Anyone starting IVF cycle in April/May?

star - awww hey dont worry, I know you feel like 18th June is forever but make the most of getting fit, eating well and doing things you probably cant do when pregnant! :)
Any waiting around sucks obviously. Keep busy busy and time will fly! x

- Ok I have a little good news to share, today is my embryo transfer day, I got up early ready and was going to leave the house until a call came. The embryologist called saying that they want to do a 5 day blast transfer (Still searching google what thats all about, but apparently thats a good thing. If any knows why it is good and how etc. please do share)
So my E.T will be on Saturday morning now. He sounded so happy on the phone and said he has good news to share which is out of the 12 fertilised eggs, there are 10 top quality embryos!! :) Im so happy and but at the same time dont want to have too much hope in case it doesnt work out I am just praying this one works. I got so happy I treated my husband with lovely breakfast in a lovely cafe :)

I hope everyone is doing well. I hope everyone's dreams come true! You all deserve it! xx
Jackdoll - lol be strong!!!

Mowat - hi again, youa re still ahead of me and Star so don't worry about it :)

Yearningheart - I think that if they let them go to blast and a 5dt the benefit is that they have longer to develop where they can see them and so they are more sure of which are the better blasts to put back. I'd hope you will also have some to freeze too :) I'm sure someone else knows more details though. Whatever the reason, brilliant news for you. I guess transfer will be Saturday now?

Star - honestly, having recently been where you are it does actually fly by. I made the most of having a glass of red wine and eating soft cheese and shellfish (in between dieting obviously ;) )

AFM - Scan went well, no nasty surprises. Blood tests went ok but not sure when the results were back. Hopefully just routine in any case. DH's turned into a drama when they couldn't get any blood out of him. he had 3 nurses in there in the end and is pointing out all the holes in his arms. I've told him we will compare puncture marks when we get to the end of the cycle and see who wins! Injection Teach booked for same day as my first injection Friday 6th so I'm just waiting for my protocol to come through the post now and then i'll order my drugs.
Thats fantastic news yearningheart, so pleased for you, like lizzie said I think it's because they are more developed and they can tell which is best quality, but I'm no expert! So good though how many you have!

Lizzie, yay alls well for you, how exciting :)) cant wait to start
THanks for the welcome guys. Yes, this is my first cycle. I have a son who is 4, but since we've started trying again I've had 3 miscarriages and now I can't seem to get pregnant. No explanations. Sure hope this works!
Sounds good Yearning Heart---hurry up Saturday!
Mowat - keeping everything crossed for you. Did you fine somewhere to stay near your clinic, I think I remember that it's a long way away from where you live?
Hope it works for you too mowat :)

Yearningheart, hope all goes well tomorrow which Im sure it will

Lizzie, how are things moving along for you?

Emz and twinkle, hope your both doing ok?

Afm, I just got af today and it's on CD33! Shortest cycle ive had in a long time, they seem to be getting shorter the last 3 ,it was 40 then 36 and now 33 which means if it carries on I should get af next a week after the ivf appointment in June!
Star - that's great, ti sounds like everything is starting to align for you :)

Everything ok here, got over the wobbles I was having earlier this week. Wishing the protocol would hurry up and come through because I want to shop around for the drugs when I know what they are. I have a couple of really busy weeks at work coming up which will help the time pass until I start injecting but will make it tricky for me to call around for price comparisons - so basically, more waiting lol.

DH is confusing me a bit, I'm not sure that he understands that this might not work for us as he is wittering on about my maternity leave policy and how many weeks we can afford for me to have at home and finding a nursery etc. Bless him, I know that if we get our miracle we do need to do all that but it feels like a jinx to think about it now iykwim sigh. Think he just wants something practical to do in fairness to him but I'm not ready to look that far ahead yet.

Good luck for tomorrow Yearning Heart
Hey girls. I'm 5dp5dt and got a BFP on my first urine this morning, just couldn't stop myself, then 4 hours later I poas again and got another BFP.... Oh my cant believe it but trying not to get to excited, girls is the trigger diffently out of my system. I took trigger Sunday 11th may....
I'm not sure about the trigger, I think ive heard it takes at the most 14 days to be out but I could be wrong, I'm sure it will be your bfp though, exciting!!

Lizzie, my dh talks about stuff like that all the time, mainly though because weve just got my dad's inheritance through and moving house so need to know what we can afford as I would like to take a year off if possible if I do get a bfp, hope time hurries up for you
lizzie - Yep tomorrow is the embryo transfer :)
Thats great! Things are definitly moving. Ok so your stims start 6th June? How comes you have to order your meds? I thought the hospitial orders it and then it is posted home. I guess its not always the same but what ever the case, I hope all goes super smooth and well for you and fast! lol Glad to hear your scan went well. :thumbup:

star - Thanks! :flower: Do you want your cycle days to be shorter? (Sorry that probably sounds silly asking) Im just not sure and curious to know. Is it a good thing that your cycle is shorter?
Im pretty clueless when it comes to AF to be honest and thats because I hardly ever get it naturally and I mean literally hardly ever.

Hope everyone is doing well. x
Oh silly me, I read some of the posts and then posted!

lizzie - Aww thats actually really sweet of your DH. Its true though, they shouldn't get too much hopes up. My DH recently has been checking out baby furniture's, bottles, toys etc. and it makes me happy to see him so interested at the same time I cant help but think that it may not work out. I guess there is more pain when there is expectations.

Jackdoll - Oh thats so good to hear! Im hoping it is definitely a BFP :) eeeekkkk how exciting! When is your blood test?
Jackdoll, pretty sure the trigger is out of your system and this is the beginning of your bfp, really hope so for you xxx

Yearningheart - it's down regulation injects that start 6th June, I'm on long protocol so will do them fro 2-3 weeks before starting stims for 2 weeks, still a long way for me to go lol. I can just order the drugs from the clinic if I call them once I receive their prescription but I know a lot of people have saved tons of ££s by getting them from Asda who sell ivf drugs on a no profit basis. It depends what the prescription is for but 5 weeks of drugs isn't likely to come cheap so anything I can save can be put towards next cycle. Let us know how transfer goes :)

Just had my first acupuncture appointment and feeling sleep so that's it from me xxx
Thinking of you tomoro yearningheart, Im just glad as sometimes have cycles 50-75 days long which likely means no ovulation, even tho I know I wont get a natural bfp its nice to have a little hope
Also If you have to wait for af to start ivf ( not sure if u do?) but if you do I dont want to be waiting forever for af

Why do some people do long protocol and some shorter? Just out of curiosity as ive seen my clinic like to do the shorter one and wonder why theyre different
Lizzie - Oh right I see. I was on long protocol too, mine was having BCP pills before the stims. Interesting I didnt know Asda sell IVF drugs but yeah if you can save money then why not! I would do the same too.
How did the acupuncture go? Did you have good sleep? lol Iv never actually done acupuncture, during my first IVF I was considering but never got round to it.

Star - Ahhhh ok, yeah makes sense, long cycle means waiting for ever for ovulation and even then probably now know when it is! I had to wait for AF to start the IVF. I remember when the doctor told me that i was like :nope: I said to him if I wait for AF then my IVF will never start! So they gave me some pills to take for 1 week and after having those pills for a week, my periods come. That is how I have been doing it through out both my IVF cycles. Thats what I mean, I dont start my periods naturally, I have to use pills to force it out. lol

There difference between long/short protocol (from internet):

The difference between long and short protocol is that the long protocol has a period of shutting down your own cycle before you start, called 'down regulation' which can take two weeks or more. Then you'd start the 'stimulation' phase, where you grow your follicles, followed by the egg retrieval etc.

The short protocol doesn't have the down regulation phase, you just start stimming from the beginning of your natural cycle and about 12 days later you have your egg retrieval. The benefit of this protocol is that it is much quicker.

Hope that makes sense? Im so tired now, its pretty late so im going to get some good sleep and hopefully nice and fresh tomorrow for my E.T
Really hope this is it for you Jackdoll!

Yes, I found somewhere to stay Lizzie. I rented a furnished suite on airbnb. It's slightly cheaper than a hotel, but not much! Hope it works out alright---I fly out in the morning.
The long and short makes sense now as I couldn't understand what down reg was, hope I can do the short one which my clinic mainly says it specializes in

Any more testing jackdoll?
Good luck today for transfer Yearning heart and have a good flight mowat xxx
Hi ladies, hope everyone is well!
Yearningheart good luck for your transfer, brilliant news making it to blast. The girls are so right in saying they can pick the best ones once they've developed further. I was also told that putting blasts back is closer to what happens naturally-day 3 embryos (when fertilised naturally) are still floating around in the Fallopian tubes and make it to the uterus on day4-5 so putting a day 3 one back means the embryo is not in its natural surroundings and conditions, might not know what to do. Also by day 5 the uterus is more ready to implant an embryo so it will prob happen straight away whereas a day 3 embryo just hangs about for a couple of days before it implants. Hope that makes sense!!
So glad to see everyone moving forwards, hoping to see some more positives!!
Hi mowat, hoping this works for u xo
Emz, how are you doing? Did you had bloods done?
Afm, had a great day at my boss' wedding and enjoyed (several) drinks! Managed not to cry the whole day, definitely feeling stronger.
Hi twinkle, good explanation, makes it even clearer now about a day 3 or 5
Glad you had a good time at the wedding and now feeling stronger, you need to let your hair down once in a while and try and enjoy yourself through it all even though it's hard
ive got a 1 day music festival in June, moving house and first ivf appointment so glad I will be kept a bit busy, oh and as dh keeps reminding me the bloody world cup! Not that I'm interested lol

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