anyone over 2 yrs trying to conceive #2?

28 is fine for England. I had ovarian drilling because I never ov, progesterone was always 1.5ish at 7dpo. After the drilling it was 28 and I conceived that cycle too, so 100% ovulation.
Well my ivf went VERY well and I'm now pregnant!!! Can't quite believe it yet and it's still extremely early, will have a scan in about 3 weeks to see how many babies there are! I'm over the moon but very scared! Please please stick! X
oh my god bumski!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyynessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!! :) fingers n toes crossed n all that biz! what ur gut telling you, one or more? :0) oh how exciting xxx
someone on a thread i started told me that the fact that the cyst i had in september contained clotted blood isnt normal n i shud be tested for clotting disorders? -i know it normal to have blood in one but is that right bout the clotting?
well then expert!? :winkwink: what next do i ask for clomid or something? strangely enough i had dream bout 6 weeks ago n in it i had twin boys, my dd n this is freaky the next day said to me i was going to have 2 babies at once a boy n girl so it just backs up me feeling i'll be boarding your bus bumski so cant wait to get on n get going :)
I've just read this whole post from start to finish :) and thanks for making me feel not so alone in all this :) I'm approaching the 2 year mark so thought it was best to come to this forum. Big congratulations bumski! Do u know how many babies you are having yet? How did u all get the ball rolling with them checking your ovaries and tubes?
Been ttc my first for nearly 2 years. I have had my fsh blood test done n they came back fine. Waiting for oh to have SA done then guess I will go bk to see gp if he's ok...?
so did they do all the ones for day 3 or something? or just that one? r ur cycles regular?

i dnt know if OH will have to do SA for while yet for me coz im on irregular cycles n not ovulating properly at the mo,

where u from? have you had any pregnancies before? (I noted you put ttc first) x
I had it done on cd 12 n 21 (I think) recently my cycles are quite regular. I have an issue with spotting. For example I started spotting 3 days ago n af still isn't here but I'm cramping so I know she is coming. Yup my first, I have never seen a bfp :-(
I had it done on cd 12 n 21 (I think) recently my cycles are quite regular. I have an issue with spotting. For example I started spotting 3 days ago n af still isn't here but I'm cramping so I know she is coming. Yup my first, I have never seen a bfp :-(

how long ur cycle? x imoff to bed will be back on tomorrow x
Af is finally here!! Woke up to some horrible cramping. This month it's been 29 days and you can see my previous cycles on my signature
hey girls, how goes it?
jess how u gettin on with cb fm? i got this overwhelming urge to call u jessie K lol god knows y.
i had me day 21 progesterone checked, 28, which i dont know what to make of. from reading up off t'internet seems america class over 20 as good n england over 30 so god knows. any ideas?
whats the crack then wheres everybody at? xxxx

Hello hun, Thx for asking sweetie, and yer not to bad, im only CD6 and did first OPK today, I thought it was kinda early but the monitor asked for it so I gave it a OPK lol. That's quite funny cause my last name start's with a K hehe. If that's what you wanna call me go for it :D, Oh soz hun dunno about Prog. How are you x x x

Af is finally here!! Woke up to some horrible cramping. This month it's been 29 days and you can see my previous cycles on my signature

Awww big hug's hun soz to hear AF hit ya. Fx'd for your new cycle. x x x
28 is fine for England. I had ovarian drilling because I never ov, progesterone was always 1.5ish at 7dpo. After the drilling it was 28 and I conceived that cycle too, so 100% ovulation.
Well my ivf went VERY well and I'm now pregnant!!! Can't quite believe it yet and it's still extremely early, will have a scan in about 3 weeks to see how many babies there are! I'm over the moon but very scared! Please please stick! X

Yay congrat's hun. What great news. Hope you have a H&H 9 month's x x x
Af is finally here!! Woke up to some horrible cramping. This month it's been 29 days and you can see my previous cycles on my signature

oh sorry :blush: i didnt register that when looked at signature. think i need specs :)
whats ur feeling on it all? when OH SA due back?u had u/s? x

i always read these things before replying but the minute i hit reply i go blank and of course isnt on the reply screen. ugh god knows what i'll be like when finally do get pg if i develop baby brain :)
I've convinced myself that there's something wrong with 1 of us but I'm praying that its all a bit physicalogical lol. He goes to have SA on 5th dec, hope we aren't waiting too long for results. I haven't had u/s yet no. Gonna wait to see what happens with oh first. What's your plan of action?
Quick Question Ladie's,

Has anyone ever had a cyst or cyst's on either one of your ovary's,both ovary's or anywhere else???

If so, How did you find out and did you have any symptom's???
Quick Question Ladie's,

Has anyone ever had a cyst or cyst's on either one of your ovary's,both ovary's or anywhere else???

If so, How did you find out and did you have any symptom's???

YUP! i've had troublesome cysts on and off since after having my daughter. You can have them and have no symptoms and they can sometimes be found during ultrasound for other stuff. mine have always been found on u/s but i know when i brewing one.
Symptoms i get,all kinds of pain -constant on my left ovary, then will get shooting pain down through my groin/leg, across my stomach towards the other ovary. Rarely get pain in the right ovary.
Nausea, dizziness, confusion, - when they building to rupture,
during sex can be uncomfortable, ummmm, exhaustion, pain like a water infection where it rubs. all kinds hun, thats just to name a few. why, u think u got one playing up? dont forget is normal for women to have cysts it only when they play up u usually get any symptoms x
my last one my ovary had enlrged huge and the cyst was filled with clotted blood, lush!
I've convinced myself that there's something wrong with 1 of us but I'm praying that its all a bit physicalogical lol. He goes to have SA on 5th dec, hope we aren't waiting too long for results. I haven't had u/s yet no. Gonna wait to see what happens with oh first. What's your plan of action?

i have suspected for a long time is a progesterone problem for me, having been on depo for 3 shots til 2010 which is synthetic progesterone.
I had my day 21 done n was only 28 n doc wanted it over 30 for ov to be confirmed. however cycle was shorter and think ov'd quicker so suspect it is still a progesterone prob effecting the corpus luteum. OH not had SA done yet but i'm pressing on with my investigations due to having problems every month with bad cysts etc. speaking to gp again on 13th so will know more then. just hope she dont make me wait for the next 2 day 21s like the other gp said as clearly im over 2 n half yrs now for ttc and in agony otherwise so need something doing. my gran had to have hyst at 28 for fibroids n my mum at 48 for endo so i kinda want a laparoscopy done i think~? lolol dont u love how that looks like i know what im talking about :haha:
Wow rounds like you have been having a tough time :-( I'm guessing they can't stop you from getting cysts?
Thank's hun, I have alot of the same symptom's.

My Symptom's Are...

Pelvic pain, Which can range from a dull heavy sensation, To a sudden, Sharp pain
(Lower abdominal or pelvic pain, which may start and stop and may be severe, sudden, and sharp Feeling of lower abdominal)
Pelvic pain during sexual intercourse, But most of the time After Intercourse,
A frequent need to urinate,
Changes to my normal menstruation – I have developed heavier periods than usual,
Long-term pelvic pain during menstrual period that Is also felt in my lower back,
Pressure with urination or bowel movements,
At the Start & Somewhat though My menstruation Feelings of nausea or queasiness
During sexual intercourse Feelings of nausea or queasiness
Light Headed & Dizziness


Im quite worried as iv been having these pain's for month's. About 3 week's ago I had a really bad pop/rip feeling on my right ovary and it was so bad and painful (after ovulation and im on a new cycle now, So I know it was not ovulation) Ever since I keep getting dull or sharp pain's on and off all day every day. How do I go about it? Do I go see my GP or can I just walk in A&E?

Thank's for letting me know hun, & I know it's a common thing for women to get on the ovary's, and there's a few different type's, Been reading up on ovarian cyst's. x x x
Thank's hun, I have alot of the same symptom's.

My Symptom's Are...

Pelvic pain, Which can range from a dull heavy sensation, To a sudden, Sharp pain
(Lower abdominal or pelvic pain, which may start and stop and may be severe, sudden, and sharp Feeling of lower abdominal)
Pelvic pain during sexual intercourse, But most of the time After Intercourse,
A frequent need to urinate,
Changes to my normal menstruation – I have developed heavier periods than usual,
Long-term pelvic pain during menstrual period that Is also felt in my lower back,
Pressure with urination or bowel movements,
At the Start & Somewhat though My menstruation Feelings of nausea or queasiness
During sexual intercourse Feelings of nausea or queasiness
Light Headed & Dizziness


Im quite worried as iv been having these pain's for month's. About 3 week's ago I had a really bad pop/rip feeling on my right ovary and it was so bad and painful (after ovulation and im on a new cycle now, So I know it was not ovulation) Ever since I keep getting dull or sharp pain's on and off all day every day. How do I go about it? Do I go see my GP or can I just walk in A&E?

Thank's for letting me know hun, & I know it's a common thing for women to get on the ovary's, and there's a few different type's, Been reading up on ovarian cyst's. x x x

Trust me, if you need A+E you'll know, n if you go in that much pain you'll prob get injected with morphone fairies and a jab to stop them makin u sick :)
if u feel u are that bad go to a n e. even if they got no one in to scan they can give u morphine n just double check u ent snuffing it :0) in meantime this definitely needs taking up with GP and do NOT hold back on the discomfort n pain u having, if anything exagerrate so they refer you for scan, better than going home with nothing. x
Thx Hun totally Agree. lol Im not in that bad pain, It's can be really painful for a couple of second's but it's nothink I cant handle, IF you know what I mean, Iv suffered with seriously painful period's since I was 16 and Seriously painful ovualtion For about 6 month's now, So im sure i'll be fine but defo need to get it checked out. Got app now. x x x

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