Anyone really worry?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Does anyone else here really genuinely worry in case they can't ave kids?
I can't explain it but I get so upset and think what if I can't! Being a mum is all I ever wanted to do so the thought of being told I can't have kids kills me. We take loads of "risks" with my pill and have done quite a lot lately (missing them, being sick etc) and still having sex without a :blush:
I know so many people that say they missed one pill and bam, baby ... I just get really worried in case trying is difficult for us or if theres a problem we don't know about yet... does anyone else get these fears?
Yeah I definitely feel that way sometimes too. we've had a few condom mishaps around ovulation and no :baby: much to my husband's relief and my dismay, lol! We've been using the fertility awareness method for about a year and a friend was marveling at how well it is working for us and i was thinking, "omg, is it working or can i just not have children??"

but yeah, I do worry about that. I mean, we who are wtt spend so much time preventing and preparing for something that we deeply want to happen...if we come to find that we could never have it and have actually been wasting time trying to prevent it, that would be devastating!!

And it seems to be that you never really know if you can have a baby till you start trying for one, and for those of us who have never tried for one... it's like a high stakes waiting game. lol
that's just how i feel, anyway.
Absolutely. We've never had any oopsie moments which makes me glad to a certain extent. I haven't really had to worry about being pregnant at the wrong time or whatever but at the same time I have no idea if I'll actually be able to conceive. The idea of never having my own children just about breaks my heart. We have spoken about what we would do if we weren't able to conceive and we agreed that we'd try everything first but adoption would be our next step. We want to be parents no matter what. I am still terrified I won't be able to have kids. I want to be pregnant and know what it's like to feel my baby move inside me. I want to have that extra special bond.
I try not to worry about that but sometimes it does go through my mind.
A bit over a year ago, when my baby fever was really bringing me down, my OH and I decided to try for one month and if it were meant to happen great but if not we'll wait. Obviously it didn't and I'm a young and healthy woman, so sometimes i do kind of worry. But on the other hand, i guess it would have been more uncommon if we had conceived in the first (and only) month.

I just hope I inherited my moms fertility.. She got pregnant with my older sister while on the pill and then with me while breastfeeding my older sister.

I almost feel bad, but I also sometimes worry that we won't be able to conceive without it being because of me..
This is one of my worst fears!! I'm so concerned about this, I know that if we don't catch within the first month I'll have all sorts going through my head, even though I'm fully aware there's only a 20% chance of catching each month :/ it's another reason I want to TTC ASAP so I get some answers!
I'm not worried about not being able to conceive as I would love the excuse to adopt sooner rather than later. I'm actually super concerned about something going wrong once I am pregnant. I think about it every day. I know stress is bad for the baby so I really need to relax about it before we start trying. I told my husband that o wouldn't want to try again if we lost a baby, and go straight to adoption. He was like after just one? We could try again. I'm like yeah no. I don't have that sort of strength.
I also worry on and off about this. I feel like I shouldn't worry because all the women have been quite fertile on both sides of my family.. my Mom got pregnant with me and 1 brother on the first month of trying and my youngest brother was 'earlier than expected.' However I have been off BCP since May and although we use condoms for the most part we don't always use them (DH keeps being like "oh you're off BCP? as if I never told him). Since I started tracking my cycles a bit more I have noticed we have had unprotected sex near ovulation a few months and no pregnancy so it definitely does raise some concern. However since I have tracked my cycles it looks like I may have a short luteal phase which often makes it difficult to get pregnant. I'm glad I'm discovering that now though as I'm taking a supplement to hopefully correct it.
I worry about it sometimes and what if I don't have children in time before my clock is up.
Yeah I worry sometimes, my side of the family is fertile but my husband's not so much. I think it's weird that I know quite a few women who have gotten pregnant "by accident" like on the pill.... and that's never happened to me?
I was always worried I wouldn't be able to get pregnant. My Mum took ten years to fall pregnant. My hubby and I are on our 3rd month of TTC, and we actually got a BFP on our first cycle, which ended at 5w2d, so now my worry has turned to whether I can actually carry a baby to full term! I don't think the worry will ever end when it comes to TTC and pregnancy :(
I often worry about this too, even though I've already had kids. My doctor and I suspect I have endometriosis as well, which typically makes it more difficult to conceive. :cry: My OH and I have had a few oopsies and I haven't gotten pregnant yet, which feeds into my anxiety over my fertility even more. I know I won't know if it'll actually be difficult until we are actually TTC, but I still worry about it quite frequently now.
I used to worry about this quite a bit before DS came along. We got preggo with him on the 3rd cycle and I feel like with the next there is no reason to think it won't happen quickly again.

To share a couple stories- a friend of mine was convinced she was infertile. She comes from a very large (fertile) family. Her and her DH were never careful and didn't use BC. They had been together since high school and had never had an accident in 10 years. When they decided to properly try she got preggo first cycle.

Another friend was on BC for almost 15 years. She thought it would take a long time as well. Her cycles were wonky when not on the pill so she resolved that it could take them a long time. She was 30 when they got married and didn't want to wait too long to start trying. They waited a year and then she came off the pill...and got preggo first cycle!
I wonder if women who get their period every month have a better chance at getting pregnant than women who miss it every once in a while. I missed mine in June of this year but had it every other month.
Yeah I worry too. I'm an anxious person by nature, but after a MMC and 2 CPs that followed, for months I believed something had to be wrong with me. I'm relaxing a little now, but I'm sure it'll go back to square one once I am pregnant again. It feels like my body just can't hold a baby.
I worried about this. In fact, at Christmas 2011 I spent a long time looking up symptoms of endometriosis as i was convinced I had got it. I was having bad pain at the top of my legs and I had heard that this was one of the symptoms. A week and a half later I discovered i was pregnant. :) I think it's totally normal to have these fears as it's something we want so much. Thankfully for the majority of people there is nothing to worry about. The worry doesn't stop at one though. We are wtt for no.2 and I'm starting to worry about secondary infertility.
I am kind of relieved other people feel that way. It will sound silly but I'm the first in my whole family EVER to not have a child when a teen and I am so worried in case I go through the menopause early like my mum and gran did :nope: I'm hoping I don't have trouble getting pregnant, 2 years ish until we try and honestly just wish we could try sooner, this feeling is always eating away at me.
I get worried because by the time we try I will have been on the pill non stop for 8 years :nope: OH smoked since he was 12 and is trying to quit now but really struggling, I'm overweight (technically obese but don't look it, i look chubby at most and a size 14-16) but trying to lose weight so that hopefully wont affect pregnancy because by the time we try i should be healthier weight wise, I worry because when my house got broken into the man beat meup and a lot of the punched and kicks were aimed at the stomach (could that cause damage when trying) . I worry about every twinge I feel if that is a sign i cant have kids :cry: It's driving me crazy!
i was seriously thinking about starting a thread like this! Good to know others think like this. I worry about this too. Sometimes i think my husband, as well as me to a degree, thinks it's just a matter of picking WHEN we TTC, and that it will happen within a few months once that decision is made. But really it might not be... i worry we will have waited all this time and then something will be wrong with either of our fertility and we'll have an even longer journey ahead of us. This sort of happened to someone i know. They didn't wait to TTC, in fact the opposite. But they found each other somewhat later in life and got married at 30, and they knew they wanted several kids so they didn't waste any time and started right away to TTC. Well, i did not know them well enough to know what exactly the fertility issues were... but conceiving naturally was not happening. And then even with IVF it was not happening... It took them about 10 years before she was able to be successful and had twins at 41. So, a happy ending. But i don't know how i could handle something like that :(

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