I am sorry that y'all are this crappy little boat with me, but it does help to know I'm not alone. I just had a huge fight with my DH because he said "we can't go anywhere because you can't handle that everyone is pregnant or has kids." It was so hurtful because I share my feelings with him-- can't exactly share my feelings with my pregnant friends-- and then it feels like he threw it back in my face. I guess that leaves no one I can talk to. On top of that, I went for my cd3 ultrasound this morning while he stayed in bed, and found out I have a functional cyst and now have to hold off for at least a month before resuming treatment. Yay.
Thanks for reading this. It is nice to be able to write about this on here. I would never post anything like this on Facebook!
Basically I am having a crappy day. This too shall pass--- I hope.
And for that awful person who told you that maybe you weren't meant to have kids, how ignorant!! So yeah, 13 year olds, rape victims, abusers were meant to be pregnant but we aren't meant to? Ridiculous. I wish people would realize that generally there is something medically happening that is making this difficult for us. Quit telling us to relax and then it'll happen. What if you told a person with diabetes that if they would simply relax, then their bodies would make appropriate amounts of insulin. Saying that would be ridiculous. So why do people turn into "physicians" and claim to have the slightest clue as to why we are having difficulty becoming pregnant or how this struggle feels for us?
Man am I grumpy today! (-;