anyone on cd1 today?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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well the witch caught up with me :hissy::hissy:so i'm now on cd1 of 2nd cycle ttc since my mmc.

anyone else whos now waiting for a july baby? x
Yes, the evil witch:witch: showed up for me 4 days early! AF started on Sept.30th, so yes, I am also looking forward to a July baby. After this last time I have been feeling so discouraged and am really trying VERY hard not to get my hopes up this month after my O comes. If I don't get my BFP this month, I am definintely going to my OB-GYN. I wish you the best and I will look forward to discussing things with you during the dreaded 2WW! Good luck! God Bless!!!!
Me too. AF finally came along on Tuesday after taking her grand old time (42 days). So this month I finally decided to order some OPK from online. I didn't know how to figure when I was ovulating with such an irregular cycle and 6 months has been a long enough wait, so on to phase two of the TTC journey:)
Right there with ya...AF :witch: showed up on Oct 1st. Back to trying...again
well the witch caught up with me :hissy::hissy:so i'm now on cd1 of 2nd cycle ttc since my mmc.

anyone else whos now waiting for a july baby? x

me me me,Im praying for a july baby as that is when my sons birthday is, good luck to you too and sorry for your loss, it was about the same time as me xx
I'm further along after m/c in August...:witch: arrived 27 days after m/c. So away we go with the waiting game!!
the :witch: turned up at my door today so on to month 17 for me yay :cry:

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