Anyone here NTNP, as it is not quite the right time for a BFP?


Mum of two
Oct 28, 2009
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I was wondering if there is anyone here NTNP because it is not quite the right time for a BFP? So I guess I mean that conman sense is telling you that you should be WTT but you are too impatient and are NTNP instead.

I am a full time mature student and have a son who will be a year old next month and it is a lot of hard work so getting pregnant and having a second is not the right time. Plus, my husband is wanting to re-train to do a new job so it is not the best time. So realistically we know we should be WTT but we are actually NTNP instead. Although, we are not DTD any more (or less) than we did before or tracking to know if/when I ovulate and I am still BF'ing with no sign of AF for a few months (but then again, I always were irregular) so I am not exactly expecting a BFP any-time soon anyway.

So, is anyone else in a similar position?
Yes, we're pretty much the same. Timing wise it wouldn't really work out as I have a big work commitment next December/January/possibly February. But I would really love to be pregnant again, so NTNP. I am temperature charting though as I can't handle not knowing what my body is doing. But we are not BDing any more than usual - well slightly increased over the last couple of months because I started to get my sex drive back (before then it would have had to be the immaculate conception LOL). I haven't had AF since before I had Thomas but I did ovulate this month, yay!! Not sure what's happening at the moment though.
we decided to ntnp and got pregnant first time lol so maybe if its not the right time then dont because u never no x

good luck ladies
I am so glad to know that I am not alone. I feel like I should have more sense and yet clearly I do not. :haha:

Well, I always had irregular periods until DS was born and despite BF'ing I started to get very light ones every 3 weeks and then I went on the pill for about a week and decided it made me feel ill so came off and I have not had a period for months since. So I have no idea if I am not ovulation because of BF'ing and if that is the case when it will start back up or if I have returned to being really irregular. We have got pregnant 3 times (2 MMC's and with DS) and each time it was in a month of trying (TTC to us is DTD every 1-2 days) despite sometimes going a few months without periods. I really do not understand my body. :wacko:
blimey! must be awful having ur body clock all over the place.

i dont think theres ever a right time to have a baby, and i believe they come when they are supposed to. plus ntnp sounds less scary then ttc lol
Like Moomin said, if it's not the right time I would be using protection I think. We aren't, but I only say we're NTNP rather than TTC because I've no idea about stuff like charts, ovulation, 2WW etc, it's a foreign language to me! Realistically, under normal circumstances not using protection is probably going to end up one way! It's just it might take longer than actively TTC knowing when the best times are etc.
I think that saying you are probably ready if you are not using protection makes sense. I know it would make things so hard but at the same time we already have a son so the work (not that work is quite the right word) is already there. Does that make any sense? Lol.

I have no idea about charts and all that either, I stand my my opinion that DTD every 1-2 days is the best when TTC because you can never miss ovulation, plus it always worked for us.
We're NTNP right now as well. The timing it never going to be "perfect" and I'm already 27. Since we want 4-6 kids, we gotta get going on that! lol. I still have about two years before I finish my teaching credentials so a baby will make that difficult but so worth it, really. Plus since I work for a utility company, our busiest season is October through April. If I were to get a BFP this month or in the next few months, I'd be out on maternity leave during our busiest season and my boss will not be amused about that. But again, SO well worth it to have our baby in my arms! :D

Despite the possibility of 'poor timing', fingers crossed our :bfp: comes this month!
getting pregnant with both my boys we dtd 10 days after the first day after my period and got knocked up lol

ur right uve already got a baby so u already no what it takes, and if ur taking the risk maybe ur ready u just dont no it lol
Hey same here...

I want to TTC but I am NTNP....the thought of TTC seems appealing but I just can't. I know that OPK's and charting and all that jazz will simply drive me crazy. I will turn into something I don't want to be...

In terms of timing not great at the moment with a lot of work were doing on our house and realistically 6 months time would be better. But I also can't bare the thought of waiting 6 months and it take me a long to concieve!

I'm no spring chicken at 29 and I don't want to leave it any longer even if the house isn't 'perfect'. I want to have the energy to run around after my babies. I want to DTD every other day and have been trying but with some illness this month and various events (April has been busy so far) were not sticking to that religiously...

I suppose I'm thinking what will be will be and hoping that one day I will have a pleasant surprise!!
I was wondering if there is anyone here NTNP because it is not quite the right time for a BFP? So I guess I mean that conman sense is telling you that you should be WTT but you are too impatient and are NTNP instead.

I am a full time mature student and have a son who will be a year old next month and it is a lot of hard work so getting pregnant and having a second is not the right time. Plus, my husband is wanting to re-train to do a new job so it is not the best time. So realistically we know we should be WTT but we are actually NTNP instead. Although, we are not DTD any more (or less) than we did before or tracking to know if/when I ovulate and I am still BF'ing with no sign of AF for a few months (but then again, I always were irregular) so I am not exactly expecting a BFP any-time soon anyway.

So, is anyone else in a similar position?

Sorry to sound dense but as a newbie can someone help me with the abbreviations? I get waiting to try and not trying not preventing but BFP AF etc what do they mean? :blush:
Not dense at all, I was confused at first too, lol. DTD is doing the dead. DS is dear son (DD dear daughter). BFP is big fat positive (BFN big fat negative). AF is aunt flow. I think there is a abbreviations list somewhere but I forget where. <abbreviations link, I'm new too and that helped me a LOT!

I'm in the same boat. I'm a full time student and oh is going back to study to retrain for a new career so will also be a full time mature student, but he already has an 8 yr old and I dont really want the gap any more than it is. Although the timing isnt perfect atm I figure if its not meant to be it wont happen till it is meant to be. We are both excited for our bfp's. I cant sleep tonight, so was looking up charting and 'accidently' bought myself a basal thermometer and chart! oops. hehe.
I have a 5 and a half month old who's fully breast fed, I don't want to go on contraception (for several reasons) and I figure it took us a year to get pregnant with LO, and as my periods haven't come back yet, I'm quite happy to take the risk. Not an ideal time for us, I go back to work after maternity leave on Monday, and we want to buy our own house in the next year. But if I got pregnant now, it wouldn't be the end of the world! :) I love being a Mummy :)
Just be prepared for a BFP taking less time than you were expecting ;)
We can't decide whether to TTC or not. I want to TTC and DH doesn't... we finally came to the decision to NTNP as I BF and it interferes a bit with ovulation. :)

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