Anyone over 35 want a buddy?

Hi CMUM! Great to hear from you! Wow, 21 weeks. How time flies! And a girl, that is just wonderful! So glad to hear things are going so well for you! Thanks for the belly belt tip. I am definitely going to have to check those out!

Leeze, you just sound so cheerful and upbeat! You are still on cloud 9, I can just hear it in your words. That is wonderful! The beach sounds amazing. I don't see a vacation in our future any time soon, probably not for at least a year if not longer. It is great you are getting some time away in now while you can!

TTC, GOOD LUCK luck with everything going on this week!!! Wow, I am amazed at how quickly it is going! I am really excited you received wonderful reports. That definitely gives you the positive energy that you need during this time! I get exhausted hearing about the trips but what a small price to pay! I am looking forward to hearing all about it and all my fingers and toes crossed by the end of the month you will be reporting fantastic news!! I will say prayers for you this week. :)

Irish, hope all is going well with you. How you feeling?

Take care ladies. xxx
Bann that is so scary falling I fell on my first but much later I was so upset I am gald everything is OK they are so protected in the uterus it is comforting really.

Cmum welcome back good to have you on wow can't imaging beign that far along only pryaing away the weeks at the moment it is such a stressful time.

TTC OMG sounds like you are flying along with your treatment and you are getting all the right news you so deserve it after all you have been through think of it by the end of the week you will officially be on your two week wait I have everything crossed for you.

Leeze glad all is progressing well for you it is mad how a few weeks can make such a difference in the scans.

Well as for me I am up and down I know I should be postitive but have been having cramps but no bleeding for the last couple of days. I rang the maternity so I am going in tomorrow for a scan I am crying all the time and can't really stop I am so nervous. I know all has been going well so I am crossing all my fingers and trying to put my "it will be OK" head on but naturally your irrational mind get the better of me at times. My husband left for the US this morning and will not be back until the weekend so I have to go in on my own which is just horrible. Hopefully it is just the usual stretching that I have forgotten about. Work is terrible at the moment so I am trying to send posititve messages out to the Universe to ask that I get a break and that work settles it is also stressing me out which doesn't help.

Anyway I am sorry that I am on such a downer when everyone else is so up but really feel like I have to get it off my chest otherwise I will go mental.

Girls catch up with you over the next few days I will keep you posted after the scan tomorrow!
Irish you don't need to apologize for being down! That is what we are here for!!! I have been feeling the stretching a lot lately. When I cough I get a shooting pain across my lower stomach. When I turn a certain way or move too quick I get the shooting pain. I had some cramping over the weekend also but I am pretty sure it was just from being so gassy. Try and stay positive best you can. When I fell the other day they were more concerned about me not getting too upset than they were about the fall. They said that me getting too upset could cause more harm to the baby than the fall could. They said that I HAD to stay calm. They called me and talked to me while driving to the office, did everything they could to get me to calm down. They were very concerned about me not getting too upset. So keep that in mind. No matter what, you have to do your best to try and not get too upset. I'm glad your doctor is getting you in quickly. Keep us posted!!! xxx

Irish-hoping that scan went well and set your mind at ease. and I am with Bann when she apologies!! this is what we are here for to listen to each other...gosh I have let loose on her more than once with my anxieties... so have at it girl... I just hope your spirits are up a bit by now :)

Leeze- I am hoping you’re enjoying your time away!! Enjoy!!

Bann-love your guys little tickers... so you and Irish are 1 day apart... how fun is that!! you guys are certainly great "bump buddies" being 1 day apart you can share every little thing together!!!

as for me....I’m hoping I am not far behind ya'll with those bellies!! so my Monday Egg Retrieval (ER as the veteran IVFers call it) went well!!! They actually retrieved 7 follicles. My hubby was so great on the ride up and the ride home. I was a little out of it on the ride home because of the anesthesia...he was such a little trooper!!

And I got a call this AM from the Embryologist (lab techs who watch the embryos) and of the 7 follicles they retrieved 5 of them were mature (large enough to fertilize) and of the 5 mature ones... ALL 5 OF THEM FERTILIZED!!! yAYAYAYAYAYA... SO yep they stuck in hubbys sperm and it did the trick, fertilized all 5... so thats a big hurdle to get over.

so now for the next 2 days they will watch them and hope they all grow. Chances are all 5 will not "make-it" but I am hoping for the best. They will call me tomorrow with the report on how they are doing so far, and I wont find out the final count until I get there Thursday Morning for the Egg Transfer. At that time they will grade them so I know what my chances are for implantation. They did tell me they would transfer a max of 3 back into me, then its all up to my body to hold on to them!!
Hi Guys, don't know what to say lost the baby I was 9wks 5days I am just back from the maternity I am in total shock. WHAT IS GOING ON I MUST BE CURSED!!!!!!

I am totally heartbroken and now my husband is away this is a total nightmare

Will sign off now for a few days until I am able to process what has just happened :-(
Oh Irish my heart just aches for you! I am so so so so so sorry to hear the terrible news!!! I just don’t even know what to say. Don’t know if there is anything anyone can say that will make you feel better. Lots of hugs out to you. When you feel like talking more about it we are here. xxxxxx
TTC sounds like everything is going great for you! Good luck Thursday morning. I hope you get all 3 on Thursday! The dreaded 2WW soon approaches. Yay!
just a quick check-in from me as I'm back from my 3 days away and waiting for a take-away - I'm feeling quite refreshed, it was lovely to be in the countryside and away from the city.

Irish - I'm so so very sorry this has happened to you. It feels really unfair. If you need some time away to heal then that's totally understandable but please know that we're all here for you if you need some support. We know how much this means to you and I imagine you're really hurting right now. If you don't want to post publicly then feel free to private message me if I can be of any support right now. I'm sorry that your OH is away at the moment too, that really sucks. When I had the m/c last year my OH was away too and I remember how that felt. Sending you big big hugs :hugs::hugs:

TTC - that all sounds amazing and how wonderful you've got 5 fertilised eggs. That would be wonderful if they could use 3 of them - imagine, you could even end up with twins or triplets! I'm holding lots of good thoughts for you. You must be really excited and quite nervous too!!! :hugs::hugs:

Bann - hope everything is ok with you - it's sometimes hard to stay calm isn't it, and you feel every little cramp and ache and wonder what it could mean. I hope you get a chance for a break soon, it really made a difference to me to get away from home for a few days. :hugs::hugs:

C-Mum - I agree with the others, don't be a stranger!! We miss you on here!! :hugs::hugs:

Oh - my takeaway has just arrived some I'm gonna run and catch you all soon xx
Hi. I'm 39 and had first iui 8 days ago. Hoping for 1st child. Only recently started seeing RE as going it alone was certainly not working. Baby dust to all!
Hello Irish... I am so so so sorry. Gosh I know there are NO words to say that will confort you, but I just want you to know that my heart goes out to you it really really does.
AFM.... here I am in my TWW.... they transfered 3 beutiful little embies back to me on Thursday. They were good quality from what I understand but they were actually a little smallish... they like them all to be appx 8 cells each to give better chance of implantation. But my 3 were a 6 cell and two 4 cells... so yep a little tiny...but they said they have seen embies at this size still implant beautifully. So we shall see. This is litteraly going to be the LONGEST two weeks ever. I go for Beta test next Monday... I may very well take a HPT next Sat or Sun though : )
Hi Heat :flower: - welcome and good luck with your IUI? I'm guessing you've been on quite a journey already. It took my 14 months to get my BFP and what I think did it in the end was having an HSG where they check to see if your tubes are blocked. Fingers crossed for you that the IUI gets you your BFP. :hugs:

TTC - that's so very very exciting that they transferred 3 little embies into you on Thursday. In terms of them being small, I guess they've got to start somewhere!!! Have you got any plans of how to distract yourself over the next couple of weeks? I hope you're able to relax as much as possible and take good care of yourself. You very much deserve this - I'm sending you lots of positive vibes and baby dust :dust: for successful implantation. How would you feel if you ended up with twins or triplets? I guess you'd have a ready-made family then? How exciting!! Keep us updated with how you're getting on!! :hugs:

Irish - sending you a big hug - and hoping you got some good support around you right now :hugs:

Bann - how are you feeling now? Any morning sickness? :hugs:

I'm actually starting to feel "normal" again - I'm almost at the 2nd trimester point now and it's really making a difference to my energy levels!! Mind you, I've been off work for the last 10 days too and had a lovely break - I'm not looking forward to going back tomorrow!!!

Bye for now :hugs:
Hi Guys, been following just quite - TTC that is brill news about the transfer I am praying for you xxx

Bann & Leeze & Cmum hope yee are doing OK

I don't really know what to do I am really broken if I am being honest. I really thought that this would be our time and that I was over the danger period. I had another missed (or silent) miscarraige which is only 1% of all MC's so they think something is wrong that is causing it. I have been walking around like a living tomb I really can't describe it I want to crawl out of my body and go away and never come back. I have the D&C tomorrow so hopefully that will help as it is cruel my body seems to be still producing all the hormones so my boobs are still killing me and I feel pregnant. They are going to investigate after the D&C so the embryo will go to be tested to see if they can determine what went so badly wrong. I am still in disbelief given I had seen the little hearbeat the week before and everything showed solid and normal. I know I have to accept it and move on or else I will go mad but it is such a bitter pill this time. I have been pregnant four times in just over 3yrs I am exhausted. Both myself and my OH are also going to be tested right down to a cromozonal level to see if there is something that is wrong with us. I don't think so though give I have a little girl already but maybe she was my little miracle.

Anyway girls I am thrilled for yee all that things are movign in the right direction for yee all and to be honest I feel that I am brining things down I hope to feel better after tomorrow physcially at least and that will be something. All we can do then is try again but it is all the waiting again that is really making me angry as they have recommended that we wait until all the tests are done and they put me back on a prescribed course of injections which could take months it feels like we have lost another year!

Baby dust to TTC xxx I hope it goes well and I will catch up soon - tks for all the kind thoughts it means a lot
Aw - Irish, I think it's totally understandable that you feel like that. It feels really really unfair that you are having to go through this. Nature can be very cruel sometimes. It's good you're getting the tests done and hopefully they will be able to give you some answers and prevent anything like this from happening again. Please don't worry about feeling like you're bringing us down. Certainly for me (and I bet the others will agree too) - we've been on quite a journey together on here already - and if I can be of any support or help at all then I'm glad to be here. :hugs:
Hi Ladies!

TTC, I have everything crossed that your little one (or two or three) sticks!!! I really hope the 2WW goes as quick as it can for you!

Irish, please don’t ever think you are being a downer! We are here to help support you and you need as much support as you can get right now! I am so sorry you are going through this. It definitely does not seem fair! I know you are so anxious to get to trying again but testing is necessary to try and make sure it doesn’t happen again. How long will the testing take, did they say? I’m sure it all has to be timed just right between cycles so I can imagine how frustrating it is. Hang in there. Sulk as much as you want and need! We are here for you!

Leeze that is great you are feeling better, more energy! Enjoy it while you can! When is your next appointment? Are you going to find out what you are having or let it be a surprise?

As for me, I’m hanging in there. I have a doctor’s appointment this Friday. First time seeing my regular doctor again. I am anxious to see if they do an ultrasound. I find myself still needing reassurance. My boobs are not nearly as sore as they were and that has had me worried. I was cramping last night also. It woke me up out of my sleep. I am still tired and lately I have been starving. I mean I can eat and an hour later it is like I haven’t had anything for days. So maybe my symptoms are just changing a little further along I get. But I am really hoping to either hear a heart beat or get a scan so I can see everything is ok. I don’t know when exactly you can hear the heart beat using that doppler thing. But I want some kind of reassurance.

Take care ladies. Lots of hugs out to everyone!...
Hi Girls...

Irish... gosh girl... big hugs to you. Thanks so much for your well wishes. Happy you guys are going foward with some testing to see if something can be pinpointed here. and I think I said this before "no apologies" necessary. This whole TTC journey is full of UPs and DOWNS... litterally!!! and we are all here for eachother. I am hoping you are feeling a little bit better, hope hubby came home and was able to confort you as well.

Leeze I dont know if I mentioned this before but I'll tell ya what your little picture there you use in your profile is just the "picture perfect" ultrasound pix!! so cute !! you can see the whole babe!!!! hope your week back at work wasnt so bad after being off for so long.. you lucky girl!!!

Bann---hey girl good luck on your appt tomorrow with the dr. I can tell ya all about trying to get pregnant and what to ask the drs at that time , but once I get there...I am clueless haha... thats where you guys will have to "school me"!!!

ok as for me... this TWW is really the worst EVER...not too many symptoms to even mention to be honest... I am on 3 progestrone vag-suppositories a day, which are known to give ya some pretty severe AF/Pregnancy type symptoms... so I yep I am feeling little cramps and twinges here and there...... but these are the same "things" I have felt the last several months I was taking these not feeling any thing different this month really....I am staying Positive though!! and really hoping and praying each night that this is my month!!! my Beta blood test is next Tuesday...but I may go in on Monday instead. Because I just cant wait any longer hehehe!!! I may do a home pregnancy test this weekend at some point...maybe on Sunday (mothers day...that would be a nice day to test huh?)

and and since you all are really Moms....either expecting Moms or "already" have some little ones at home... I am wishing all you fine ladies a very happy Mothers Day !!!
OMG Irish, so sorry to hear your awful news and that you had to go through that alone. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re feeling, my heart goes out to you. I agree with what the other girls have said though, don’t feel bad for how you are feeling, let it all out, you have to go through all the crappy bad emotion before you can move on :hugs:. Hope you get some answers from the tests etc they're planning, look after yourself hun and try to stay positive :flower:

TTC1st – that’s fantastic, 3 possible babies, fingers crossed for you get your BFP this week btw I didn't get any much in the way of symptoms / changes during the 2ww, so that doesn't mean a thing :dust:

Leeze – hope things are still going well, the 2nd trimester is great isn't it, less symptoms, less stress, more energy :happydance: when will you be having your anomaly scan?

Bann – not long now till you’re past the 12 week stage, it’s a weight off your shoulders to get to that stage. Don’t worry too much about the changing symptoms, mine did that a lot and it was unnecessary worry. I found babies heartbeat with the Doppler from about 11 – 12 weeks but I know that isn’t the case for everyone, so don’t worry if you can’t.

Anyway things are still going well for me and LO and I'm just days away from V day (the 24 week stage when baby becomes viable) so I'm quite excited about that, another stage of relief. :happydance:
Irish - I agree with what C-Mum says - let yourself feel all the crappy stuff because this is very important to you and it's a really big loss to have to experience - and I think it's important to let yourself grieve before you can be able to move forwards. Is your OH home yet? I hope there's somewhere there who can help you through this time and offer support and love :hugs:

TTC - how are you feeling? When do you think you'll test - are you going to have a go tomorrow? I didn't really feel anything different the month I got the BFP - I had little cramps and twinges every month for about 4-5 months before that month - apart from feeling tired which I would have probably felt anyway because work was pretty stressful around that time - I didn't really feel any symptoms until about week 6 or 7. Thanks for your lovely words about the scan pic - the sonographer was pretty determined to get bub to move around for a good pic and kept poking him/her until there was a good photo opportunity!! Keep us updated on any developments, I really hope this is your time :hugs:

Bann - I agree with C-Mum, my symptoms have come and gone quite a lot. I would worry on the days where I felt cramps and twinges in case there was something wrong, then if there were days without cramps and twinges I worried that they'd stopped and that this might mean something was wrong too!!! Did you get an ultrasound on Friday? If not then I'm guessing you'll have one at around 12 weeks? I can't believe you're nearly at 12 weeks already - that's amazing! I hope you'll be able to relax a little more after 12 weeks :hugs:

C-Mum - great to see you're back with us again (and I want to say that I'm really sorry that if my comments a few months ago about people getting their BFP and sticking around on the thread seemed hurtful at all to you - I was going through an extremely difficult time with my best friend being pregnant and how much this affected me given she hadn't even been trying - and I was struggling with supporting her around this and this impacted on how I felt about here too. The other lovely girls on this thread have taught me that we can stick together and be there for each other even at different points - so I'm glad you're back here as you've been a big part of this group too). That's amazing that you're almost at the 24 week stage, that must be a lovely feeling. I bet you've got a lovely little bump by now!! I've been buying some maternity clothes off ebay and am very excited about growing into them! Keep us posted on how things are going with you :hugs:

I got my results today through the post about the Downs screening and the letter says I've got a 1 in 3121 risk of the baby having Downs! This is a pretty good statistic, I had thought it would be higher than this because of my age. It's funny because my OH and I had already agreed that whatever it said we didn't want to get the amnio test done and if we ended up with a Downs baby then so be it - we would do our best to adapt. My next scan is 20th June, that will be the 20 week scan and the anomaly scan - I'm practically counting the days until then because even though it's easy for me to give advice to others about not worrying it's not so easy for me to give it to myself and I've still got a bit of worry of things going wrong somehow. I'm definitely feeling a lot more relaxed about things though, and it helps a lot to be in 2nd trimester and to not be feeling so tired or nauseous!
hi Guys thanks for all the kind words it has meant a lot to me been very up and down. I have had some bloods done already and have to have more tests done once i get my AF back so all waiting again but I suppose better to wait and see what they say in case there is something wrong.

Cmum, Bann & Leeze hope you are all getting on OK looks like you are all progressing well - Bann hope your appointment went well this week. Cmum never heard of getting results on DS before they don't really do that here unless you specifically go for amnio and you have to choose to consent to do that.

TTC have all my fingers crossed for you really hope the news is positive for you.

Anyhoo just popped on for a quick hello not back at work yet and got a virus on my computer so just on my own notebook at the mo so it is trying to find the time to log on. I am hoping that i feel a small bit better soon as my hormones are still all over the place and I still have a pot belly and many assorted blue veins acorss my tummy and chest which I hope will go down after this week when my cycle starts to kick in. Guys it has been so much harder this time as we were sure this was going to stick but obiviously there is another plan destined for us and this was not meant to be our baby or at least that is what I have to believe to get through the day.

On a brighter note I watched a film yesterday "Eat, Love & Pray" which was really nice and easy to watch a heart warming story really but there was a brilliant line in it where Julia Roberts character is speaking with her friend who just had a baby and she asked the friend "did you know the exact moment you wanted a child?" her friend replied "Look deciding to have a child is like deciding to get a tattoo on your face, you would want to know that you are fully committed to the idea!" I just thought it was hilarious and a really true statement about wanting and having kids - I am happy to get the tattoo and hope to have my 2nd one soon. I hope to get through the next 6wks of testing etc... to get on our way again I am determined to be pregnant again before the end of the Summer God willing!!!!!!!!!!

Baby dust to TTC and warm baby wishes to the rest of you xxx thanks again for your support and very nice words xx
ok so no good news to report... got a confirmed negative today via my beta and AF showed up this afternoon as well :(

I actually took a couple HPT over the weekend, so was really really depressed all weekend...but it helped out a bit already "knowing" so I was prepped for the call today when they sadly reported we werent sucessfull...

I am very very sad... but luckly we had already decided to immediately start with another cycle if this one didnt work... and since AF came this afternoon... I go for my first CD3 blood work and ultrasound on Wednesday... here we go again !!! hoping for some nice CD3 hormone levels like last month....

Cmum-nice to hear from ya...sounds like everything is going well with ya...gosh and almost 24 weeks...time has litterally flown it seems

Irish-I have not watched Eat Pray Love yet... but I very well may do that this week. big hugs to you as you gain strenght through this tuff time :)

Leeze-fantastic news on the Downs odds... wow how comforting huh!!! congrats

Bann-hope your friday appt was a good one..and hope all is well with you and the little bean

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