Anyone here planning NOT to vaccinate?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2010
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Anyone here planning not to vaccinate theyre new baby?

I am planning not to vaccinate, my reasons? Well we dont know whats actaully inside these vaccines, we dont know what kind of preservatives they use nowadays and there is no proof that they are beneficial to the health of the child.
if they could give me a list of all the ingredients I would research all of them and later decide whats best.
If thats not possible, I err on the side of caution not to vaccinate because most of these vaccines have never been tested.

If your interested you can look online the reasons for and against vaccines, thats what i did, and later made the decision to refuse them. Its your decision!!!
I can see this turning into a heated discussion lol,
I really have no advice about not vaccinating as I have decided to vaccinate, however, I think that if you ask your doctor or health visitor they should be able to give you a list of what is in each vaccine because they gave me one when I had the swine flu vaccine while I was pregnant :)
I'm sure someone more qualified than me will be along later but I'm pretty sure there's a book which details all of the ingredients of the vaccines so you can make an informed choice.
You can also ask your dr for the inserts from the vaccines and read every ingredient in them.

But we have chosen to stop vaccinating my older boys and not to vaccinate my youngest at all. We won't be vaccinating our next baby either.
I haven't vaccinated G at all yet.
We have our reasons, mostly due to G having had an immature gut and our worries over possible bowel problems relating to the jabs.
Also, we've researched and reasearched and we are so stuck on the fence. We're considering getting his Polio jab done, poss Men C & his TB maybe (although that'll be when he's 14!!lol).
I'm really torn. Most people frown on not vaccinating, but I have met a few people who don't/haven't and have had interesting discussions with them!

I think we'll probably end up selectively vaccinating. I definitely won't be going with the MMR, but that's due to it's links with bowel issues.

I think this is a very, very sensitive topic & I hope it doesn't end with arguments! Each to their own ladies ;) xx
We've decided not to vaccinate Kaiden. I was on the fence for a while but it was a discussion with our chiropractor that helped me finally make up my mind. I think its a personal decision and that you have to do what feels right to you. You should be able to get ingredient lists from you dr.
Your doctor should be able to provide you with an accurate ingredients list of each vaccine, so i'd definately ask if it will help you make a final decision.

I hope this doesn't get heated I enjoy seeing both sides of this and some of the points are normally quite useful (you're bound to get people who DO vaccinate on here too!) . Personally i will be vaccinating, but am delaying the MMR.

I will not be vaccinating. I do not believe the benefits outweigh the risks. The adverse reactions are getting worse and worse everyday and I truely believe someday it will come out in the open how dangerous they really are.
We are planning to selectively vaccinate Boo, and she won't start getting them until she is 12 months and over.
Some she wont have at all, some she'll have delayed and some separately such as the components of the MMR
Lucas has had all his vaccines up to date not 100% sure on the MMR one though. I guess i figure that i would rather him vaccinated then contract something that could kill him.
You can also ask your dr for the inserts from the vaccines and read every ingredient in them.

But we have chosen to stop vaccinating my older boys and not to vaccinate my youngest at all. We won't be vaccinating our next baby either.

:thumbup: Cool, thats interesting! Do you have the same reasons as I do?
I dont trust modern medicine and think that the drug co.'s just try to make as much profit as possible on everything they can, and obviously dont care of the consequences.

It would interesting to get a list of all the ingredients, did you see a list before deciding?

The only thing is I'm admittedly a little scared incase something goes wrong because I never vaccinated, but then again also scared if something goes wrong because I vaccinated.
Do you have any of the same fears?
I will not be vaccinating. I do not believe the benefits outweigh the risks. The adverse reactions are getting worse and worse everyday and I truely believe someday it will come out in the open how dangerous they really are.

Thats great to see someone making an individual decision. I am not alone! :hugs:

have you seen the ingredients list, I wonder if it varies from country to country. That would be interesting to research!
You can also ask your dr for the inserts from the vaccines and read every ingredient in them.

But we have chosen to stop vaccinating my older boys and not to vaccinate my youngest at all. We won't be vaccinating our next baby either.

:thumbup: Cool, thats interesting! Do you have the same reasons as I do?
I dont trust modern medicine and think that the drug co.'s just try to make as much profit as possible on everything they can, and obviously dont care of the consequences.

It would interesting to get a list of all the ingredients, did you see a list before deciding?

The only thing is I'm admittedly a little scared incase something goes wrong because I never vaccinated, but then again also scared if something goes wrong because I vaccinated.
Do you have any of the same fears?

My biggest hang up was that I knew I'd feel terrible if he got really sick because I didn't vaccinate. But I felt better after talking to my chiropractor about it. He has never been vaccinated, taken medication, etc. He said that we are choosing a life style to make him as healthy as possible and that normally the extreme cases of illness do not happen to people who are healthy, normally there is some underlying reason. That helped put my mind to ease.

I don't want to vaccinate as I don't like the idea of injecting some of those ingredients into my little one.
You can also ask your dr for the inserts from the vaccines and read every ingredient in them.

But we have chosen to stop vaccinating my older boys and not to vaccinate my youngest at all. We won't be vaccinating our next baby either.

:thumbup: Cool, thats interesting! Do you have the same reasons as I do?
I dont trust modern medicine and think that the drug co.'s just try to make as much profit as possible on everything they can, and obviously dont care of the consequences.

It would interesting to get a list of all the ingredients, did you see a list before deciding?

The only thing is I'm admittedly a little scared incase something goes wrong because I never vaccinated, but then again also scared if something goes wrong because I vaccinated.
Do you have any of the same fears?

My reasons are mainly that I don't feel the benefits of vaccines outweigh the risks. We looked at the risks and benefits of the actual vaccine, then the risks and benefits of the actual disease, then chances of them coming into contact with the disease, also the ingredients in the vaccines. We decided that the vaccines were more risky than the disease. And sometimes I do worry when they get sick that it might be something worse but then at the same time I would rather them get just about all of the diseases they vaccinate against, naturally. I think it builds up their immune system more, they almost always gain lifetime immunity and I feel they are healthy enough to fight off whatever they may come into contact with :)
You can also ask your dr for the inserts from the vaccines and read every ingredient in them.

But we have chosen to stop vaccinating my older boys and not to vaccinate my youngest at all. We won't be vaccinating our next baby either.

:thumbup: Cool, thats interesting! Do you have the same reasons as I do?
I dont trust modern medicine and think that the drug co.'s just try to make as much profit as possible on everything they can, and obviously dont care of the consequences.

It would interesting to get a list of all the ingredients, did you see a list before deciding?

The only thing is I'm admittedly a little scared incase something goes wrong because I never vaccinated, but then again also scared if something goes wrong because I vaccinated.
Do you have any of the same fears?

My reasons are mainly that I don't feel the benefits of vaccines outweigh the risks. We looked at the risks and benefits of the actual vaccine, then the risks and benefits of the actual disease, then chances of them coming into contact with the disease, also the ingredients in the vaccines. We decided that the vaccines were more risky than the disease. And sometimes I do worry when they get sick that it might be something worse but then at the same time I would rather them get just about all of the diseases they vaccinate against, naturally. I think it builds up their immune system more, they almost always gain lifetime immunity and I feel they are healthy enough to fight off whatever they may come into contact with :)

That makes a lot of sense. Thanks, i dont feel so alone now! :hugs:

I told my OH that I didnt want to vaccinate and he thinks I'm crazy! But theres absolutely nothing he can do, bc as it stands at present he has no rights over his daughter, unless he is going to sign this form of acknowlegment, so far he hasnt and dont know if this will change his mind or not. Anyway I'm not worried about it, Ive pretty much made my mind up, though still would be interested to read the list of ingredients.

Ive had a terrible immune system all my life, its actually improved alot in the last 5 years since getting older. I always wonder if the contributer may be all the vaccines I was I was breastfed until over a year and was born perfectly strong and childhood asthma, multiple allergies, excema, and underactive thyroid!
I know I noticed that as babies, my older 2 were vaccinated and youngest not, my youngest got over illnesses much quicker, compared to when the older 2 had been sick with similar things as infants but also compared to all 3 of them getting sick then and even still now, he always gets better faster. I honestly think it has to do with the fact that his immune system has been built up naturally, not attacked every couple of months by vaccines that his body has to fight off. He very rarely is sick more than 24hrs and it is never as bad as anyone else. Also me and my husband had what I am 99% sure was Pertussis (whooping cough) it was pretty bad on us, my older 2 have had a couple doses of that vaccine but never finished out the set and the youngest none, none of them got it from us. I don't know if it's just coincidence that the youngest has the strongest immune system or if it has anything to do with him NOT having vaccines but I lean towards that. But my older two have really strong immune systems too
Im vaccinating my two boys...Jacob has had all of his on the Drs schedule (hes almost 6yrs) and Zander has had all on schedule so far but I am looking into delaying some of them especially MMR but eventually he will have them all :) he will have to have them all up to date by the time he starts school its the first thing they ask for (which I dont agree with!)
That's how they are here too, first thing. Luckily TX allows for exemptions though, though even though I just turned mine in for Casen the nurse questioned me on it and was def pushing me on it. Oh well I know my rights lol. TN allows for medical and religious exemptions though....not philosophical though which is what I use here in TX

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