Anyone planning on NOT vaccinating your baby?


Jun 8, 2012
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I've been hearing a lot of controversy over whether or not to vaccinate babies... some people I know have totally abstained, while others are holdling off until they're older, and then some are still going with the recommended schedule from their pediatricians. Was just curious as to what some of your plans are. I haven't really thought much about it, until now. I'm doing some research on it. I kind of feel like the benefits out-weigh the risks, but others say it increases the risk of the child to develope autism and other behavioral disorders later in life... I also know that it is much more difficult to find a pediatrician that will see your child if you choose not to vaccinate, so there's something else to consider.... everything has to be so complicated these days :wacko:

All opinions are welcome!!
We do not vaccinate. We vaccinated our oldest son up to a year, but he was having bad reactions to the vaccines. So we stopped and never vaccinated our second son and won't this baby either.
My kids are 7, almost 5 and then almost 6 weeks. My older two have always been vaccinated at the age the drs recommend and my LO will also.
I personally feel that the risk of them geting sick are higher then a reaction to the vaccines. And I'm not one to risk my kids getting sick or catching something becuase i didnt get them vaccinated. They are both healthy as can be. Feel the same about the flu shot. We all have always had a flu shot every year and none of us have ever been sick from it or had a bad reaction because of it.
But it's everyone's own personally choice like everything else.
Without vaccinations developed countries are having outbreaks of deadly diseases that were eradiiated,such as measles or whooping cough.
I have no idea how people think the risks of vaccinations aren't worth it - the risk is death. For your baby and others. If everyone was vaccinated outbreaks wouldn't happen. I find not vaccinating to be selfish and a little narrow minded.

I was talking to my pediatrician in Switzerland yesterday and she was amazed by the "fashion" of being scared of vaccines. We should be more scared of the diseases. Measles isn't just a few spots, it isn't chicken pox, whooping cough isn't just a chesty cough that's clears itself..
The uk has a whooping cough outbreak, babies have died. A baby has also died now in Switzerland where my doctor is..from a disease that was eradicated. It's crazy, developed countries are returning to health issues associated with Africa and the developing world.

We should trust WHO and our medical experts.

Just my thoughts.
I'm training in nursing and some people have valid reasons for not vaccinating their children such as allergies ect which can not be helped, however from a medical stand point, vaccines were invented to protect babies and young children from life threatening or potentially disabling diseases, so not vaccinating a healthy child is causing a fail in the system meaning that babies too young for vaccines or children who are allergic or too sick to have the vaccines are catching illnesses that were almost unheard of 30 years ago, which is why now in the UK and some parts of the US some ladies are having to have the whooping cough vaccine.
It can be very frustrating from a medical stand point to have a child come in to see you with an illness that had a cure but wasn't given, so now that child is in pain and sick and suffering for the sake of the mother being afraid. Some fears of vaccines include what is in them, some women actually believe dead human baby cells and animal cells are in the vaccines such as other things, however the main ingrediant is egg white protein to carry the dead virus into the live tissue so that the child's body may effectively fight the virus without a risk of actually getting seriously ill from it, so they create the antibodies to fight the virus should they come into contact with it in the future. The main side effects are tiredness, fevers and rashes and generally feeling unwell and gripey. Those can come out upto 2 weeks after a vaccine but they dont usually last long at all. More serious reactions are very rare and easily treatable. A belief that the MMR vaccine can cause a child to have autism is unfounded but because of a link that was in the media but later disproved many mothers fear the MMR vaccine and decide not to have it.

I personally choose to vaccinate my kids but I respect others views not to vaccinate and understand their stand point, everyone wants to do the best for their child and not endanger them, different mothers have different reasons for what they do.
We do a delayed Vax schedule. My son ran very high fevers ( febrile seizures) with vaccinations. Instead of getting 4-5 at a time, we give one vaccine at a time and space them 3-6 months apart. We don't take the chance of our other children having similar reactions.

The only vaccine we delay more than that is the MMR. It is usually given at 18months old, but it is a VERY strong vaccine and their little bodies aren't always neurologically ready for it. Therefore, we wait until 3 yrs old to vaccinate for the MMR. ( there aren't people walkign around with Measles, Mumps and Rubella around here, so waiting 18 months isn't a big deal on that )
We do a delayed Vax schedule. My son ran very high fevers ( febrile seizures) with vaccinations. Instead of getting 4-5 at a time, we give one vaccine at a time and space them 3-6 months apart. We don't take the chance of our other children having similar reactions.

The only vaccine we delay more than that is the MMR. It is usually given at 18months old, but it is a VERY strong vaccine and their little bodies aren't always neurologically ready for it. Therefore, we wait until 3 yrs old to vaccinate for the MMR. ( there aren't people walkign around with Measles, Mumps and Rubella around here, so waiting 18 months isn't a big deal on that )

I agree with what you're doing. I think I'd like to have some delayed rather than opting out all together, and fewer at a time sounds like a good option. I'm going to get a schedule from our pediatrician to go over and decide when I'd like what to be given.
We do not plan to vaccinate our children. I was either not vaccinated or selectively vaccinated (my mom is no longer around to ask, but I know I didn’t have MMR). For me, the definite risks associated with the vaccines are greater than the possible risk of contracting a virus.

Vaccines aren’t all that effective. Whooping cough is breaking out all over – but it’s vaccinated kids getting it too. I read an article over off one of the current vaccine debate threads talking about a mumps outbreak (or measles, I don’t remember which) but 77% of the infected children were VACCINATED children. So that means 77% of the people who got, suffered, and spread the disease to others were already vaccinated. That also means only 23% of the infected were non-vaccinated!

And for the record, I have never met, seen, or heard of anyone in my area with measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, or anything but chicken pox (which I had and survived just fine), in my entire life.
We do a delayed Vax schedule. My son ran very high fevers ( febrile seizures) with vaccinations. Instead of getting 4-5 at a time, we give one vaccine at a time and space them 3-6 months apart. We don't take the chance of our other children having similar reactions.

The only vaccine we delay more than that is the MMR. It is usually given at 18months old, but it is a VERY strong vaccine and their little bodies aren't always neurologically ready for it. Therefore, we wait until 3 yrs old to vaccinate for the MMR. ( there aren't people walkign around with Measles, Mumps and Rubella around here, so waiting 18 months isn't a big deal on that )

This is what we do, too. Herd immunity exists, and I think it's rude to not vaccinate a healthy child when by not doing so you could be putting at greater risk an immunocompromised child who is medically unable to be vaccinated.
Vaccines are there to save lives. We're lucky to have an NHS and lucky to be in a country developed enough to have these vaccine schedules. I have seen sick kids with vaccine-preventable diseases and it's so frustrating. I'm not denying my baby girl the right to immunity. Recently it's made my blood boil when mums have refused their daughters the HPV vaccine courses as those vaccines are for "sluts". It's a load of crap. Just check out third world diseases and death rates. We are lucky to have healthcare (especially free healthcare and vaccines in the uk).

*steps off soap box and skips away*!!
Vaccines are there to save lives. We're lucky to have an NHS and lucky to be in a country developed enough to have these vaccine schedules. I have seen sick kids with vaccine-preventable diseases and it's so frustrating. I'm not denying my baby girl the right to immunity. Recently it's made my blood boil when mums have refused their daughters the HPV vaccine courses as those vaccines are for "sluts". It's a load of crap. Just check out third world diseases and death rates. We are lucky to have healthcare (especially free healthcare and vaccines in the uk).

*steps off soap box and skips away*!!

I do believe vaccines save lives...for sure, but I also believe that they give too many at one time. I find no reaason why my 3 month old needs 4 shots at once, especially when there is a chance that it will cause him unbearable fevers, possible febrile seizures..etc...

I think that all vaccines should be spaced out more, but maybe that is b/c i have witnessed my child become very sick from them.

I will protect my child and give him the proper protection via vaccinations, but the mass amounts at one time.. NOPE...i won't do that to him.
We do not plan to vaccinate our children. I was either not vaccinated or selectively vaccinated (my mom is no longer around to ask, but I know I didn’t have MMR). For me, the definite risks associated with the vaccines are greater than the possible risk of contracting a virus.

Vaccines aren’t all that effective. Whooping cough is breaking out all over – but it’s vaccinated kids getting it too. I read an article over off one of the current vaccine debate threads talking about a mumps outbreak (or measles, I don’t remember which) but 77% of the infected children were VACCINATED children. So that means 77% of the people who got, suffered, and spread the disease to others were already vaccinated. That also means only 23% of the infected were non-vaccinated!

And for the record, I have never met, seen, or heard of anyone in my area with measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, or anything but chicken pox (which I had and survived just fine), in my entire life.

hmm I agree with your point, too. Here in the US, we don't see many cases of these illnesses (never in my life) and I never hear of any children dying of them... All very valid points IMO.

Keep em coming!!
I think everyones personal experience and the experience of people around you affects your decision. For instance my mom never vaccinated me and I have been extremely healthy my entire life, same for some of the other kids I know haven't been vaccinated. There fore I most likely won't vaccinate my child, not sure if I will refuse all or just some of the vaccines. Gotta do more research on that.

Have never gotten the flu shot either, neither has my DH and we never get the flu or cold during those seasons. But some of my friends who did get the shot have gotten sick more easily and more often. That's how everyone ends up doing what they feel the most comfortable with.
There is no sound medical evidence linking any vaccine to neurodevelopmental difficulties. That includes MMR. The reason many of you don't see the diseases is because children are now vaccinated.
I have heard of the most terrible complications relating to whooping cough, measles, mumps etc. please be careful how you go about making an informed decision about these things.
My sister is brain damaged from the whooping cough was over 50 years ago-she had a seizure immediately afterwards and then the damage was done-at 6 months my father says she was perfectly healthy until she had the vaccine. He had his case won at a tribunal. This scares me terribly as I am frightened to give my baby the vaccine incase its genetically a problem. ..but if I don't they could get whopping cough and women can't state enough about how dangerous this can be. Of course brain damage is worse...but all I can say is when I discuss this issue with my consultant I hope there will be a way my baby can be checked regularly if he doesn't get the vaccine (ie not turned away with me being told it's just a cough). I don't know what to do :-( I was never given the vaccine and my mum is strongly advising me to do the same with my baby.
We do not plan to vaccinate our children. I was either not vaccinated or selectively vaccinated (my mom is no longer around to ask, but I know I didn’t have MMR). For me, the definite risks associated with the vaccines are greater than the possible risk of contracting a virus.

Vaccines aren’t all that effective. Whooping cough is breaking out all over – but it’s vaccinated kids getting it too. I read an article over off one of the current vaccine debate threads talking about a mumps outbreak (or measles, I don’t remember which) but 77% of the infected children were VACCINATED children. So that means 77% of the people who got, suffered, and spread the disease to others were already vaccinated. That also means only 23% of the infected were non-vaccinated!

And for the record, I have never met, seen, or heard of anyone in my area with measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, or anything but chicken pox (which I had and survived just fine), in my entire life.

The reason you have never met or heard of people having these diseases anymore is because the "outbreak" of these diseases has been controlled by vaccines over time. If everyone stopped getting vaccines we would be back to the way things used to be
We do not plan to vaccinate our children. I was either not vaccinated or selectively vaccinated (my mom is no longer around to ask, but I know I didn’t have MMR). For me, the definite risks associated with the vaccines are greater than the possible risk of contracting a virus.

Vaccines aren’t all that effective. Whooping cough is breaking out all over – but it’s vaccinated kids getting it too. I read an article over off one of the current vaccine debate threads talking about a mumps outbreak (or measles, I don’t remember which) but 77% of the infected children were VACCINATED children. So that means 77% of the people who got, suffered, and spread the disease to others were already vaccinated. That also means only 23% of the infected were non-vaccinated!

And for the record, I have never met, seen, or heard of anyone in my area with measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, or anything but chicken pox (which I had and survived just fine), in my entire life.

The reason you have never met or heard of people having these diseases anymore is because the "outbreak" of these diseases has been controlled by vaccines over time. If everyone stopped getting vaccines we would be back to the way things used to be

but is it really so that having all these diseases, viruses, bacterias and epidemics are just an inevitable part of life? And the only way to control them is a vaccine? Or could it be that just way back then peoples hygiene and understanding of how illness spreads was very lacking?

Nowadays just simple things like washing our hands, and taking care of our immune system, eating right etc. all keep us in good health. So I am just personally curious as to if really is the vaccines that keep us distant from these diseases or just better understanding of our bodies and immune system.
we can not rely on other people's hygiene to keep us heathy, not in today's world where people from god knows where are entering the country illegally, working illegally and carriers of virus which we have vaccines for in this country but they do not in theirs. ]It's an invalid argument to say that we have a healthier way of life now when in fact we dont.
Vaccines are developed yearly so one which had complications 50 years a go isn't a threat today. They do so many vax at once because babies need high protection levels since their immunity is so low. Adults can be carriers of illnesses without knowing it and make a child very sick. If you are not vaccinating or delaying vaccination you need to find another way to protect your child, such as vit c and zinc methods xx
Im guessing some people won't like my opinion, but keep in mind, this is just my opinion...

I personally think it's pretty bad to NOT to get your child vaccinated against diseases. Like some previous posters have said, the reason you havn't seen these diseases is because people have had the jabs. My bother caught measles, before he was even old enough to have the MMR jab, and there was an outbreak of TB at my daughters nursery (when she was younger and in nursery), and these things happen because people have not been vaccinated, not because they havn't been eating their greens or forgotten to wash their hands.

Most of these diseases are very contagious, and very damaging if not life threatening to YOUR children.

If anyone is thinking of not having their children protected, I urge them to read up on these diseases and know what can/will happen to your child, if he/she catches them. Is it worth risking because of social propaganda?
And we can't forget that virus can mutate. That means that if you don't vaccinate your child you are not only responsible for him getting sick, but could also be for an other person's son or daughter contracting the disease even after vaccination.

Sayin that vaccinated people are contracting diseases bacause the vaccines dont work its not true, they do, but if the virus is still goin around and mutates the person may not be inmune to it anymore due to someone else's decision.

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