Anyone starting IVF cycle in April/May?

Star - Awww thanks. I'm sitting down right now. My chest hurts when I lie down so I'm going to go to sleep after like 2 hours when I am really sleepy. It feels more comftable to sit straight than to lie down :( just can't wait to feel normal.. (At least this is taking my mind off the 2ww) lol
Yearningheart you aren't going on about yourself, we are worried about you. To be honest ohss was what I was thinking of but I'm surprised the clinic wasn't more concerned. Definitely go to a&e tomorrow and please let us know how you get on. Hopefully it's nothing more than extreme pg symptoms because both your embies have stuck :hugs:

Star - how are you doing? I imagine the waiting is driving you crazy but it won't be long for you now. Think how far away things seemed for me last month and now here I am finally getting going, it I will be you soon :flower:

Afm, had teaching session this morning which sent me into a mild meltdown about everything. Had acupuncture in the afternoon which balanced me out a bit and am proud to say I've just done my first injection all by myself. DH sat with me because I knew I would try not to be pathetic in front of him and it went fine. I'm officially on the roller coaster now!
Yearning so sorry to hear your having bad heartburn symptoms, you should maybe push for your blood test tomorrow or do a hpt, then either way hospital will know what to give you for this horrific pain..... I've never experience anything like that before. Hope you get a good nights sleep & wake up much better...x

Well done lizzie... You will be a pro in no time..

AFM I'm still testing. Lol, I know I just can't stop, the line is so dark and appears straight away... My scan is 25th June and ill be 8 weeks, I thought it would have been earlier but have read reviews etc of early vaginal scans and girls blaming them for early miscarriages so I'm happy enough to wait.. Hubby is obsessing over me and every wee thing I do, it's just so exciting and I feel so blessed & lucky right now, just praying everything works out for us,

Wish all the girls in their up coming cycles all the luck in the world, we all deserve this happiness...xx
Well done lizzie, and thank you for the encouragement, it does feel like it's suddenly coming up quick, just the other day it was 20 something day's and now we're less than 2 weeks away!
Hope the rest of your injections go well, your on your way now!

Jackdoll, glad to hear you are doing well and thank you for the positivity, look forward to seeing your scan piccy :)

Yearningheart, I was thinking it sounded a bit like ohss because of the chest pain but at least you will be getting it checked out tomoro
Woohoo for injections Lizzie! The first time you jab yourself it seems impossible, but then after that it's old hat!

Sorry you're still feeling so bad Yearning. Hmmm, sound like OHSS to me. The night after my retrieval I had the most astounding chest pain. The weird thing was it went up and down on only my right side. I thought I was going to die when I went to bed it hurt so much. Could only lie in one position---everything else hurt too much. HOpe you get it sorted soon. And, I hope it's actually some weird pregnancy symptom---then it would be worth it!
Thinking of you this morning yearning. Hope all is well xxxx
Are you feeling better yearningheart? Hope you are xx
Lizzie - oh well done you! Brave lady, I'm a right chicken. Lol good luck for the rest of the days hope it goes well

Little update from me:
Firstly thanks ladies for your support, it really means so much. I went to the A&E and they asked for a urine sample first thing which took long as I used the loo before going to the hospital, little while later they called me for blood test, during the blood test the nurse was taking so much blood, I felt sick and I went dizzy and fainted. Couple of nurses and doctors came straight away and place me on the floor and injected some liquid I was fainted for only like 1/2 minutes but then dizzy for a while, they took me to a cubicle straight away (I skipped the A&E queue! Hahaha) it turned out my blood pressue was low due to less food and fluid, so I had to eat.

Guess what, when I went to the cubicle I had to get up for the loo, only to realise that my whole bottom, trousers seemed damp. I was like huh what the??? I went loo and to investigate and it turned out that when I fainted I must of peed! How embarrassing. Lol

Anyways after several hours of them checking me, they took me to a ward and it turns out I had acid reflux, it was not OHSS luckily. It's the acid that is causing all the pressue on my chest. To be honest I kind of had a feeling, because I do get heartburn time to time and with pregnancy they say it is likely you get heartburn, they gave me some pills which I was happy with because I'm tired of having gaviscon which does not work! I thought they were going to keep me in that's why they took me to a ward, but they let me go which I was so happy.

Oh and more news... Ok so because I had chest ache, they said I may need to do an x-Ray but it kind of depends on my urine sample. In the urine sample they found pregnancy hormones so due to that they said I can't have the x-Ray :) :) :)
But they did say, not to rely on the urine sample to check for pregnancy rather the blood test but anyhow the fact that they saw pregnancy hormone and didn't allow for x-Ray AND they gave me meds suitable for pregnant ladies.. I'm seeing this as a sign. Of they did say the urine sample shows I am pregnant but I should wait for the blood test :)

Ok tonight and one more night to pass and I will finally get my results which I have been patiently waiting for. DH is planning a night out to somewhere posh, he thinks it's a BFP but les see. X
Oh my!! Sorry didn't realise how long that post was. I'm feeling little better now on my chest maybe because they doctors gave me a pill at the hospital for the chest ache. Anyways I'm going to close my eyes and sleep, hope you are all well and enjoy your Sunday!

Good night. Xx
Wow yearningheart, so so happy for you and glad your ok, I know your waiting for blood results but definitely sounds like your pregnant!! This is so exciting!! Xx
Star - I'm super excited for tomorrow but I'm just praying it's a BFP,I'm still trying to get my hopes up too much in case but still excited.
1 and half week to go before you have plenty of updates for us! :)
Hi girls, sorry I've disappeared for a bit, was having a busy week with all the celebrations for my friends wedding! Just had a quick scan through all the posts there!
Yearning, cautious congrats honey, but it sounds like you're pregnant! Can't wait to see what tomoro holds!
Jackdoll, glad to see you're still doing well, hopefully in a few weeks you will be able to relax and enjoy it xo
Mowat, hope you're feeling ok. 17 embies is amazing! Plenty of frosties will give you more options too!
Lizzie, congrats on starting your drugs! If you're in anyway concerned about the cool pack thing, ask for a new trigger injection- it's unlikely that the drugs are damaged from being out of the fridge but, with my 2nd cycle, we had a power cut while the drugs were in the fridge, the doctor said everything except the ovitrelle would be fine, so gave me another one just to put my mind at ease.
Star, so close honey, enjoy these last few days before ivf insanity starts lol!
AFM, had my review Friday. The consultant sad he literally couldn't believe what had happened, he was certain he would be bringing me in next week for my 7 week scan. He's hopeful that we'll get there eventually, but I think he sort of agrees with DH that's there's nothing wrong other than bad luck. However he has relented and is gonna do an endometrial biopsy to check for natural killer cells. Apparently the levels circulating in the blood are different to that in the endometrium so they don't test with a blood test. He said NK cells are responsible for killing off foreign material so could be causing early miscarriage. He understands that I don't want to just sit back and do nothing and expect to get a different result. I also asked about IMSI - stands for Intra-cytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection-same as ICSI where the sperm is injected into the egg but they use a microscope which is 6000 times more powerful than the normal one so they can select the most normal looking sperm. Our clinic doesn't have an imsi microscope but theirs is much stronger than normal so it's not far off imsi. They are also happy to treat me if I have other tests done at different clinics, up to a point where they're happy the treatment is safe, so not sure if they'd be up for giving me intralipids etc. Still have the info day booked at SIMS in Dublin, do u all reckon we should still go? Sorry for the long post girls, so much to update as I've been MIA!! Xo
Twinkle - glad that your review went ok and more importantly that like you say they understand that you aren't happy to just sit back and hope for a different result. I can't see that it would do any harm to go to the open day that you are booked on even if all it does is reinforce your feeling that actually you are at the right clinic for you.

Yearning heart - another cautiously excited poster here, looking forward to your update in a few days but everything is sounding positive.

Star and mowat - hope you are both doing ok.

Afm not much to report really. I was a miserable hormonal person yesterday but think that's my own hormones. I get dreadfully unreasonable in the lead up to AF and that coupled with work stress and the whole ivf thing just turned me into a crazy person yesterday. Better day today though.

Just back from a night away camping and I had to come on and see how everyone was doing. Glad to hear you're on the mend Yearning---and possible pregnant? Will make sure I get back on for an update tomorrow.

Sounds like a good appointment Twinkle. How soon can you get in for the biopsy?

There was a message on my phone from yesterday that they had frozen 3 blastocysts. Then another one that they got 4 more today. I guess that means the other 10 are gone? NOt sure about this whole process, but 7 sounds pretty good. I guess I was still hoping for more though.
Mowat - I can understand hoping for more tater all the eggs that you had retrieved but 7 frosties is still an amazing number. Fingers crossed you will never need to have another full cycle again ;)

Hope your feeling better today lizzie?

Twinkle, sounds like a positive appointment and it must make you feel better to know you are doing something more

mowat, that is a good number, how are yiu feeling now?

Yearningheart, just waiting for your update, cant wait!

Afm, just waiting still, day off today so will walk the dog and do a bit of housework to try and keep busy!
Did any of you ladies take buserlin when down regging? I feel lousy today, headache, fuzziness, tired and nauseous but day 4 seems a bit early to be having side effects? Just looking for confirmation that I'm not going mental really before having a word with myself and settling down to it and telling myself these are my indications that it's working :sick:
Twinkle - good to hear things are moving and there is something out there for you :) your clinic is good to give you review this soon, my clinic took ages! I hope whatever route you take, it is successful and I hope all this wait for you is all worth it at the end. Have faith and be strong.

Mowat - hey don't stress, that's a good number. Many people can't have any frozen. During my first IVF they couldn't freeze any of mine. So it's all good good with you. X

Star - yep keep busy busy, not long at all for you!

Lizzie - no sorry I didn't take burselin, did you read the leaflet the side effects. Everyone's body is different, for some they react faster. Sometimes with all these meds it does make our mood little crazy, my DH used to say he feels sorry for men, lol

I got home little while ago from the blood clinic, in exact 2 hours I will be making the most dreaded call to find out if this IVF worked or not. All the stress that I could of done in the 2ww I am doing right now! I'm thinking I kind of wish I took a pregnancy test before so I know what to prepare for. I am just clueless and am in 50/50 minds. I just can't think and I keep staring at the clock. I really hope today is my day. I'm wishing this so bad. Xxx
Yearning heart - Im nervous and excited for you. Sending you lots of last minute baby dust, I hope that you get good news this afternoon xxx :dust:
Yearning I keep thinking about you.. Praying its good news..xxxxx

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