Wecome ttc1st_at_40! Sounds like you are really on top of things!
Leeze, I used OPK once a day. If need be I will invest in them more next month and try them twice a day. I used the cheap internet ones. I am trying not to obsess too much. But that is hard for me to do!! I have not even thought about reading up on how to help with implantation until you mentioned it. Did some internet searching yesterday but did not come across too much. I read eating pineapple core or drinking the juice of it helps. But other than that I did not get much out of my search.
How is everybody doing during the 2WW? Staying busy and keeping your mind off of it? I am doing ok right now. AF is due October 30th so the week before that is when I will be driving myself crazy!
I am 6 dpo and making up all kind of sympthoms in my head... oh was that a tug in my belly, perhaps thats an early preg sign..... oh I have gas (sorry tmi) oh maybe thats a preg sign... its really awful being in the 2ww zone...I drive myself crazy!! then if your AF comes you have to wait 2 more weeks before you can try again... gosh what women have to go through !! haha
Hi ladies. I am driving myself CRAZY today!! I am reading every website, calculating projected due date, next date AF is due, etc. Even though I already know all of this info I am still on every website I can find. I don't have a single sign or symptom and I know it is too soon. Ugh! Why do I do this to myself???!!!
How is everyone else doing? Staying calm and positive? Or driving yourself insane like me? If you are staying calm please tell me your secret.