Anyone planning on NOT vaccinating your baby?

"Parents' fear of vaccinations nearly killed their son"

So glad I have been vaccinating. Would hate to feel the way that child's parents do.

The very reason why I am more then happy to say my son is fully vaxed. This isn't the first story I have seen similar to this and I haven't done major research. It doesn't make me naive as a parent. Quite the opposite in fact. Alot of people do research online and take what is on the Internet for the cons as golden. Why would we take that as golden but take "u have won the Spanish lottery" as false. U can't trust everything u read online. And it's easy for someone to make false claims online. I could tell u I'm a leading doctor and researcher in vaccination. How would u know? I could tell u in bloody princess Kate! The article makes a good point, he opinions that should matter are doctors. No don't take the first answer and no they aren't always right, feel free to find a second/third/fourth opinion but tr majority of doctors are pro vax, it's not a form of conspiracy it's the proof in the pudding x
Yep, i don't doubt my choice to have my son fully vaccinated either. Especially after reading that. I could never ever forgive myself if i put my son through that.
More to consider:
"Parents' fear of vaccinations nearly killed their son"

So glad I have been vaccinating. Would hate to feel the way that child's parents do.

Wow. Kudos to them for sharing their story. It is pretty stunning to me that the parents had degrees in science and let themselves be convinced by online rhetoric rather than proper scientific study. I am very glad that their son survived and that they were public about their mistake. It was very brave of them to face that publicly.
More to consider:

Thank you, this article (brief read through) made reference that the "whoop" doesn't always show in children especially babies under 6 months. That an make it harder to diagnose and therefore more riskier.
I have also read some people saying they don't have to worry about such n such disease because its not in there area. I honestly find that a very naive outlook. Diseases can travel, especially with how easy it is for us to travel around the world again why would you risk it? My opinion though.
I think underestimating the diseases is pretty common. And easy to do when people have never actually seen the diseases "in action" or know someone who had contracted one (and why is that, I wonder? Couldn't possibly have anything to do with vaccine efficacy...)

I've seen people say that these diseases are natural and they're not worried even if their kid does get one. Makes me wonder where they get their information from.
I think underestimating the diseases is pretty common. And easy to do when people have never actually seen the diseases "in action" or know someone who had contracted one (and why is that, I wonder? Couldn't possibly have anything to do with vaccine efficacy...)

I've seen people say that these diseases are natural and they're not worried even if their kid does get one. Makes me wonder where they get their information from.

I think people are unaware of the neuortoxins (aluminum) in vaccines. Most people have probably never watched a close loved one slowly die a painful, awful death, of a degenerative neurological disease with no known cause.

I cannot knowingly inject neurotoxins into my child's developing brain, at the point where it is doing more development than it will ever do in his life outside the womb, not knowing if it could cause brain damage that is not evident until many years later.

And everyone who says "well my child is fine and is fully vaxed" have no idea if they will fall victim to a neuorological disease in the future, you just can't know. The vaccines we have today are not tested long term into the future (it would be illogical to wait until the test subjects were in their 40s or 50s) so there is really no way to know if they have any long term effects.

But we do know that ingredients, found in almost every vaccine, are known neurotoxins. And that doesn't even consider the known carcinogens.
Wow. Kudos to them for sharing their story. It is pretty stunning to me that the parents had degrees in science and let themselves be convinced by online rhetoric rather than proper scientific study. I am very glad that their son survived and that they were public about their mistake. It was very brave of them to face that publicly.
That went through my mind too. I do question the quality of the degree the mother is currently studying if it isn't teaching the basics of interpreting scientific research and disseminating opinion from fact.
I think underestimating the diseases is pretty common. And easy to do when people have never actually seen the diseases "in action" or know someone who had contracted one (and why is that, I wonder? Couldn't possibly have anything to do with vaccine efficacy...)

I've seen people say that these diseases are natural and they're not worried even if their kid does get one. Makes me wonder where they get their information from.

I think people are unaware of the neuortoxins (aluminum) in vaccines. Most people have probably never watched a close loved one slowly die a painful, awful death, of a degenerative neurological disease with no known cause.

I cannot knowingly inject neurotoxins into my child's developing brain, at the point where it is doing more development than it will ever do in his life outside the womb, not knowing if it could cause brain damage that is not evident until many years later.

And everyone who says "well my child is fine and is fully vaxed" have no idea if they will fall victim to a neuorological disease in the future, you just can't know. The vaccines we have today are not tested long term into the future (it would be illogical to wait until the test subjects were in their 40s or 50s) so there is really no way to know if they have any long term effects.

But we do know that ingredients, found in almost every vaccine, are known neurotoxins. And that doesn't even consider the known carcinogens.

I'm sorry but that's scaremongering. Where's the proof?
I think underestimating the diseases is pretty common. And easy to do when people have never actually seen the diseases "in action" or know someone who had contracted one (and why is that, I wonder? Couldn't possibly have anything to do with vaccine efficacy...)

I've seen people say that these diseases are natural and they're not worried even if their kid does get one. Makes me wonder where they get their information from.

I think people are unaware of the neuortoxins (aluminum) in vaccines. Most people have probably never watched a close loved one slowly die a painful, awful death, of a degenerative neurological disease with no known cause.

I cannot knowingly inject neurotoxins into my child's developing brain, at the point where it is doing more development than it will ever do in his life outside the womb, not knowing if it could cause brain damage that is not evident until many years later.

And everyone who says "well my child is fine and is fully vaxed" have no idea if they will fall victim to a neuorological disease in the future, you just can't know. The vaccines we have today are not tested long term into the future (it would be illogical to wait until the test subjects were in their 40s or 50s) so there is really no way to know if they have any long term effects.

But we do know that ingredients, found in almost every vaccine, are known neurotoxins. And that doesn't even consider the known carcinogens.

I'm sorry but that's scaremongering. Where's the proof?

Aluminum is a neurotoxin. Formaldehyde is a carcinogen. Those are fact. US vaccines contain Aluminum and most contain formaldehyde. That is fact. Where is the scaremongerig?

Aluminum, a neurotoxin which affects diverse metabolic reactions.
Experimental evidence is summarized to support the hypothesis that chronic exposure to low levels of aluminum may lead to neurological disorders. These disorders result from defective phosphorylation--dephosphorylation reactions, reduced glucose utilization and site-specific damage inflicted by free radicals produced by altered iron metabolism. The brain is a highly compartmentalized organ. Therefore, a co-localization of critical mass of metabolic errors rather than a single event may be essential to precipitate a neural disease. Aluminum appears to participate in formulating this critical mass.

Aluminum-induced neurotoxicity: alterations in membrane function at the blood-brain barrier.
Aluminum is established as a neurotoxin, although the basis for its toxicity is unknown. It recently has been shown to alter the function of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which regulates exchanges between the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral circulation. The BBB owes its unique properties to the integrity of the cell membranes that comprise it. Aluminum affects some of the membrane-like functions of the BBB. It increases the rate of transmembrane diffusion and selectively changes saturable transport systems without disrupting the integrity of the membranes or altering CNS hemodynamics. Such alterations in the access to the brain of nutrients, hormones, toxins, and drugs could be the basis of CNS dysfunction. Aluminum is capable of altering membrane function at the BBB; many of its effects on the CNS as well as peripheral tissues can be explained by its actions as a membrane toxin.

Formaldehyde and Cancer Risk
Formaldehyde has been classified as a known human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and as a probable human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

And Vaccine ingredients in vaccines in the US, note the occurrence of aluminum and formaldehyde.

I never said aluminum caused any specific disease, I simply said I could not reconcile injecting neurotoxins into my child's developing brain. Having seen what neurological diseases can do, it makes me all the more aware of the potential damage of neuortoxins. There is no scaremongering. Those are facts.
There is no proof that aluminium in vaccines is harmful. We all get more aluminium from food than we ever would from a vaccine.

Formaldehyde is produced naturally in the body every day of our lives.

If there was any chance that aluminium or formaldehyde in vaccinations was dangerous, don't you think they'd have stopped using them by now?
There is no proof that aluminium in vaccines is harmful. We all get more aluminium from food than we ever would from a vaccine.

Formaldehyde is produced naturally in the body every day of our lives.

If there was any chance that aluminium or formaldehyde in vaccinations was dangerous, don't you think they'd have stopped using them by now?

No, I don't think so. As I stated before, there are no LONG term studies (and it would not be logical to hold off vaccines for 40+ years to test) A lot of neurological diseases do not present until later in life. There is no way to know right now if the aluminum in vaccines has any effect on those diseases long down the line, but that is not a risk I am willing to take.

Anyone can see the difference in ingesting a substance and injecting into your bloodstream. The digestive system does an excellent job of keeping nasty things out of our blood and away from our brains. Injecting it bypasses our body's natural protection. The first link did not say the aluminum wasn't harmful, just that it was under US FDA guidelines for ingested aluminum, which is different than injected. Anyway, the FDA is notorious for being able to be influenced by drug companies. Just look at the history of aspartame...

Formaldehyde may be produced by the body, and I am comfortable with the formaldehyde my own body makes, but it is still a known carcinogen from external sources.

You can believe what you like, I am simply saying there are risks involved with vaccines, that we may never know until 40 years from now. I have the personal experience of watching a loved one die of a nasty degenerative neurological disease, so I am more wary of neurotoxins. I have seen what neurological damage and disease can do. It is not a risk I am willing to take. If it is for you, and you accept the risk of neurotoxins and carcinogens, then that is your choice.
There is no proof that aluminium in vaccines is harmful. We all get more aluminium from food than we ever would from a vaccine.

Formaldehyde is produced naturally in the body every day of our lives.

If there was any chance that aluminium or formaldehyde in vaccinations was dangerous, don't you think they'd have stopped using them by now?

No, I don't think so. As I stated before, there are no LONG term studies (and it would not be logical to hold off vaccines for 40+ years to test) A lot of neurological diseases do not present until later in life. There is no way to know right now if the aluminum in vaccines has any effect on those diseases long down the line, but that is not a risk I am willing to take.

Anyone can see the difference in ingesting a substance and injecting into your bloodstream. The digestive system does an excellent job of keeping nasty things out of our blood and away from our brains. Injecting it bypasses our body's natural protection. The first link did not say the aluminum wasn't harmful, just that it was under US FDA guidelines for ingested aluminum, which is different than injected. Anyway, the FDA is notorious for being able to be influenced by drug companies. Just look at the history of aspartame...

Formaldehyde may be produced by the body, and I am comfortable with the formaldehyde my own body makes, but it is still a known carcinogen from external sources.

You can believe what you like, I am simply saying there are risks involved with vaccines, that we may never know until 40 years from now. I have the personal experience of watching a loved one die of a nasty degenerative neurological disease, so I am more wary of neurotoxins. I have seen what neurological damage and disease can do. It is not a risk I am willing to take. If it is for you, and you accept the risk of neurotoxins and carcinogens, then that is your choice.

So much ignorance and bad science being quoted here I am not even sure where to start. Not to mention a whole lot of paranoia (that's right - the FDA and Big Pharma are out to get everyone!).
Let's try starting with this idea that you think your magical digestive tract is protecting your body and brain from "neurotoxins" (another extremely vague term that could describe any number of substances). Really? That would be pretty special considering that bioaccumulation, one of the biggest environmental concerns for persistent toxic chemicals (many of which we could classify as carcinogens and neurotoxins), is overwhelmingly from ingested substances. But even though that applies to pretty much every living organism in the animal kingdom, I guess your digestive tract is protecting you. Congratulations on understanding very little about how your body works. Please tell me more about how dangerous vaccines are. You obviously have a firm grasp of basic human biology.
And you know, I was going to edit my last post as I think my tone is pretty angry and maybe that isn't fair. But then I thought about the two articles just posted and the amount of damage that spreading this kind of ignorance does and I think I am going to stick with my honest reaction of exasperation and anger.
There is no proof that aluminium in vaccines is harmful. We all get more aluminium from food than we ever would from a vaccine.

Formaldehyde is produced naturally in the body every day of our lives.

If there was any chance that aluminium or formaldehyde in vaccinations was dangerous, don't you think they'd have stopped using them by now?

No, I don't think so. As I stated before, there are no LONG term studies (and it would not be logical to hold off vaccines for 40+ years to test) A lot of neurological diseases do not present until later in life. There is no way to know right now if the aluminum in vaccines has any effect on those diseases long down the line, but that is not a risk I am willing to take.

Anyone can see the difference in ingesting a substance and injecting into your bloodstream. The digestive system does an excellent job of keeping nasty things out of our blood and away from our brains. Injecting it bypasses our body's natural protection. The first link did not say the aluminum wasn't harmful, just that it was under US FDA guidelines for ingested aluminum, which is different than injected. Anyway, the FDA is notorious for being able to be influenced by drug companies. Just look at the history of aspartame...

Formaldehyde may be produced by the body, and I am comfortable with the formaldehyde my own body makes, but it is still a known carcinogen from external sources.

You can believe what you like, I am simply saying there are risks involved with vaccines, that we may never know until 40 years from now. I have the personal experience of watching a loved one die of a nasty degenerative neurological disease, so I am more wary of neurotoxins. I have seen what neurological damage and disease can do. It is not a risk I am willing to take. If it is for you, and you accept the risk of neurotoxins and carcinogens, then that is your choice.

So much ignorance and bad science being quoted here I am not even sure where to start. Not to mention a whole lot of paranoia (that's right - the FDA and Big Pharma are out to get everyone!).
Let's try starting with this idea that you think your magical digestive tract is protecting your body and brain from "neurotoxins" (another extremely vague term that could describe any number of substances). Really? That would be pretty special considering that bioaccumulation, one of the biggest environmental concerns for persistent toxic chemicals (many of which we could classify as carcinogens and neurotoxins), is overwhelmingly from ingested substances. But even though that applies to pretty much every living organism in the animal kingdom, I guess your digestive tract is protecting you. Congratulations on understanding very little about how your body works. Please tell me more about how dangerous vaccines are. You obviously have a firm grasp of basic human biology.

Actually the FDA and "big Pharma" are not out to get everyone, they are just made up of humans who can make mistakes or have bad intentions. Generally, they have good results, but pharmaceutical companies are profit driven, not "good will" driven. The FDA has generally good intentions, but they are are susceptible to political and societal pressures, and sometimes they bend when they shouldn't.

The digestive tract can process out a lot of toxins (we will call them toxins, but by neurotoxins, I mean toxins that affect the neurological system) just because bioaccumulation occurs through ingested substances, does NOT mean the body doesn't process out 99% of the toxic substances, and only the 1% builds up. That was all I was saying, is that the digestive tract removes MOST toxic substances. I understand quite well how my body works.

Although there are a couple of people on here who want to condemn those of us who choose not to vaccinate, it is a valid point of view.

Just because you do not respect my views or fears and believe everything you are told about toxic substances doesn't make my view any less valid. My pediatrician respects my views, although he does vaccinate his own children, my specific concerns about vaccine ingredients are good enough for him to see and respect my point of view on the matter.
No Sarahkka, you got the content and tone exactly right. This sort of Misformation is exactly the reason people don't vaccinate. And as you say, ignores a grat deal of fundamental science.

Mispriss, I watched my father in law deteriorate and die of an unknown neurological degeneration. You are absolutely right, it is cruel and horrific for all involved.

I also had a childhood friend suffer horrifically from measles which she contracted from another unvaccinated child. She was unable to be vaccinated. She ended up deaf, and blind in one eye. I had another school friend who's mother contracted rubella during pregnancy and my friend's older sister was born with severe learning difficulties. Two known, proven outcomes versus one unproven (and unlikely) outcome. Safe to say I vaccinated our daughter.

Aluminium Is in pretty much everything, even infant formula and many foods. I suppose you have never fed any of them to your child......
No Sarahkka, you got the content and tone exactly right. This sort of Misformation is exactly the reason people don't vaccinate. And as you say, ignores a grat deal of fundamental science.

Mispriss, I watched my father in law deteriorate and die of an unknown neurological degeneration. You are absolutely right, it is cruel and horrific for all involved.

I also had a childhood friend suffer horrifically from measles which she contracted from another unvaccinated child. She was unable to be vaccinated. She ended up deaf, and blind in one eye. I had another school friend who's mother contracted rubella during pregnancy and my friend's older sister was born with severe learning difficulties. Two known, proven outcomes versus one unproven (and unlikely) outcome. Safe to say I vaccinated our daughter.

Aluminium Is in pretty much everything, even infant formula and many foods. I suppose you have never fed any of them to your child......

I would rather be deaf & blind in one eye or have a learning disability than die a slow, horrific death, but that is just me.

No, actually, I haven't fed any formula to my child. I argue that digestion is different than direct injection into the bloodstream.

Might I remind all of you that I am not vaccinated, and I never contracted any diseases vaccinated against, except chicken pox. To me, the known outcomes are just as rare as the unknown ones. But I would rather again be deaf, blind, or have a learning disability than die a slow (years and years) painful death.
It's not worth arguing with people like misspriss. It's more important to make sure the actual facts are out there so other people don't believe that nonsense.
No Sarahkka, you got the content and tone exactly right. This sort of Misformation is exactly the reason people don't vaccinate. And as you say, ignores a grat deal of fundamental science.

Mispriss, I watched my father in law deteriorate and die of an unknown neurological degeneration. You are absolutely right, it is cruel and horrific for all involved.

I also had a childhood friend suffer horrifically from measles which she contracted from another unvaccinated child. She was unable to be vaccinated. She ended up deaf, and blind in one eye. I had another school friend who's mother contracted rubella during pregnancy and my friend's older sister was born with severe learning difficulties. Two known, proven outcomes versus one unproven (and unlikely) outcome. Safe to say I vaccinated our daughter.

Aluminium Is in pretty much everything, even infant formula and many foods. I suppose you have never fed any of them to your child......

I would rather be deaf & blind in one eye or have a learning disability than die a slow, horrific death, but that is just me.

No, actually, I haven't fed any formula to my child. I argue that digestion is different than direct injection into the bloodstream.

Might I remind all of you that I am not vaccinated, and I never contracted any diseases vaccinated against, except chicken pox. To me, the known outcomes are just as rare as the unknown ones. But I would rather again be deaf, blind, or have a learning disability than die a slow (years and years) painful death.

You are welcome.
You have enjoyed minimal exposure to disease because the vast majority of us do vaccinate and provide you with protection.
It's not your mighty digestive-tract immunological protection. It was a public health initiative that people like you dismiss and try to dismantle, ironically.
I just can't understand why anyone would prefer the (proven) hideous effects of preventable diseases like measles vs the (unproven) tenuous/unlikely/extremely rare ones these scaremongers reckon you could maybe perhaps get from vaccines.

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