Anyone on labour watch?


Mum and expecting #2
May 13, 2011
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So I'm 38+2 today and have felt like total crap all day. Went shopping and could barely walk my back was hurting so bad, felt like I'm going to throw up since about 11am, nested like a crazy woman this morning and spent 2 hours cleaning out the cupboard under the stairs, been feeling the urge to pee about every 90 mins and basically just feeling a little spaced out. This is my second baby but I never went into labour with my first and had to be induced so I feel like a first time mum and am analysing everything as a possible sign. Is anyone else on labour watch? What symptoms are you having, if any?
Yup. I am waiting. A few cramps and BH but nothing major going on. I am trying to be zen and not think he should be here now but it's hard, not to mention the physical stuff. I am pretty deflated with labor inducing techniques. This is my third boy, all have been late. Sigh. I went to the movies today with my husband which was a nice diversion but I don't know how zen I will be the rest of this week if my baby doesn't show up soon. How about you?
Totally with you on that one. I really want baby to come this week as I have a c section booked for 2nd Feb which I really want to avoid if I can. I went to 42+1 with my daughter, was induced at 41+6, spent 43 hours contracting to only make it to 3cms so ended up with an EMCS. This alone makes me think that this baby probably won't come on time but I can still live in hope :)

I am so over pregnancy now. I had a pretty easy pregnancy with my daughter but this one has been a lot harder. I'm barely sleeping, my back feels like it's going to break, I am officially waddling she is sitting so low and the heartburn is a killer. The finish line is in sight though. What gestation were your boys born at?
Hi I'm on serious labour watch too, I'm 38 +4 and baby has been engaged since 34 weeks so iv always been hoping she will come before I need to be induced. Yesterday morning I lost my mucus plug in one big go and then continued with more bloody show through yesterday, had some period like back pain and started nesting like crazy and really thought things would start in the night but woke up this morning and nothing. Come on baby I really want you here now!

Any updates for you ladies?
Nothing new for me unfortunately. The nausea has passed this morning and while I'm still nesting, it doesn't feel quite as fierce as it did yesterday.

Sounds promising for you if you've lost your plug. I never lost mine with my daughter until I was induced and haven't lost any so far with this one either.
I'm hoping so but I was convinced I was going to wake up in the night to waters breaking ha ha but nothing. Have got some pains in the top of my bump though which I haven't had before so I'm still keeping fingers crossed.
Silly how inpatient iv become I felt alright about waiting until I lost my plug but now I'm obsessed and it's all I can think about!
I understand. Everyday I wake hopeful! My boys were born 40+5 and 40+10. I had a bit of the plug lost today, so I am hopeful! Anything new to report for you ladies?
Still nothing new for me, all of the symptoms I was having have completely disappeared. Can't even be bothered to nest today - just lying on the sofa at the minute watching movies with my daughter. Slowly resigning myself to the fact I'm going to be having this c section I think.

Could be any day now for you then at 41 weeks. Do you have an induction booked? X
Good morning! Sadly, my body has been like yours and settled and done nothing other than an achy back. I was REALLY hoping not to be induced and have this child by now..... Don't they realize 40 weeks is more than enough time on the inside!? ;) I have a stress test scheduled Thursday and u/s Friday, so then the doctors will decide when to induce... so this keeps going on and on.... I think watching a movie with your daughter a great idea. I have been shopping a lot to fill time... it's getting expensive! Maybe I will do a movie this afternoon with my soon to be middle child! How else are you occupying yourself?
How is everyone doing? Iv still no concrete sign that pickle is on her way. Iv had some loose bm (tmi again I'm sorry) today that's gotten me a little excited ha ha never before have I been excited about the poo's it's like ttc all over again with the symptom spotting of gross things.
today so far it's only 11am and Iv made a massive lasagne a chicken bacon and leek bake and a casserole to freeze portions and now I'm bored again, really need this lady to come out!
How is everyone doing? Iv still no concrete sign that pickle is on her way. Iv had some loose bm (tmi again I'm sorry) today that's gotten me a little excited ha ha never before have I been excited about the poo's it's like ttc all over again with the symptom spotting of gross things.
today so far it's only 11am and Iv made a massive lasagne a chicken bacon and leek bake and a casserole to freeze portions and now I'm bored again, really need this lady to come out!

I keep getting excited at every small twinge, and then baby goes back to sleep and i realise it's not going to happen today! My Braxton Hicks are non existant anymore so at least if contractions do start, i'll know something might be happening.

I see my consultant next Weds and should be offered a sweep so i'll know if i am at all dilated, but honestly, i'm not really too excited that anything will happen any time soon. Baby wasn't at all engaged last midwife check and i haven't felt any different since then, not noticed any more pressure down below :shrug:

My LO was born at 41+1 so being here at 38+5, i can't say i'm expecting anything to happen yet! :dohh:
Well I went to bed with back pains coming every 10 mins last night and half expected to wake up during the night with full contractions but when I woke up to go to the toilet they'd gone completely. Had a couple of twinges this morning and then nothing at all since then.

I asked my midwife for a sweep last Thursday but she said they won't give one before 40 weeks - even though I'm booked for a c section at 39+3. Doesn't make sense to me. Oh well - maximum of 4.5 days left and she'll be here. I was really hoping for a VBAC but it's looking less and less likely now.

My nesting is back today and I've scrubbed, polished, hoovered and mopped 3 rooms from top to bottom. At the very least I'll have a very clean house by the time this baby arrives :)
Good morning! Sadly, my body has been like yours and settled and done nothing other than an achy back. I was REALLY hoping not to be induced and have this child by now..... Don't they realize 40 weeks is more than enough time on the inside!? ;) I have a stress test scheduled Thursday and u/s Friday, so then the doctors will decide when to induce... so this keeps going on and on.... I think watching a movie with your daughter a great idea. I have been shopping a lot to fill time... it's getting expensive! Maybe I will do a movie this afternoon with my soon to be middle child! How else are you occupying yourself?

Any movement for you today? Or did you get your movie afternoon? I really feel for you being so far on - I remember being totally fed up by 41 weeks with my daughter!
Nothing so far. It's weird, my contractions have lessened. I am going to ask about that tomorrow. I have been walking a lot and doing more shopping, ugh. My husband will be thankful for when this baby comes because I am helping the economy too much! I am now feeling like a walrus with back issues. Ugh. Oh well, it can't be much longer now. I hope you're holding your little one soon :)
I feel like I'm going into labor on a daily basis.... I get these stabbing pains in my whoha that stop me in my tracks and take my breath away.... Anyone else?! I hope those are at least making some kind of progress down there lol. Constantly hanging BH galore.... Bed time has been torture last wk or so with throbbing hip/pelvic/back pain.... I feel like Ill never know if I'm truly in labor til I'm white nuckling my husbands arm as he races to the hospital because baby is falling out! This is my 3rd and I have never experienced any of this ....
Hey ladies. Can I join?

Gypsy - that's so bizzare they won't do
A sweep...... My ob routinely starts at 38 weeks if you've gone past dates before.

I'm waiting too ladies. I had some
Complications this time round and was told I would never come
Close to my due date, likely 36 weeks and as late as
38...... Still waiting here at 39w5d!!! I have an apt with doctor tomorrow who
Said he would be shocked if he saw me. My daughter was 10
Days early so I've never been this prego and it's taking it's toll!
Woke up another fruitless night, even railroaded dh into dtd but didn't do anything.
Gypsy I'm not suprised your wanting to get things moving with only 4 Days to go but also very exciting to think that's the longest you'll have to wait for baby. Really stupid they won't give you a sweep.
Iv been looking into nipple stimulation but they recommend an hour three times a day for it to be effective. I'm pretty sure my nipples would fall off if I did that lol
Im waiting!!

Im a FTM so I'm terrified but very excited ...
not really having any symptoms other than the back/hip aches and alittle bit of cramping ...

also as weird as it sounds, sometimes i feel like I'm sat on a ballon or have one stuffed up my who-ha!! :haha: ... almost like I'm going to burst!! :D has anyone else had this feeling? It is so very strange!! :D
can I join please? I'm fed up :(

I'm getting constant BH throughout the day and my back is killing me when baby moves (he's back to back).
I, too, am watching, waiting, and extremely hopeful that this will get underway on its own. Of has 'threatened' (lol) an induction at 39 weeks, and I am 38weeks so my little one is running out of time. Ugh. I so want to go into labor on my own. As pp said about the lightening crotch that double you overm I have that! Its insane. Makes me want to reach into my belly when she does whatever she's doing, Iol. I've been losing plug, low back ache, slight cramping. That's about it. Still no nesting. I really wish it would start though. I feel so tired and have so much to do still.....

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