Anyone following the Facebook page justice for lucie?


Three boys!
Jan 15, 2009
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Bring justice for Lucie and her family
My name is Angie. I have 3 amazing beautiful children who I love more than life. Unfortunately,one ofmy children,Lucie,became an angel on Friday 5th October 2012. Less than a month before her 2nd birthday.

She leaves behind her big sister Holly who is almost 4,her twin brother Jake,her mummy,daddy,family & friends. Most of all,she leaves behind the biggest hole in all our lives.

Lucie was taken to our local doctors surgery on Friday with a fever & suspected chest infection. She looked extremely poorly & shortly after arriving at the gp's surgery, her lips started turning blue. The receptionist decided it wasn't urgent & left Lucie,struggling for breath,heart pumping,& blue lipped,for 1 hour & ten minutes. Her heart stopped. so she was allowed in to the doctor. He tried to save her,the ambulance came,the hospital tried so hard,but it was too late.

I have no coroner's results yet. But unofficial suspicions are that, the 1 hours ten minutes that Lucie was alive in the surgery,could have been used to get her seen,rushed to hospital,put on meds & given her a chance to fight for her life. Fridays receptionist robbed Lucie of her chance to fight. My beautiful vibrant larger than life little baby girl is now dead.

This page is to raise awareness of the system. To never let such a tragedy happen again. This case is actually an official police investigation so i cannot yet disclose information on the receptionists name etc. But i WILL get justice for my Lucie. Please help me to get justice for my little girl,robbed of the chance of a lifeline - by a doctors receptionist.

This page is the only thing keeping me going right now. Knowing many,many others feel the same as me,that the system NEEDS to change,is what keeps me battling on. Justice4Lucie. & awareness to prevent any more needless tragedies.

There can be no justice in vengeance. To me, Justice4Lucie is about me getting answers & letting the legal system take appropriate action. & long after my daughters case has ended,I shall continue to campaign for a change. A change to ensure ALL children are protected by a new & definitive system. X

It's so tragic as its so fresh and she is so angry understandably, tonight she had news that the police were not prosecuting the receptionist and she went crazy, she wanted the recptionists name etc and I honestly felt like if she got it she would be dead, scary thing is I googled the information that came up in the post and found her name and address very easily and makes me terrified for both of them.

Anyone else heard this story? I knew from twin circles.
It's the first I'd heard of it to be honest.

I'm curious as to why the mother didn't just phone an ambulance herself & why she waited over an hour herself. I know if my child's lips turned blue, I would be either driving to A&E like a bat out of hell or phone for an ambulance. I personally wouldn't be sat in a GPs waiting room for over an hour.
I did see this and honestly don't understand why the mother didn't go to A&E sooner. I would not be hanging around that long if my daughter was struggling to breath and had blue lips...
It's the first I'd heard of it to be honest.

I'm curious as to why the mother didn't just phone an ambulance herself & why she waited over an hour herself. I know if my child's lips turned blue, I would be either driving to A&E like a bat out of hell or phone for an ambulance. I personally wouldn't be sat in a GPs waiting room for over an hour.

I know and hubby and I have discussed this a lot, we tend to be the people that don't want to make a fuss and would wait and go the the gp. So I can understand them taking her to the gp especially when the child did t seem as ill then, and I do think they thought we are in a GPs surgery, it's a good place if she gets worse.

The point is going to a and e isn't always the best often, for us the nearest hospital would take 30 minutes and when we move it will take almost an hour, so sometimes the doctors is better option.

I do feel the receptionist carries the majority of the blame.

However I think if I had been worried enough to go back and forth begging to be seen 5 times I would have ether burst in to the doctors or called an ambulance to the surgery.

My son had pyloric stenosis, and I kept going back and forth to appointments saying how sick he was and the health visitor called me an over anxious mum, I knew I was right, but I felt powerless in the system, it was only when we were on holiday and he got worse that another gp said right away it was and he had surgery and is perfect. I feel sometimes staff members get full of them own importance, and its frustrating.
The thing is, receptionists aren't medically trained. Some have no previous medical background at all. The surgery shouldn't be leaving those type of decisions to a non-trained member of staff.

I also think, as the mother has stated, that within the hour she could have been in hospital, be seen & on meds if needed. So I fail to see why she didn't call for an ambulance at the Drs when she arrived. I wouldn't have paid any attention to the Receptionist view if my child's lips were blue.
A very sad situation and I hate to say anything bad about the mother...but seriously, if I were in that situation there is no way I'd sit there and wait and let her fob me off. I'd be screaming the place down. Or as others have said, call an ambulance myself.
The thing is, receptionists aren't medically trained. Some have no previous medical background at all. The surgery shouldn't be leaving those type of decisions to a non-trained member of staff.

I also think, as the mother has stated, that within the hour she could have been in hospital, be seen & on meds if needed. So I fail to see why she didn't call for an ambulance at the Drs when she arrived. I wouldn't have paid any attention to the Receptionist view if my child's lips were blue.

Sadly this happens here, receptionists who think they can pick and choose who gets appointments based on whether THEY think they need them or not. I had a massive argument with a receptionist yesterday on the phone as she was refusing Maci an appointment as she believed I should go to my health visitor before a doctor, that my need to be seen wasn't enough to warrant a pre booked appointment. Fuming wasn't the word.

Anyways, I heard about this story yesterday, how sad. Can honestly say though, if my childs lips turned blue suddenly I'd be DEMANDING to be seen within the next couple of minutes. I couldn't just sit there.

Her poor family :hugs:
Ah what a sad story. How dare a receptionist decide whether she was poorly enough. Its easy to say "if it were" and I'd like to think if it were me I'd rush to a n e but for all we know the hospital could have ban miles away. I certainly would however have ban on her case demanding to see a doctor as I'm sure he was.

How awful though. Poor family. Can't even imagine losing one of my kids. Breaks my heart
Ah what a sad story. How dare a receptionist decide whether she was poorly enough. Its easy to say "if it were" and I'd like to think if it were me I'd rush to a n e but for all we know the hospital could have ban miles away. I certainly would however have ban on her case demanding to see a doctor as I'm sure he was.

How awful though. Poor family. Can't even imagine losing one of my kids. Breaks my heart

That's how I feel, it's easy to judge knowing the consequences now, but not everyone is that assertive, I know I look back and think I should have been more assertive then, but so glad nothing this tragic ever happened.

No the receptionist isn't Medically trained, more reason when you should consult with someone else.
Receptionist are allowed to ask you what is wrong, but you can refuse to answer. They cannot refuse you an appt based on your refusal to answer and if they do you have the right to complain to the practice manager.

To the OP. I wouldn't have waited. I would have stood shouting in the waiting area until someone came or would have phone for an ambulance. It's such a shame for the parents and the receptionist should be sacked, but i wouldn't have sat and waited.
I agree with the pp posters that she should have just gone to hospital - twice we've done it after being fobbed off from the GP and both times the hospital has taken it seriously enough to have him admitted, it's shocking though how the receptionist - a person with no medical training was allowed to make the judgement of it not being serious, it's horrendous :nope:
I know I'm dragging this up again but this thread has been mentioned on the FB page and the admins are wanting to read it.
I agree it's very easy to sit here and judge what the mother/father (I believe it was Lucie's Dad who took her to the docs) should have done but don't you think if they could turn back time then that's what they'd do??! The point of the FB page isn't that Lucie should have been in A&E, it's that the receptionist made the decision herself that Lucie should wait to be seen by the GP, which led to Lucie deteriorating very quickly. Too quickly to be saved.
I've been there. I've been sat in the out of hours surgery with my LO who had a cough and crackly chest. I thought 'it's just a cough...she just needs some anti-biotics but I'm not waiting all weekend before going to my own GP' so I went to a walk-in centre. She'd been at nursery that day too and the nursery staff didnt seem to have any concerns so i wasnt going to make a mountain out of what i thought was a mole-hill. Traditionally it's well known that you have to wait your turn at walk in centres. And it had been snowing so was full of people who had twisted their fingers from falling over or something. Anyway, we were there for over an hour, past my LOs bedtime. When we finally got to see the doc he noticed things we hadn't (because he is trained for things like that!!!) and he was seriously concerned to the point of having a second GP check her too. Her lathargy that we'd put down to her wanting to be asleep was actually due to her infection. They also rang the following day (a Saturday!!) to check up on her. So yes, it is very easy for a parent to 'miss' how serious the illness is, especially when we're always being told we're over-reacting and being over-protective parents. And isn't hindsight a marvellous thing?? We were lucky that day I guess, but put me in that situation again and I won't wait about, as I'm sure Lucie's parents won't with their other children!
The target is to have the system changed. Have symptoms categorised. Have elderly and very young patients prioritised. It's very simple. Much like a risk assessment is carried out. No medical background would be required :shrug:
I brought it here as ten page asked for its awareness to be read, and again, there is a member on here who currently as her little girl in hospital on oxygen, two days ago she followed the correct protocol and took her child to the gp, who prescribed anti biopics but said try to avoid using them, I am not 100% sure what happened I detail between, I know she followed advice and after a long night, she decided to use anti biotics, then, by the evening she is in hospital on oxygen and ng feeding, and can't keep her oxygen levels up, she did all the right things and got her child to hospital, but kids can go down hill fast!

Lucie parents followed protocol, when I trained as a nurse and did a stint in a and e it was very hard for the staff who had parents using it as a GPs surgery, and it was drummed into be to use the right routes, their child was not struggling to breathe or her lips turning blue when they turned up at the GPs, now ok I can understand that when the child went down hill perhaps a and e was better but they were at the doctors. Hind sight is great and I look back and think, ok I would have called an ambulance from there, but would I? Hubby says he feels like if it were him he would think, well I am in a good place if anything goes wrong.
Judging by some of the treatment I've received with the GP here, I would have gone to A&E. I'm not judging or anything, but if my son's lips are turning blue, I would be calling an ambulance. I don't care if I put anyone out or make a fuss. Nothing is too urgent when it comes to my child's health.
I feel awful for the family i do, but i do not think this is purely the receptionists fault infact IMO she gets little of the blame.
A few months ago, a receptionist decided Evelyn was not sick enough for an app, i called an ambulance because of how quickly she deteriorated.
If i was in that womans shoes, i'd have kicked up blue murder for an app and the minute her lips turned blue, i'd have of called an ambulance myself.
Of course it's easy to say what you'd do in a situation, they didn't however call an ambulance and they trusted the receptionist...a decision they will live with forever, the most horrific thing has happened to these parents..cannot imagine how they feel, not to mention everyone adding to the guilt by saying what they 'should've' done. I just hope they never read the things people write..or that people don't ever say any of this to them, they are grieving enough :(
I don't think that many people know that nhs receptionists are not trained medical professionals and cannot make those decisions. I wish that more people in the uk took charge of their medical treatment and were better advocates for themselves and their families and better informed.
I LOVE how people just judge others, when you walk in their shoes then judge. Very sad
Not judging! Why has that conclusion been jumped too?
In the UK our receptionist have ZERO medical training so therefore, i wouldn't listen to a word the woman had said and as i explained i have had a situation like that!
Like i said, i feel absolutely awful for the family but i don't think the receptionist should be completely blamed, its just a set of circumstances that led to something awful. If anything it proves the NHS needs to look at training ALL its staff and trying to cut down waiting times.
I know. I'm not judging either. Why do people think disagreeing/discussing is judging?

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