Anyone have a pre-booked induction in the UK?


Pregnant with number 3 😄
Aug 27, 2012
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Hi all, I have been booked for an induction on Saturday - I will be 37/3 I know what the process entails as I was induced with my previous two children around the same gestation but these were surprises (I went in for an apt and told there & then I was being induced)

I have never had a pre-booked induction. I have been told to call up on Saturday at 9am but that is it. I was too shocked to ask any questions. Does anyone know will I be given a time to attend? Will this definitely happen on Saturday? I know it’s all hypothetical but I’m interested in other people’s experiences.

Thank you :)
I had a pre-booked with my DD. You basically turn up at the hospital and wait your turn. It all depends on how many ladies are booked in and if there are any emergencies that crop up. It should be that day though. I was asked to go in for 3pm and wasn't given the pessary until 7pm I think. Just be prepared to hang around a bit x
Ditto MrsC. I had to go in for 9am and they came around with the pessaries in the next 2ish hours. Think there were about 4 of us being induced at the same time, but it really depends how busy your unit is at the time, if they are full they may tell you to hold on at home for a bit xx
I’m not in the uk but I had a pre booked with my third and I was suppose to go in on the 24th they called me that morning and said it was being postponed to the afternoon as to many ladies were in labor then phone call in the afternoon had it moved to the next morning. Got a call that next morning to go in in the afternoon lol but I was only there 45 minutes before I had my sweep and gels. I suppose it’s different for each hospital and how many staff to labouring women ratio. Hopefully you go in and things get started quickly :)
I was just induced in Friday. Told to turn up on the ward at 9.30. Put on the monitor at 10.30 and then prostin gel given at 11.30. It was fairly quiet on the ward that day. I was delayed later waiting for a bed on delivery suite. That took about 2 hours after they decided they could break my waters.
I went in for my second at 38 weeks at 8am. Had first pessory at 11am and by 6.30 it was time for another but they actually managed to break my waters baby was Cohen 2 hours 6 minutes later
I went in for my second at 38 weeks at 8am. Had first pessory at 11am and by 6.30 it was time for another but they actually managed to break my waters baby was Cohen 2 hours 6 minutes later

Thanks for the reply. How many cm were you when they broke your waters? Did u need the drip at all?
I went in for my second at 38 weeks at 8am. Had first pessory at 11am and by 6.30 it was time for another but they actually managed to break my waters baby was Cohen 2 hours 6 minutes later

Thanks for the reply. How many cm were you when they broke your waters? Did u need the drip at all?

3cm. No drip just the one pessary x
I had a pre-booked induction with my first at 39+5. Went in at 11am on Tuesday, had the first pesscary around 2ish. I was told I would have 3 and if they didn't work I would be taken for a c section. They decided to do 4 in the end though as they felt one more might just work. I did take a while for me though unfortunately as my cervix wasn't favourable, finally got to 3cm by Thursday early afternoon but had to wait till 11pm to go to the labour ward as it was full already. Was put on a drip and baby born just over 3 hours later on her due date. Hope this helps!
I'm booked in for the 4th Feb. Told to ring the ward at 8.30am and they'll give me a time to arrive. Absolutely dreading it as I've heard stories of the first pessary needing 24 hours and some women going that whole time with nothing progressing! I'll go stir crazy stuck waiting in hospital that long. Hoping this baby comes out before then!
I'm booked in for the 4th Feb. Told to ring the ward at 8.30am and they'll give me a time to arrive. Absolutely dreading it as I've heard stories of the first pessary needing 24 hours and some women going that whole time with nothing progressing! I'll go stir crazy stuck waiting in hospital that long. Hoping this baby comes out before then!

Thank you for the reply - Is this your first labour? I have been induced twice previously the first one took 5 days 😳 the second time worked almost right away. I have been told that if it’s your subsequent labour then things should be quicker because you’re (usually) already dilated. I would go in with the mindset that it will take a while so prepare lots to read etc and anything less is a bonus :) :)
Kitty it is my first yes...So worried about having to be induced for this reason but what will be will be I guess! Everyday I wake up now and please baby?!! Lol. By next sunday I'll probably be relieved to be trying something and like you said...just need to be prepared and keep an open mind....
I was in hospital for a week first time around! 4 days before and then ended up with a section so 3 days after that I went home. I would say pack for a longer stay, also pack an extra bag that you can leave at home/in the car with some spare clothes for you/baby in case your stay ends up being longer than you think it will be. After days I ran out of clothes and sent my husband home and he came back with my skinny pre pregnancy jeans 🙄🙄. I ended up wearing a pair of scrubs trousers home :haha:
I was in 5 long days. They wouldn't let me go home after the pessary was put in :(

My DD was born 3 days after induction was started and I was in a further two days because it took them Forever to take out the catheter (I had an epidural), which they wanted to keep in for 24 hours after the epidural was stopped and then They wanted me to pee twice for them Before going home on the 5th day. Bit of a challenge when you're drinking water like a fish, but you can't yet feel the urge to pee!
Hi all, just an update. I called the hospital at 9am & they advised there were no beds available and they would either call me or I should call them at 5pm. They called me at 2pm to say they had a bed and to come for 3pm.
Baby Charlie was born at 6am the next morning. I didn’t need a pessary just ARM and the Syntocin Drip.

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