Hi, ladies! This thread had died down a bit when i first found it, so I sent CDJ1 (the thread owner) this info below instead of posting it publically....but since we have new posts in the last few weeks, here you go....
The only set of twins in my family is my grandpa (mom's dad) had a set of fraternal twin siblings. Now my family history is weak as no one really had lots of kids after that generation. My mom, aunts, cousins, etc all stopped after one baby (lots of only children running around in my family) but alas I am the family weirdo who has three and in my late 30s has decided that I want more!

Anyway, I first found out about Soy Isoflavones in June, the same month that my Mirena IUD was removed. Funny thing is though that i misread the label completely and was only taking like 30-40mg per day! (DUH) Although it was a low dose, which I took for six days, I definitely had a stronger O than normal - but I O'd two days before my OPK picked up the LH peak and I missed it! (Duh again! Should have listened to the other signs my body gave me.)
So August 2 was my last CD1 and I took the correct doses of Soy and all other supplements below exactly as stated. I O'd early on CD10 and am now 4w5d. Too early to see if it's twins, but considering that this was the first month trying (I am not counting last month because of that stupid OPK test failing me!) and I am pg - this may just work well......
After extensive reading and researching as much as i could, here is my list of supplements and it is important to mention that
if you are breastfeeding, you should not take Tribulus.
- Soy Isoflavones: taken CD2-6 (see below for dose)
- Red clover (weak phyto estrogen, present in my Soy pills): taken CD2-6
- Licorice Root: 900mg CD1-7
- Tribulus: 1,000mg taken CD6-10 (would have taken it CD6-11, but i O'd on CD10 so I stopped.)
- Evening Primrose Oil: 3,000mg taken CD5-12
- Royal Jelly: 1,000mg everyday beginning CD3 (that is the day i bought it)
- Folic Acid: 2400mcg EVERYDAY since June 26th
- 3 cups of non-fat milk each day since June 26th
- 1-3 yogurts each day since June 26th (this is the date that DH told me he wanted another baby!)
*For the dairy products, they are NOT hormone free & organic - twinning has been linked to the hormones in dairy. https://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/30/health/30twin.html That link will get you to the article by reknowned OB Dr. Steinman of Long Island Jewish Hospital - the man may be on to something...
** I am also taking 4 adult gummy vitamins (double dose) so I am getting an
additional 800mcg of Folic Acid, meaning 3,200mcg per day without fail.**
My Soy Iso came in 10mg pills and 40mg pills. The 40mg pills also have 140mg of Red Clover in them as well. I took them as follows:
CD2: Soy = 180mg; (Red Clover 560mg present in pills)
CD3: Soy = 180mg; (Red Clover 560mg present in pills)
CD4: Soy = 200mg; (Red Clover 700mg present...)
CD5: Soy = 200mg; (Red Clover 700mg...)
CD6: Soy = 240mg; (Red Clover 840mg...)
CD6 overlapped with both Soy and Tribulus. I took the Tribuls in the mornings and Soy at night to avoid headaches. The Tribulus came in 1,000mg pills, but the normal dose is 750mg. Here is the link to the Tribulus article. The women's info is down towards the bottom of the article.
should mention that Yams are controversial so I did not take them.
The Nigerian/Ugandan yam root (Cassava Root) is the yam pill that you want in order to increase your odds for twinning. I could not find it in my natural food store or anywhere else in Denver and I will not buy pills off the internet.
Mexican Yam root (Dioscorea villosa) is in the stores, easily available - BUT this food is not a phytoestrogen and instead rasies progesterone, therefore it may stop ovulation and has been used as birth control for centuries. Now you can take it (Mexican Yam Root) after implantation to increase progesterone, but I am a firm believer that if for some reason my body is rejecting a pregnancy because something is wrong, I do not want to mess with nature and try to hold it, so I opted out of taking it, but before my research was done, I did buy a bottle. Just be careful with the Yam roots as it may delay any pregnancy at all.
As for Vitex - another supplement that is supposed to be great for female hormone balance - DO NOT MIX THIS WITH SOY OR CLOMID as they cancel each other out.
Don Quoi - another great herb for balance, but not so great for twinning b/c it regulates hormones from going too high and what you need for twins is high estrogen to grow the eggs, high FSH to grow the eggs and high LH to get hopefully two eggs released.
Also remember that your eggs must release within 24 hours of each other (before the temperature spike for those of you that cahrt) because a jump in temps of at last 0.4*F indicates that the progesterone has kicked in and will cease all other eggs from releasing. This is where the Tribulus helps because as there are mulitple herbs that can increase estrogen (it is found in many foods) there are no herbs or supplements that can increase FSH and LH without prescription meds. Except Tribulus - but it must be taken by women in limited durations - typically CD9-14, but if you O early like me, I would take it immediately following the soy isoflavones.
I will stress that I am not a doctor and this is sort of "hocus pocus" as one reader said - so whether or not it works is yet to be seen and honestly, because they were all food supplements, I was okay with taking them for a few cycles to see if it worked. The combinations were my own formulated "hocus pocus" based on extensive reading - we'll see.
I have my 1st OB appt 9/13 & a scan is the norm at the first visit for my doc. Part of me is nervous - you know - If it's not twins I don't want to be sad, but of course I just want healthy - whether 1, 2 or 3 babies - healthy is the most important thing!
I will keep you all posted!