Anyone else not gaining weight?


New Mum
Jun 21, 2009
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Hi all,

I'm 17+3 today and go to aquanatal on a Monday evening. There is a scale at the gym but for the last three weeks in a row it just keeps saying 10 st, 10.1 st, 10 st. I have weighed 10 st for years now! The last m/w appointment a few weeks ago - I brought it up and she said it was okay not to gain any weight in the 1st trimester - but I'm now well into the second and still not seeing weight gain.

I'm not dieting, eating fairly well, and although I look much bigger, I think it must just be my abdominal muscles going to mush. Any thoughts, ideas? I'm tempted to call the m/w but I'm afraid she'll just dismiss it like last time.

Is this happening to anyone else?
ive only put on 9lb and im nearly 27 weeks!

didnt start putting on weight til bump started showing at 18 weeks or so!

I haven't gained any weight at all yet. I have a noticeable bump, but think I have lost weight in First Tri. I would go with it, cos I reckon we'll pile it on in Tri 3 :haha:

I was like you, but I think that has changed the past week... I was hovering around 9st11, 9st12 and now just seem to have shot up to 10st1. I have been more hungry the past week and "grazing more". My diet is mostly balanced and I am still very active (gym 4 times a week and prenatal yoga once a week).

To be honest - but I am not a doctor or MW - I don't think it is a problem... EVERYONE puts on weight at different rates and I think that our bodies will regulate ourselves (providing we are sensible).

If you are eating sensibly and keeping (sensibly) active/mobile then that is THE most important thing. We don't HAVE to put on weight by a certain time... we all will eventually (that is unavoidable), but it will happen when your body is ready. :hugs:

me to :) so happy about it!!

I had a MW appointment on Friday, i was 17+1 and weighed 81kg, same as what i weighed at 8 weeks!!! woohoo!!!!

Im hoping it doesnt pile on too quickly now tho!!!

I don't know your crazy stone speak ;), but I have approximately gone from 61 to 64kg, a gain of about 6-7 lbs. Not very much, really. I'm pretty sure it'll start picking up before long, though...
Yes, dont worry, as long as you are eating well and feel ok thats good!!

I think at 17wks I may have only put on 1 or 2 lbs, but now at 19+wks am about 6lbs up - but bump has just really started to appear over the last 2 wks!!
I think at 17wks I may have only put on 1 or 2 lbs, but now at 19+wks am about 6lbs up - but bump has just really started to appear over the last 2 wks!!

Totally the same, on all counts, including the bump really appearing just recently... Of course we are due the same day. :p
Me neither. I've not gained any weight despite looking a little more pregnant. I'm sure I'll be making up for it soon!
i had lost weight in 1st tri and its only in the last 2-3 weeks i have started putting weight on, quite rapidly actually! Although, weirdly enough i have noticed that from one day to the next i can be anything from 3-5 whole pounds heavier/lighter! on sunday i was just over 10stone, yesterday just under 10 stone & today 10 stone 4 and a quarter hehe!! we have 2 sets of scales, digital ones and normal ones and they both read the same so i'm not imagining things! i wouldn't worry, we are all different and so long as u feel healthy n well theres plenty time to gain weight yet! xx
Im 18weeks and i havent put any weight on i keept losing weight and putting back on and then now i put couple pounds on and then i just go back to normal again and i have a noticeable bump.. im not sure why this is as i eat like a horse! lol but i was worried as i only weighed 7 stone 10 or something around there before i got pregnant .
Everyone is different!! I only gained 4lbs until 21-22 weeks, then suddenly I went from no bump to bump and gained 10lbs in 1 week!!! :shock:
Mw said it must have been a growth spurt! And I am actually eating less than I was in the beginning :shrug:

As long as you are eating well, your body will take care of itself and gain what it needs! :D

I'm slow at weight gain when pregnant. At 3 weeks I was 47kgs now at 29 weeks im 51 kgs. My doctor gave me vitamins and milk supplement to take to gain weight.
I'm at 19 weeks now and haven't gained a pound, unless you count possibly making up for the weight I lost first tri from the morning sickness. I really don't have a bump yet either, and even despite retaining water my wedding ring is loose and I look thinner in the face and collarbone area. *sigh* I'm actually starting to worry about it a little :(
I weighed myself last week going into 23 weeks and was still the same weight I was at 8 weeks when the midwife weighed me.

I think I've lost weight from all over as i stopped drinking and have been swimming but I do have a growing bump and quite a bit of chub on my belly and legs.

I haven't weighed myself this week but last week I was still 65kg, 10st 3lb.

I wouldnt worry just because you are pregnant doesnt mean that you have to gain weight right from the off, if you've had morning sickness or gone off your fod in 1st tri its very likely you may have lost weight...on the other hand you may ave been stuffing your face as you see pregnancy as a license to eat for 2 so you will have pilled on the pounds - but who care you are allowed!

I think I lost weight and then have gained it but not due to morning sickness or anything my tastes in food haven't changed at all, its just eating a bit better, cutting out the booze and exercising a little more - but its only swimming nothing too taxing!
I've put on about half a stone (7lb) altogether but 3lb of that was in the last 2 weeks, the other 4lb just came at 1lb per fortnight randomly before that.
I didn't have any sickness at all, and have been eating normally throughout, if anything have actually eaten a bit more junk (crisps/biscuits etc) because it's easier to graze on them.
I also asked the midwife at 16 weeks when I didn't really have much of a bump and she said it's normal. I read something the other day that said you put on half your weight in weeks 25-30 so get ready for a growth spurt then.
Thanks so much for sharing, everyone. I'm obviously in good company! :thumbup:

I'm definitely growing (slowly) so I'm sure everything's fine, but it is easy to worry about a low birthweight baby, especially as I wasn't sick in the beginning and don't think I lost weight at that time. The baby must just be getting more of those nutrients than I am!

I'm sure I must be the only woman on the scale in the gym looking for it to go up!!!

Thanks again.

I think I have gained about two pounds (at 13 weeks compared to 6 weeks), but it is hard to judge as they weighed me after the scan- still full with water and all lol I didn't actually expect to have gained anything because I was eating less due to nausea, but then it could be due to sedentary work...

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