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Anyone over 35 want a buddy?


Mum and TTC #2
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hi everyone

I'm 38 and I'd love some buddies of a similar age to share the ups and downs of TTC. We're trying to conceive our first, have been trying since Jan this year. Had a m/c in June at 5 weeks and 5 days.

Am just passed ovulation for this month so would also be lovely to buddy up with anyone who is at a similar point in their cycle.

Hope to hear from you
Hi Leeze

I'm a few days ahead of you with my cycle but I'll be your buddy if you like :hugs: I'm 40 and TTC my 2nd child (although it will be my OH's 1st) :flower:
Hi chysantheMUM

Lovely to hear from you and great to have my first buddy on here! How's it all going? x
Well.... i'm starting to think this month is not month to be honest :nope: I've not got any symptoms, in fact except for my catarrah and sore throat, I just feel like my usual self. I've been testing the past 2 days with IC and been :bfn: so far. I know its still too early though :wacko: How you been feeling, any signs :flower:
I'm 36 and TTC for 3 months!!
I'm CD15 now and BDing as much as possible!
Using Pre-seed, robitussin and drinking gallons of water!!
So i'm nearly at the 2ww...yuk!
One more BD with gusto tonight and then sit it out!!
Anyone else in the same boat?
Well.... i'm starting to think this month is not month to be honest :nope: I've not got any symptoms, in fact except for my catarrah and sore throat, I just feel like my usual self. I've been testing the past 2 days with IC and been :bfn: so far. I know its still too early though :wacko: How you been feeling, any signs :flower:

It's so hard to know really isn't it, because some women don't really get symptoms until after the BFP? I'm always looking out for symptoms and have been convinced for every month since the m/c (last 3 months) that I've had symptoms then I've tested and got BFN and then AF comes along quite soon afterwards! When I got the BFP in June I'd been having a little bit of cramping but otherwise didn't notice any sore boobs or tiredness until the day before I tested. The last 3 months I've had similar cramping and am pretty sure I never had it before. I checked it out with the Doctor and he said it's probably my body getting back to normal after the m/c. Can you remember if you had symptoms with your first child before the BFP? I find these 2 weeks really hard - the 2WW! I try hard not to be obsessed with it all but I do become quite obsessed, if I'm honest! I try not to test until the day AF is due but have sometimes tested 1-3 days early.

Sorry to hear you've got catarrah and a sore throat, actually I've just started sneezing this afternoon so I hope I'm not coming down with anything. I wouldn't want to take anything either just in case - hot lemon and honey is meant to be ok but I normally rely on lots of Lemsip! I'm trying to get early nights in and eat lots of fruit/veg too but it doesn't always go to plan! x
I'm 36 and TTC for 3 months!!
I'm CD15 now and BDing as much as possible!
Using Pre-seed, robitussin and drinking gallons of water!!
So i'm nearly at the 2ww...yuk!
One more BD with gusto tonight and then sit it out!!
Anyone else in the same boat?

Hi Redclaire

Welcome to this thread! I've not tried robitussin, is that meant to improve CM? Maybe I'll check it out next month. I'm only a few days ahead of you so it would be good to share stories over the next couple weeks. I love the way you described the BD with gusto. Made me laugh because that was our intention on day 15 but actually we'd DTD every day from 11-14 and by the time 15 came along we were both too exhausted! Good luck x
My first pregnancy was such a long time ago (23 years to be exact) so I can't remember that much about it all :wacko: I do remember how easy it all was though, we decided to get pregnant - and blam, no messing around, next period missed. No timing :sex: , no supplementing, no conceive plus, it was so easy, so its come as a bit of a surprise that its proving less than easy this time. Hormones are a mystery thats for sure :shrug: There doesn't seem to be an exact picture of symptoms from one woman to another and you can't even trust that you can know your own body and its hormonal symptoms because they fluctuate all the time, each month can be different. :dohh: Sorry to hear about your m/c earlier this year Leeze, that must be pretty hard :hugs: I'm sure it won't be long till you catch on again :happydance:

Hi Redclaire, I never heard of robitussin, what is that?
Hi again

Isn't it funny how we can all be so different with symptoms or not, and I guess also unfortunately age does have a factor in all these things - much as I hate to admit it! Although I think it's more and more common for women to wait until late 30's or early 40's to have a family. I try to be comforted by stories of women like John Travolta's wife being pregnant at 47 and remind myself that it shouldn't make much difference being an older Mum as long as we take good care of ourselves. Still can be quite disheartening each month when AF comes along! How are you feeling today, any possible symptoms? I'm feeling quite tired but I'm not sleeping great at the moment, probably too much on my mind! Trying to go to bed early but keep waking up in the night! I'm a great one for symptom-spotting though and can really talk myself into stuff each month only to find a BFN again! This could be the month, though ... you never know.

Re Robitussim - I think it's a cough mixture that is meant to improve consistency of CM. have you heard of the Sperm Meets Egg Plan? it gets mentioned in that if I remember correctly xx
No can't say i've ever heard of sperm meets egg plan, how strange about the cough mixture that somebody noticed that it had such a useful side effect :haha: I was just about to say that I had still not had any pg symptoms then noticed that your ticker lists a stuffy nose as one :thumbup: although I'm not convinced. Woke up to an outbreak of spots around my chin today which is a usual AF sign, so guessing I'm out, also felt a lip tingle which I usually get before a cold sore (another AF symptom for me) so its not looking hopeful :nope: ah well, at least I'm feeling a bit more positive about the whole thing this month. Are the tiredness and sleeplessness your only symptoms so far Leeze, whats waking you up, do you know - overactive mind? xx
I know, you wonder how people find this stuff out - don't you! I haven't tried the cough medicine yet, but I've also heard that grapefruit juice is good for your CM. I'm not that keen on it but I've been trying to wean myself onto it slowly by mixing it with orange juice and slowly reducing the amounts! It also means I'm getting more vitamins into me which also can't be a bad thing, I reckon!

Sorry to hear you think you've got AF symptoms but what you also need to remember ist that getting pregnant lowers your immune system so these could also easily be pregnancy signs. What I think is such a wind-up is that lots of symptoms for AF are also pregnancy symptoms!

I'm feeling really exhausted today and I slept a bit better last night. It's funny though, because each of the last 3 months (since the mc) I've had trouble sleeping for the 2 weeks post ovulation and no trouble at all sleeping for the first 2 weeks of my cycle. So I reckon it's most likely due to the stress and excitement of the 2 week wait! My boobs feel a bit sore today but they often do about a week before AF is due which would be today so I can't really say if that's a symptom or not.

Good to hear you're feeling positive though. I think it's important to try to stay positive as much as possible although I do also let myself feel a bit down in the dumps every month when AF gets here! This forum is really helping me now though, knowing there's so many others in a similar situation.

So, are you going to test tomorrow or wait to see if AF comes? Fingers crossed for you xx
well AF not arrived yet :happydance: but then neither has a :bfp: I did a test this morning and there was nothing :shrug: I'll just have to see what tomorrow brings :dust:
well AF not arrived yet :happydance: but then neither has a :bfp: I did a test this morning and there was nothing :shrug: I'll just have to see what tomorrow brings :dust:

Ooh - fingers crossed for you! I've seen on other threads on here women say they didn't get a BFP until 19dpo - so I'm holding a good thought for you! :thumbup:

I'm still feeling exhausted, got sore boobs and a bit of back pain. Am really hoping this is my month, but am also reminding myself these could easily be AF symptoms! How difficult is all this?!!
Hi. I hope you don't mind me joining your thread. I would love to be buddies with you guys. I am 36 and TTC my third child.

My husband and I have been trying since last December. I had a missed MC end of June and had a D&C beginning of July. Baby measured 7 weeks 6 days. September was our first month trying again. I have taken 5 pregnancy tests and all have been BFN. I have had no symptoms, just wishful thinking. AF is due tomorrow and I am anxious for AF to come so we can try again in October!

Good luck to you ladies! Hope you get BFP very soon!!
Oh well, how disappointing, I got a bit emotional when I woke up to my AF this morning :nope: This TTC business is no fun at all. I've been away for a few days for a nice relaxed break and was feeling really positive (even though all the tests were negative :winkwink:) because my periods are usually so regular, so as each day passed I started to become convinced that I must be pregnant, I know I shouldn't have got me hopes up but its sooo hard not to :dohh: Anyway its back to square 1 for me now, with the added knowledge that I can't take my usual menstrual patterns for granted. :shrug:

How you getting on leeze? Any new signs? Do you usually get all those symptoms with your AF or do they feel different than usual at all? I've got my fingers x'd for you :hugs:

Hi Bann1126 sorry to hear about your MC :hugs: Any sign of AF today?
hello ladies!
i hope you don't mind one more.
i am 37 and dh is 40 and we are ttc #3
i ov'd late this cycle ... i am 8 dpo today and started testing early.
bfn of course
we have been ttc for 5 months now.
the 1st two were so easy that we thought the 3rd would be the same
good luck to you all.

sorry that AF got you chysantheMUM
hi ladies

firstly - sorry Chysanthemum that AF got you! How mean

welcome to the 2 newcomers, great to have some more buddies to share with!

I think AF is on the way for me too. I've done 3 tests now and all BFN. they're the early pregnancy ones so very sensitive so it's not looking too hopeful. all my earlier "symptoms" seem to have gone now too - I had thought the back ache especially was a symptom as this seemed like a new one to me - some of the others come each month with AF anyway. Not completely giving up this month yet but I'm preparing myself for the worst. Feeling quite emotional today in a familiar PMT way too so I'm pretty sure she's round the corner:witch:

I'm trying to make myself feel better to think about all the things I can do in the next 2 weeks to help things along. I've learnt lots in the last couple of weeks from this site (and thought I'd read a lot berore too). I'm going to stock up on grapefruit juice, soya milk, honey & cinnamon, mooncups, some pre-seed, conceive plus - and really go for it next time!! also I'm thinking about trying acupuncture - has anyone else tried it!

Fingers crossed and baby dust to you all

chysanthemum - AF arrived yesterday morning for me as well. My mind can slow down for a moment. At least until the next 2WW then I will drive myself crazy!

Treykid3 - Good luck to you! I have my fingers crossed for you! Can't wait to hear!

Leeze - don't give up hope until AF arrives. My fingers are crossed for you as well!

I am excited to be buddies with you guys. We all can use the support! :flower:
Ah thats a shame Bann 1126 but yes I agree, at least theres going to be 2 weeks or so of calm now :coffee: when my period arrived I was so upset but its not the end of the world, there's always next month :thumbup: just have to convince myself somehow that I'm enjoying this whole process of TTC and that its just part of the journey :winkwink:

treykid3 like you I didn't think it'd be a problem getting pregnant again because of the ease of getting pregnant the 1st time round but how wrong I was. I think my OH is becoming frustrated about it all now too, he commented yesterday that he didn't think it was going to be so stressful. Fingers x'd for you

Leeze, what is the mooncup for, is it for retaining the wrigglers after :sex: I have one but it never occured to me I could use it to help with TTC anyway you never know you might not need all that stuff, sometimes the tests don't give a positive response for weeks, so theres still hope yet :happydance:
chysanthemum - AF arrived yesterday morning for me as well. My mind can slow down for a moment. At least until the next 2WW then I will drive myself crazy!

Treykid3 - Good luck to you! I have my fingers crossed for you! Can't wait to hear!

Leeze - don't give up hope until AF arrives. My fingers are crossed for you as well!

I am excited to be buddies with you guys. We all can use the support! :flower:

Sorry to hear AF got you. I know the feeling about driving yourself crazy during the 2WW - I seem to be getting worse each month, more and more obsessed. Seeing pregnant women everywhere, even in the gym!! Being obsessed with symptom-spotting too. So tiring ... but I feel hopeful about getting there in the end

My prediction is that AF will come for me on Friday as it's always 16 days after I get the smiley face on the OPK. Last week I was feeling more hopeful but this week I'm pretty resigned to it not happening. I know it's not over yet but I think this was maybe I'll be less disappointed

I'm excited about having you guys as buddies too. I find it so helpful to have somewhere to share all this madness, and feel there are others out there who totally understand!:hugs:

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