Anyone having pregnancy/baby related dreams yet?


TTC #4
Dec 8, 2012
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I've only had a few.

Two were during the two weeks I was out of my mind with worry about possible miscarriage/blighted ovum. The other was just last night.

The first one I had gone to the bathroom and was bleeding (basically confirming what I was fearing).

The second was I was 7 weeks (still not knowing the viability of the pregnancy). I woke up the next day 9 months pregnant arguing with my midwife about VBAC or csection. Then I tell DH that we should probably tell people that I'm pregnant since I'm about to give birth, but then I realize I wasn't sure that the pregnancy was viable yet... ??? Then I realized that I've been feeling the baby move for several months and felt really stupid.

Last night's I was unable to carry the baby, so they took the baby out so the baby could grow in a jar... DH and I were visiting the baby to see how he/she was doing. This dream was so incredibly wtf but at the same time it was interesting (baby was still incredibly small/early on). DH kept asking why the baby looked like that, and I was trying to explain it to him. We were able to see the heart beating and everything. Strange though.

Anyone else?
Only dream I've had was around 10 weeks and was horrible I went to the toilet and when I wiped loads of bleeding then felt this gush looked down and there was a blood clot but it was baby in a sac I was screaming and historical I grabbed it out the toilet put it on the tissue then ran to my OH to show him and by time I'd got to him and unwrapped the tissue it was a Lego brick tower piece !!!! Then woke up, panicking xx
That's awful :(

It seems like the feeling you have when you wake up from those sorts of dreams just seems to stick with you all day :(
I have had one that I just came home from the hospital with a baby girl. I had dreams about having a little boy before I found out DS's gender. Will be interesting to find out! ;)
I was in such a horrid mood all day hun but it's when I started spotting so think that was playing on my mind as I really thought the worst :( xx
I've had a few but they seem to be about my abilities to actually care for a baby.

In the first, I had a tiny newborn baby boy. He was really well wrapped up, it was wintery and we were out walking with a pram. We stopped in at a friends and I took all the layers off the baby to find he was damp with sweat - too cosy!

In the next, my boy was bigger, maybe around 6 months. He was all sticky and grubby, his hands and face were dirty. I remember thinking "I need to wash him more often"

How strange! X
I had a strange dream the night before I found out I was pregnant, my grandmother told me that everything was going to be okay and that I was going to have a baby girl. We weren't planning on having another baby right away since we had a wedding date set for July. But here we are, #3 on the way - we are really happy about it. We have decided to post pone our wedding another year (world's longest engagement of 7 years as of now hehe).
I had another dream a few nights ago, that I was getting an ultrasound and the tech said it was a girl but I didn't believe her cause we have 2 boys.

This part isn't really about a dream, but really odd.
I had went to a psychic (for fun, I'm really skeptical about them) about a year ago (was already planning my wedding), and was told that my wedding wouldn't happen when I had planned, but wasn't told why. Which I Just laughed and thought Yeah right, it's happening in July! I was also told that we were going to have a girl, but wasn't told when either. I had laughed at that as well cause I thought we'd only ever have boys. So I Guess we shall see what baby #3 is. Haha
I've had three!

The first was that I was carrying my baby up the stairs and with each step I took the baby got bigger and bigger and by the time I was to the top it was bigger than me! Terrifying.

The second I was giving birth and I asked the doctor if it was a boy or a girl, to which the doctor informed me I had both!

The third was that I gave birth and we came home and had no crib, no clothes, no diapers, nothing!

I hope none of them come true! haha
I've been having dreams about food: however before pregnancy I kept having dreams I was pregnant and my stomach busted open before I could make it to the emergency room.
I 2nd the fortune telling story, I went to see a highly recommended 1 in April 2014 she told me loads of things I thought yeah right, she said a baby will be conceived while I'm on holiday? Well my nephew was conceived when we was on a family holiday, she said I will be going away with my partner? We booked a last minute flight to Egypt, she also said that I will have baby news in Just before Xmas, I got my BFP on OH birthday 18th december (long 5 years of trying) I was shocked a week before Xmas :) she also said she sees gyne appointments to have something investigated? I've been to gyne twice already due to bleeding in this pregnancy and had to have scans bloods done etc and had a SCH! Complete shock how she got things spot on, she also said do you have a back problem, I said no, she said oh you will it will get worse and you will need a pillow there for support, my back has started playing up this weeks and it's very painful, the things she said were spot on and very spooky how she got this all right it really shocked me, she did say more but I could be here forever lol, one last thing she did say was June next year something special is happening oooooo but when looking at my calendar and speaking to OH about a baby shower we both decided on middle of June 2015 :) didn't click on till today, when I listened to my disk as everything she said she recorded into a disc for us to go back and listen too :) xx
Ohh the psychic stories! Very interesting!

I have one, but not so much about the future. DH used to go to a spiritual group, and one night they had a psychic friend come (she previously predicted that DH's friend would end up on a boat - 6 months later she got a gig playing on a cruise).

I went with him on one of the nights she was going to be there. Before DD I had 2 miscarriages: 1 in January 2008 and the other January 2010. DH only knew about 1 of them and no one else (aside from him) knew. He had no outside contact with this psychic.

She told me that she could see 2 little boys around me. It completely broke my heart while also bringing me a sense of peace. I almost started bawling right there.

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