope their growing! (I'm small chested so pregnancy does me a BIG favor):haha:
who knew this would be so stressful haha! And I thought ttc was the stressful part. I'm still cramping but now know it's normal :)

NYColoradoan - I'm sure I read that spotting is completely normal too. I think I'll be obsessing over every little movement and symptom can't wait to be further along!

mimomma - I have put my sweats on too feel really bloated!

So glad we have each other to chat too xoxox
i would just stop testing if I could get a for sure dark line but all mine seem to come back very very very very faint. have done over 10 test and they all keep coming back with these faint little lines so they cant all be evaps cause they come up almost immed. and they have been different batches and different brands but i cant seem to get that dark line. I am glad to know that I am not going as crazy as I think.
i would just stop testing if I could get a for sure dark line but all mine seem to come back very very very very faint. have done over 10 test and they all keep coming back with these faint little lines so they cant all be evaps cause they come up almost immed. and they have been different batches and different brands but i cant seem to get that dark line. I am glad to know that I am not going as crazy as I think.

I know what you mean, I'm getting definite bfps but still not as dark as I would like and on ics I have to hold up to window to see very faint pink line. Want to do a digi but scared incase it says 'not pregnant'. Think it will take a few more days to get darker for us :winkwink:
Well AF due date came and went, felt sick and stressed whole day due to many factors inc. AF showing/now showing.
Anyways thought I'd share the day has come and gone and I woke at 4am with DD but also feeling v.sick! Same thing happened with DD so hop[e it's a good sign!
NYColoradoan: How you feeling?

Also took a cheeky IC which was :bfp: I am a bit of a POAS addict :blush:
Congrats kcbmama!!

For you ladies from the usa, here are the digitals i am on about, i don't think they have them there:


they tell you how long it was approx since you concived but people just worry if it doesn't seem to tell them the right amount of weeks.

Well i caved and made hubby give me the FRER today. It was a little bit darker but not loads. I did the last one on friday.
wooo hoo I got a BFP on a clear blue digi this morning I'm soooo happy :)
Congrats kcbmama and mrslj :yipee:
Well, I'm no better off this morning. I went out and bought the Clear Blue Easy digital yesterday. So this morning, I took it and got a not pregnant, plain as can be - gosh those digitals are cold and leave you no hope at all. I still had one FRER left so I dipped that in the urine cup also. It came back with a faint line again, about the same as yesterday's. I'm so confused now and don't know what to do... I had some brown on the tp again later in the day yesterday and then some this morning when I woke up.
Congrats kcbmama and mrslj :yipee:
Well, I'm no better off this morning. I went out and bought the Clear Blue Easy digital yesterday. So this morning, I took it and got a not pregnant, plain as can be - gosh those digitals are cold and leave you no hope at all. I still had one FRER left so I dipped that in the urine cup also. It came back with a faint line again, about the same as yesterday's. I'm so confused now and don't know what to do... I had some brown on the tp again later in the day yesterday and then some this morning when I woke up.

I think everything is likely ok. I know the digis aren't as sensitive as the FR and you didn't get AF. Still, you might want to call your dr tomorrow and let them know you've been getting pos/negs on tests. They'll likely have you come in and do an in office urine and will take your bloods to test for hcg. I think it'll help put your mind at ease. This happened to me last mo when I got false pos on blue dyes and my dr office was quick about bringing me in. Also, for me, FMU is not as potent as SMU and later in the day.:hugs:

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