Lizzie - oh well done you! Brave lady, I'm a right chicken. Lol good luck for the rest of the days hope it goes well
Little update from me:
Firstly thanks ladies for your support, it really means so much. I went to the A&E and they asked for a urine sample first thing which took long as I used the loo before going to the hospital, little while later they called me for blood test, during the blood test the nurse was taking so much blood, I felt sick and I went dizzy and fainted. Couple of nurses and doctors came straight away and place me on the floor and injected some liquid I was fainted for only like 1/2 minutes but then dizzy for a while, they took me to a cubicle straight away (I skipped the A&E queue! Hahaha) it turned out my blood pressue was low due to less food and fluid, so I had to eat.
Guess what, when I went to the cubicle I had to get up for the loo, only to realise that my whole bottom, trousers seemed damp. I was like huh what the??? I went loo and to investigate and it turned out that when I fainted I must of peed! How embarrassing. Lol
Anyways after several hours of them checking me, they took me to a ward and it turns out I had acid reflux, it was not OHSS luckily. It's the acid that is causing all the pressue on my chest. To be honest I kind of had a feeling, because I do get heartburn time to time and with pregnancy they say it is likely you get heartburn, they gave me some pills which I was happy with because I'm tired of having gaviscon which does not work! I thought they were going to keep me in that's why they took me to a ward, but they let me go which I was so happy.
Oh and more news... Ok so because I had chest ache, they said I may need to do an x-Ray but it kind of depends on my urine sample. In the urine sample they found pregnancy hormones so due to that they said I can't have the x-Ray

But they did say, not to rely on the urine sample to check for pregnancy rather the blood test but anyhow the fact that they saw pregnancy hormone and didn't allow for x-Ray AND they gave me meds suitable for pregnant ladies.. I'm seeing this as a sign. Of they did say the urine sample shows I am pregnant but I should wait for the blood test
Ok tonight and one more night to pass and I will finally get my results which I have been patiently waiting for. DH is planning a night out to somewhere posh, he thinks it's a BFP but les see. X