Hi Angel - I thought ear thermometers were infrared thermometers. We have the Braun one and it is definitely infrared. I agree that it is tricky to get a reliable measurement or at least my husband is really bad at it because he is too tentative and often pointing it in the wrong direction but I am pretty satisfied. For one thing, I find if I don't have a fever (or if my kid doesn't have a fever) the temperature will vary quite a bit (lets say from 36.5 to 37.2) but if there is a fever it will be clearly and consistently over 38.0. I tend to test both ears and often ignore the first measurement and test a second time. There is no way a real fever is escaping detection. The "ready" beep also seems faster when there is a fever, if that makes sense. I can't imagine using an old fashioned thermometer and holding it a baby's mouth/butt/armpit? for MINUTES to check a fever.