Anyone have a due date calculated NOT by their menstrual cycle


1st Time Mom & lovin it!
Feb 17, 2011
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This is stupid and pointless for me to even give a thought to but I'm a control freak and can't help it. With my son my due date was calculated by menstrual cycle and was pretty accurate. I only went 2 days overdue, so not bad! This pregnancy was a total surprise as I wasn't even getting my period at the time. I had no way to tell them my last period because it had been several months and I couldn't remember.

So my due date was calculated based on my sonograms, measuring the baby. It's driving me crazy! I don't know why but I just keep wondering how accurate that can be? It's not like it really matters since I have no control over when she will come but I hate not knowing! I'm not over eager for her to come or anything like that. Even if I go overdue I plan to wait it out. BUt I just hate that my due date isn't probably going to be to accurate. I know, stupid... I keep worrying what if I'm further along than she's measuring and I'm unprepared and have her a month early... Again, control freak and worry wort!

Anyone else been in this situation? Was you due date and actual date of when your baby came close?
My original due date calculated by the first day of my last period was 17th May. Then at my first scan baby was showing 5 days "larger" giving me a due date of 12th May even although I knew exactly when the first day of my last period was. I must have had a different cycle length than I thought.

Everything is an estimate anyway. You'll be fine, it'll hopefully only be a few days out if anything. I think measuring the baby's growth is pretty accurate if not more accurate than calculating your due date by your last period :)

Good luck x
At first my due date was calculated by my last period. But my cycle is longer than average, so I knew that the dates were off. When we had our ultrasound the dates from that matched what I knew should be the real due date based on when I thought I'd actually ovulated. The doctor ended up moving my due date, and I have been measuring right on track with my new due date now. So from that experience I'd say the date from your scans could be quite accurate. We will see when my baby actually comes! But babies can come really early or late no matter how "accurate" the due date is, so try not to worry about it too much.
I'm in same situation! Wasn't havin periods at all and I found out I was pregnant! So the hospital gave me a date accordin baby's size so am currently 37+ 5 but when I originally found out I was pregnant I did a clear blue digital test which if I went by how many weeks that said then am currently 39ish weeks!!

I totally understand u freakin out as I have had a total panic over it! Potential I could almost be nearly 40 weeks really! And when I had my 4d scan he said I was measuring slightly ahead of what I was in general! And her legs were a week/week an a half ahead! So she'll be tall! So it all makes me wonder! Suppose she'll come when she's ready and just monitor her movement if it drops I will be straight to hospital!! Xxx
I gave them a date of last period that matched up with my ovulation date. I ovulated on cd 10 and knew they would take it from cd 14 I didn't want any variances after the troubles I've had with losses so thats what I did... and so far little dude has measured bang on for dates all the way through :thumbup:
I hadn't had a period for 5 months before I conceived then didn't find out I was pregnant until I was about 5 months gone so my measurements were down by babies size. Waters broke at 39 weeks and had baby at 39+5.
They tried giving me a due date by my last cycle and kept ignoring me at first when I said thats pointless as my cycles arw anything from 35-48 days so they originaly put my 3 weeks forward but I knew that wasnt possible as we only had sex once that month when I knew I was ov
What annoyed me was she marked my gestation as 16 weeks but baby size as 12 weeks (which is what I was) but never wondered why baby would be measuring nearly 4 weeks small.
If it wasnt for the fact I knew she was wrong that might have worried me.
At the end of the day even if you do have a date they still show up when they feel like it.
Going by LMP I'm due 23rd may, going by ovulation date I'm due 30th may as ovulated CD21-22. My scans all say 30th may so ovulation day accurate x
Me! My menstrual cycle says due date 22nd July, but they have gone by my scan date of 17th July.
My due dates HAVE been calculated by LMP. It's off by 2 days, though. I ovulate on CD16, and the calculation uses an ovulation day of CD14. It does drive me a little nuts - I keep re-calculating when my first baby was born because according to my records, I was 38w5d, but I was really 38w3d. My early ultrasounds stayed true to my CD16 ovulation date, but my doctor never changed my date because it was only 2 days. My LO was born weighing 7 pounds, 13 oz. anyway... so it definitely wasn't bad that he was born a week and a half early. This time, I'm saying I'm 35 weeks, 2 days pregnant... but I'm really only 35 weeks pregnant. Still, I'm keeping those 2 days in case I go over, in which case I could get induced 2 days earlier (at 39w5d instead of 40w). lol
My Edd is May 26th based on last period date. My cycles are all over ranging from 28-32 days.
Based on the day I know I ovulated, I make my date out at June 9th.

When bean turns up is just completely at a loss to me. She's here when she's here and hopefully that will be naturally and not induced!!
My doctor goes by the first sono. I know I ovulated late, but I suspected that I conceived earlier than what my actual due date is - by 5 days. The sono put me at 6w0d when my LMP was 7w2d. I've been measuring big, aside from that sono, my entire pregnancy. I have a growth scan tomorrow, but I don't really know what the point is.. since they said that the first sono is most accurate and later sonos can be off. LOL
I wasn't having periods (or ovulating to my knowledge) when I found out I was pg, so I had no choice but to go by the ultrasounds. And they've always been right on so I'm pretty confident that the date is correct. When she shows up though is another story...
Not everyone has the average 28 day cycle, ovulating on CD14 which is what an EDD based on LMP is calculated from..

My EDD is calculated from size of baby at 12 weeks.

Niether are terribly accurate and it really should be a due week, not date!
Ah! Not only do I not what would have been my LMP, I have no idea when I ovulated/conceived! In the end it doesn't matter. With my son I was prepared that he may come a few days early or late but I guess this time I'm wondering if she will come weeks away from her due date..
My due date has been calculated from my first scan because I had a miscarriage before this pregnancy and no period in between. Can't say it bothers me in the slightest - with my daughter they initially calculated it from my LMP but then changed it so many times before changing it back close to the end. That was really frustrating! And she came at 37 weeks anyway, so not really close to the date at all! :dohh:

Something to bear in mind is that 40 weeks is really only a rough guide anyway! :shrug:
I go by my ovulation date because my cycles were pretty messed up the last few months! So If I went with my cycles I'd be due May 24th, ovulation - June 3rd and my first ultrasound at 8 weeks - June 5th. I think ovulation date is most accurate! Then it's the ultrasound. Going by your period might be very off since not all cycles are the same and you might ovulate earlier/later.
My dates are calculated by ovulation timelines. My cycle was assisted so we know exactly when he was conceived. My due date would be nearly a week later if we didn't know for sure. I think you are about 50/50 either way for "correct" dates with LMP and sonogram images. just my OP though.
My due date was 100% calculated based on ultrasounds. We couldn't tell when I ovulated because I had just come off of birth control. And so far, every week my baby has been either right on target for growth based on that estimate, or maybe a week off at the most. So I'm thinking it's pretty accurate.
I've always calculated due date off ovulation date and this has always correlated with my first scan date, I have always gone into labour on my due date except my first who was induced due to pre-e but they said his size/condition matched my dates as well. If I went by LMP I would have been due up to 3 weeks earlier (long cycles)

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