Anyone planning a HB with a toddler?


Mum of 3
Apr 18, 2009
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My son will be almost 2 when I have my LO and I was wondering what other HB mums were planning for their toddlers/kids? The last thing I want to do is get someone to take him away from his home then bring him back when I am there with a new baby, but I also don't want it to be a bad or scary experience for him. What is everyone else planning or what did you do?? :flower:
I am. My sin will be 3 1/2 when the baby is due. We have read loads of sibling books. We have started talking about the birth, explaining what he can expect. I'm also going to start showing him birth videos as well. We have arranged for our sitter to come be with him, while my mom driving down to take over.
My LO is too young to really understand anything about it - even though I do mention it and read books I know he doesn't understand. I do want him home with us, but have no one to really call in to help. We are keeping our HB a secret as we would just get lots of resistance and it would cause tons of arguments. It is so great your mum is supportive of your HB! xx
My husband and I are hoping to have a home birth and we have a son who will have barely turned two. I'd really like my son to stay in the house during the birth, but my husband wants it to be just us at home with our midwife and not have one of our moms or other family there that could watch him so I'm not sure what we'll decide to do. I agree that I don't want him to come home and see me with another baby, though that will probably really be more traumatic for me than it will for him. I've been having trouble with the idea of having another because I'm so worried about how he'll handle sharing me with his new brother or sister! Good luck to you and keep me posted on what you decide. :)
Mine will be almost 3. Hopefully she'll be tucked up in bed and wont wake up until hes born but if she is awake then she'll be around. My little brother said he'll take her out to the park etc if she gets scared.

when its time to introduce her to her brother, i'm going to make sure its not me holding him. I'll hold her and OH can hold the new baby so she doesnt feel like shes been replaced. Amelie def understands though. Weve watched a few birth videos online and she understands that he comes out of my ' bum' lol
imogen will be turning 2 mid jan and im due around christmas. im not talking to her about birth or anything because she's not gonna understand any of it, but we talk about the baby, she knows where it is and cuddles, waves and talks to my bump (see profile pic lol). im hoping she'll be in bed when i get to the birth but im goingto ask my mum to be there too to help look after if so OH can look after me lol, also she wants to see a grandbaby been born so i will hopefully kill 2 birds with one stone. i dont mind her been in the room throughout it all if thats what happens, in fact i think i'll be even calmer with her there as to not scare her iykwim. she's a bit of a water baby though so having the birth pool might be a bit of a pain ha ha!!
Noah will be 2 and 2 months when this baby is born. Non of my family live close enough to be of any help so i have enlisted 2 friends that i can call on in case i need too. Im hoping Noah will be asleep when i go into labor ...eeks. my biggest worry is what to do if its the middle of the night and i need a hospital transfer?
My DD is 7 and wants to be present at the birth (and to get into the pool!). If she's asleep, we'll wake her just before baby is born but if she's at school she'll sadly miss it as I seriously doubt that they'll be happy about her being removed from school, even if it is a real life biology lesson!! She has the option of choosing at the time if she doesn't want to be present (if it's during the day on a Saturday) as my inlaws live at the bottom of the lane and will come and take her for a while or she can stay in her play room or bedroom until she is comfortable to come out.

Even if she was younger, I'd still want her to be present. I have read some really good articles about children being present at the birth of siblings and how it's less frightening for them and promotes better sibling bonding.
We are :wave: and with a similar age-gap too :thumbup:

Toby understands that a baby is coming and that it's currently housed in my tummy :lol: We bought three books for him-

There's a House Inside my Mummy
My New Baby and
Hello Baby
(all from Amazon)

The first one he LOVES :D The second he likes to look at the pictures, and the third i have never read to him because it's mainly to do with the birth and tbh i feel it's a bit 'above' him. It's not scary or graphic or gory or anything terrible like that, it's a lovely gentle homebirth story with nice illustrations, but it's a very wordy book and not something i think he'd relate to easily at his age, so i think would be aimed at preschoolers or primary school children even :shrug:

Most of our family are too far away to be of any help from a practical standpoint. Geographically, the nearest person is my Mum, who drives and would be able to get here in approx an hour, BUT works full time, has two children still living at home (my 12 year old sister and 9 year old brother) and who, it has to be said, is not a very calming presence :nope: We're not fantastically close anyway, and she can definitely be a bit melodramatic, so not the sort of energy we're looking for!

After that they just get further and further away and more impractical. MIL is unwell and doesn't drive on motorways, neither of SIL's drive and both work, my Grandma is fantastically supportive of HB having had three of her four children at home in the 50's and 60's but she's 74 and doesn't drive! Sooo inconsiderate of her! Lol :lol:

I felt strongly i didn't want Toby to be "taken away" and then return to find his Mummy and Daddy cuddling a new baby :nope: Particularly since labour may take a while/happen during antisocial hours- he has never slept away from home without us before and i didn't want to be worrying if he was getting on ok, or for him to have a traumatic time and then come home to an even bigger shock iykwim?

So, finally, after lots of worrying- we have a best friend lives around 40 minutes away, only works part-time and has no commitments other than an OH and a dog :lol: so she is going to be "on call" during October. I will call her when i'm in labour and she'll head over with an overnight bag packed. If Toby is asleep she'll just hang out with us (i have no problems with her being present for the actual birth, she's a very calming person, although a little squeamish!) if Toby is awake then she will entertain him upstairs (i'm planning to labour/birth in the pool downstairs) If he gets very restless or disturbed by the noises i make (i mooed like a herd of cows having Toby :blush: ) then she may take him to the park or shops but only nearby. I am keen that he come in and see the baby quite quickly after the birth all being well.

If we need to transfer then obviously she'll stick around and take care of Toby while OH accompanies me in.

The only way the plan will not work is if i go into labour the weekend of my due date as she is away down South that weekend so not available :dohh: in which case he OH has kindly offered to watch Toby for us until we can find someone to replace him.

To be honest, i have been fretting SO much about this and how it will work and where will Toby be and how will he cope etc, and then i basically realised- if all our plans fail and my friend can't make it over in time, or everything falls apart, then the worst case scenario is that one of two things will happen- OH will have to take care of Toby while i give birth supported only by the midwives (and he'd have to stay behind if i had to transfer in or else they'd both have to come along, but i'm not sure that's allowed :shrug: ) OR Toby will have to be present for the birth.

I do have anxieties about him being actually in the room as i'm not sure he's old enough to really process that just because i am moo-ing/crying doesn't mean something bad is happening, and i don't want to traumatise him BUT that said, a friend of OH's came to stay with us recently and when i was mulling it over out loud he said "I was there when my sister was born" Turns out- he was a first baby, stubbornly OP and took a long time coming, his sister, two years younger, was a fast and furious labour, born before the paramedics could arrive, while he looked on. He isn't traumatised and they're very close :shrug: so that definitely made me feel better!
Oops :blush: just realised how long that is! Can you tell we have been thinking about it a lot?!

Hope that helps anyway :thumbup:
There's qite a good link here about younger siblings and HB :

HTH. It probably would be good to have someone on standby with a young one like that though, just in case, do you have any friends you could ask?
Wow thanks for all the advice - and the links! I've been reading lots about what other women are doing/have done as well!

rebaby - Thanks so much for the reply! xx I'm in the same boat as I don't have anyone close who can drop everything - well we do, but they would be very against the idea of a HB :growlmad: So the people I could ask aren't really close and it might be a bit weird. I am considering getting a doula and having OH look after Bun - he is the greatest dad in the universe, but when it comes to birth/pain/etc he's a bit of a stressball. I had to kick him out of my labour room last time as he was panicking a bit and it was really distracting.

We'll see though. My MW does lots of home births and she actually said that in well over half of her HBs the sibling didn't even wake up! I just can't imagine that, as I was yelling and moo-ing and grunting all over last time LOL! I don't know what Bun would think if he saw me like that - I am worried he would be scared but my MW said that they don't know to be scared or squeamish about it. So we're still considering what to do!

Nikki - Thanks for the link! Going to read it now :D I don't really have someone close I can ask that would also be supportive of a HB. We're going to discuss though - maybe there is a solution we haven't thought of yet!

Thanks everyone - it's so great to have other people who are planning HB to talk to! :hugs:
The doula solution sounds good, never thought of that, they could even take it in turns, to give each other some time with you and some time with bun.

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