This is my 2nd clomid cycle. My boobs and nipples are MUCH more sore than last month and my temps are also much higher, and I am getting bfns I'm wondering if it's the clomid although it wasn't this strong the first month, maybe it's different each month? I find poas and getting bfns is more of a gradual letdown than going all the way to AF thinking I may be pregnant. I will tell you that last month since it was my first medicated cycle, I just knew it would work, and I was absolutely gutted when I wasn't pregnant. I stayed in bed for 2 days. I don't think I've ever been so down. So I'm trying to be more cautious this month, although it's always hard. Good luck to all of us!
I also had creamy cm last month until 6dpo, but I still have some this month at 12 dpo so I'm hoping it's a good sign! But I'm starting to think I don't know my body at all.
I didnt have any hot flashes at ALL when was physically taking the clomid earlier this month. Ive only started having these hot flashes in the last 4 days! Im hoping this is my month and I have so many symptoms that could just all be in my head but Im thinking positive! Back aches, mild cramping today (Implantation?), gassy, and I had a random sore throat friday that didnt last long... to us all!!
Hi all, im also on my second cycle of clomid of 50mg and it has helped me to O on CD15/16 instead of 25. I didn't have any symptoms whilst taking the meds only after O, last month was HORRIBLE, i had the sorest boobs that i have ever had in my life also i had no AF cramps where as i never have any symptoms before AF just cramping. Also had the hot flashes but that is apparently what clomid is renowned for.
I also wait till AF is late before testing. I cant deal wiht seeing a neg on a test, as there is still a possibility that it is to early. AF is definite no maybes involved.
Good luck with the testing ladies, im only 3dpo so im just in the beginning of the dreaded 2WW
Well my temp took a nosedive today, tricky tricky clomid! I agree with Tella that most of the side effects are after O, although the moods swings were worse for me before O. Also I felt I had more creamy cm all month long, less ewcm though.
wow To us all! Ashley if you have had problems ttc and talk to your OB about it they might prescribe it for you but they might tell you to just try on your own for a cycle or two.. I know how most Dr.s think hahaha.
Im testing on Thursday with fmu girls! wish me luck! Ill be about 8 to 9dpo at that time and so Im going to expect a BFN, if it is a BFN then Ill wait a few more days until AF is late to test again.
Good luck frisbee!!! I'm testing tomorrow or the next day. AF due tomorrow. Kinda feel like it's coming though ive had horrible Cotten mouth'
Is that by an chance a symptom
LADIES! I am a huge wuss! AF was due today (it's been known to be a few days late/early. Never perfect timing) I'm scared to test!! I dont want a bfn. I checked my cervix today which I haven't done since around O and it's VERY soft and medium height there is tons of creamy cm. Isn't it suppose to be hard before AF? Anyone know? Is it a good sign that it's soft on my AF day?
It could be a good sign, however mine doesn't change until AF is here. It's different for everyone that's why I finally quit checking mine. Test!! I can't wait to hear! Good luck!
Omg. I got a BFP! Didn't even tell DH test. Can clomid or ANYTHING give you a false positive? My heart feels like it stopped beatings I used a first response. Ah!! It's dark pos to
I think I am 16/17 dpo. Today I woke up and my breast didn't hurt anymore.. And I didn't feel sick. But I was like, I'll just test because my cervix was the softest I've ever felt yesterday afternoon. And it was instant pos. I've heard cysts cam cause false pos. Is that true? Because I have PCOS! I scares to tell him if it's not true! Omg! Help!
Best way to know is to call the dr and get a blood test! I was told that I have multiple cysts on my ovaries but the dr said he "cant definitively say" that I have pcos since my hormone labs came back normal. ANYWAY I have NEVER had a false Pos!
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