anyone over 2 yrs trying to conceive #2?

CD10... High Peak... :D

The BD'ing will begin.

CBFM CD10.jpg

Im quite glad I got a High Peak at CD10 as I believe I ovulate around CD14, Mostly on CD14 Maybe a day before or a day after so it will be very interesting to see if I am right. x x x

Doctor's Tuesday...

So I got a doctor's app for tuesday (to talk about me maybe having a cyst on my right ovary and if not then what is wrong) with the 3rd doctor there. I dont really understand what he say's but I guess the only way Im gonna know what is wrong is to go see him. I guess it's gonna be alot of pardon's lol :blush:. x x x
CD10... High Peak... :D

The BD'ing will begin.

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Im quite glad I got a High Peak at CD10 as I believe I ovulate around CD14, Mostly on CD14 Maybe a day before or a day after so it will be very interesting to see if I am right. x x x

Doctor's Tuesday...

So I got a doctor's app for tuesday (to talk about me maybe having a cyst on my right ovary and if not then what is wrong) with the 3rd doctor there. I dont really understand what he say's but I guess the only way Im gonna know what is wrong is to go see him. I guess it's gonna be alot of pardon's lol :blush:. x x x

that is too freaky hun, i got my peak on clearblue digi ov test on day 10 last cycle and i got docs appointment tues 9am lol! we'll have to confer 2mo eve lol! x
PCOS. got to have yup of blood tests on Friday to confirm. Have just been to the best GP ever, turns out she goes to study days on infertility n all that jazz. so got stocked up on me painkillers, got 3 months of the microgynon pill to reduce the pain but to try improve the egg quality n poorly ovaries so guess will redo bloods then. got to go back in ten days and get plan in action when bloods come back. OH got to go in and get SA done just to rule that out too.
thought i would be gutted to get diagnosis but i knew it already and still think they will find endo at some point but am just pleased to be getting somewhere.

how did ya get on jess?

bumski how u doin?

n everyone else?

i'm gonna keep on this thread and join some proper pcos/infertility ones as well now. x
Wow hun that is freaky lol. Sorry to hear you got PCOS. Big Hug's but it dont mean you wont have anymore baby's. Keep that chin up high. Im sure your BFP will come soon. Cant doctor give you clomid to help? If you dont mind me asking why do you need so many painkiller's??? x x x
CD13... Peak Fertility (3 Bar's & A Egg)... AF Due On My Birthday...Doctor's Appointment Update...

CD13 & I got Peak fertility (3Bar's&Egg) This morning. :D But Not Happy that AF is now Due On My Birthday. Gutted but FX'd she's a NO SHOW... x x x

CBFM CD13 13-11-12.jpg

Doc's Update... My Doctor Has Sent me to go and have a Scan done to have a look and see what's wrong, Just gonna wait for appointment to come though the post now. Also His sent me for some blood work's But gotta go on day 21. x x x

Thx hun for asking. x x x
What device are you using Jessica?
i've been suffering with cysts n ovarian pain since my teens, went through everything in my head today and i actually had problem cysts way before my daughter was born and was being told it was i.b.s for years. another gp once told me "everyone has what is a norm for them and you wil have to get used to being in pain and if it was serious youd be dead" -foreign one. (not that all foreign docs are bad but this one clearly was)
Have to take max strength cocodamol for the pain which i know ent great for fertility but being as am broken anyway i'd rather not be hurty :)
was on the pill for 7 years before caught with daughter on it so thinking ive always had this but the pill was balancing hormones etc out.

-tip for your scan which u probably know, sometimes stuff on abdominal u/s doesnt show stuff that will show up on transvaginal-

Fingers crossed you get a birthday BFP! :baby: if not try n be positive that u getting scan etc done to check things out and let your hair down for your bday :hugs:

BUMSKi -has anyone heard from Bumski has she had her tests done to confirm? x
What device are you using Jessica?

ClearBlue Fertility Monitor Hun. x x x

i've been suffering with cysts n ovarian pain since my teens, went through everything in my head today and i actually had problem cysts way before my daughter was born and was being told it was i.b.s for years. another gp once told me "everyone has what is a norm for them and you wil have to get used to being in pain and if it was serious youd be dead" -foreign one. (not that all foreign docs are bad but this one clearly was)
Have to take max strength cocodamol for the pain which i know ent great for fertility but being as am broken anyway i'd rather not be hurty :)
was on the pill for 7 years before caught with daughter on it so thinking ive always had this but the pill was balancing hormones etc out.

-tip for your scan which u probably know, sometimes stuff on abdominal u/s doesnt show stuff that will show up on transvaginal-

Fingers crossed you get a birthday BFP! :baby: if not try n be positive that u getting scan etc done to check things out and let your hair down for your bday :hugs:

BUMSKi -has anyone heard from Bumski has she had her tests done to confirm? x

Wow seem's like you went though the ruff with the doctor's hay. I know what you mean lol. Joker. But I will say my foreign doctor is better and care's more then my english doctor, Now that say's somethink init. x x x

Thx hun and yer I dunno what one i'll be having. I think it will most likely be that one (with the big penis looking thing lol). If I dont get my BFP for my there's always christmas as that's when my Next AF will be due but how gutting would it be for them both ( and x.mas) to be hit with AF. :dohh::growlmad::nope:... LOL. x x x
CD14... Peak Fertility (3Bar's&Egg)... Ovulation Pain Gone... :D

CD14 and another Peak Fertility (3Bar's&Egg). I think This will be my last Fertile Day to get BD'ing. Making Love last night was so painful due to ovulation that We only got one round in, But one is better then none right and We tried our hardest this month out of all the other month's we've been TTC. Today Ovulation Pain's have easied alot so gonna try and get 2 Bd'ing Session's in as egg is still in there :D But it's easier said then done with my DD having sleepless night's and keep's waking at all hour's crying (Think She Keep's Having Bad Dream's & DD Come's Way Before BD'ing.) but I'll give a go tonight lol. x x x

CBFM CD14 14-11-12.jpg

P.s Forgot to mention Doctor also did my

Height: 5Ft4 & 1/2.
Weight: 8St 3/4
BMI: 20.1
Yesterday, Which he said was all good. Iv only stuck on 1/4 of a stone Since Having DD. :D Well happy with that as I thought & Feel bigger then that. x x x
Hi everyone, thanks for the pm gnome x
Hope your all well.
Well done on getting your peaks Jessica! Fx you will get a lovely birthday BFP! Sounds like you have covered ov well ;)
Gnome sorry about your pcos diagnosis, atleast now they can try and push for the right treatment, if they consider doing a lap ask about ovarian drilling at the same time, I had it done and I ov 4-5 times all by myself afterwards :) conceived straight after but sadly it wasn't meant to be.
Hi to everyone else hope your well x

Afm, iv had a HARD few days. All was going well until fri when I was 5+2 I started getting af pains and 10 mins later bled very heavily, passing clots (sorry tmi) this lasted about 4-5 hours and I was devastated :(
I went to a&e on sat and they did my beta and told me it sounds like spontaneous mc, so I spent all weekend crying, I went to EPU on Monday as I started spotting again and they redone my beta and scan.
To my suprise they found gest sac and poss yolk sac on the scan, so I hadn't lost the baby and my hcg went from 12000 on sat to 24000 on mon so they doubled!!!!
But..... I had another small bleed yesterday and I'm still spotting now so I'm on complete bed rest until next tue when they will re scan and see if baby is still there!

I can't tell you how up and down I have been, I'm so scared to even move incase I bleed now, this next 6 days is going to feel like a year, I'm just praying my baby is stubborn like it's mummy and stays put for 7 1/2 more months.
Thx hun. x x x

Awww babez so sorry to hear what you've been going through. Realy hope baby's ok. I'll be praying for you & baby and i'll have my FX'd for you and baby. Please do let us know how it goe's at your next scan. I'll hope to see a pic of a sticky little bub's. Big Hug's. x x x
Thankyou Jessica x
How Many dpo are you now? X
Your welcome hun, Im only 1DPO lol. got a long old 2WW ahead of me... Just gonna try not to think about it and defo aint testing until my x x x
That would be a great birthday present! The tww is horrible if it's constantly on your mind, it's difficult not to think about it though when you want it so badly. I am keeping everything crossed this is your lucky month ;)

How long have you been using the CBFM? I think they are great x
Thx sweet pea... This is my first cycle hun, Never used it before now and understand it like the back on my hand already lol... Little Nervous About AF Due Date but Either was i'll survive & i'll be fine. x x x
Hope baby is ok bumski, sounds like you have had such an emotional few days. Try to relax and take it easy ( I know easier said than done )

Hope tww isn't too torturing for you Jessica, I will be with you in 6-7 days. Really hope you get your bfp :)
:hugs: bumski :( :hugs: wishing for you so hard that things pick up n baby stays put :hugs: just puts everything into perspective :nope: so sorry you are going through this and hoping for you that the bedrest pays off xxx thanks for the tip also xx

Good luck Jess, think of it like this, you may have only got one round in but there still millions up there already!? x
Hi gnome :) glad you have finally got some answers. Hopefully now they can give you some more help to get your bfp x
ES89 Thx hun, & Na not this month quite relaxed actually. WoooHooo Cant wait hun. Hope yo catch that eggy. x x x

Gnome Thx hun, and yer good word's lol. x x x


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