Anyone starting IVF cycle in April/May?

Update from my scan. I have 14 follies between 5 and 10 mm so another week on stimms by the looks of things with EC likely to be next Monday. Bit worried that my follies are small after a week stimming?? I don't really know though so any light you ladies can shed on that would be appreciated.

One of you could have warned me that once settled with my legs in the air and dildo cam in place they would pass me a clipboard and ask me to write down the sizes as they measure them. Makes complete sense I guess since the nurse only has so many hands (!) but it still took me completely by surprise, just seemed a bit surreal for some reason!

Mowat when do you start again hon?
Hope eoe is ok?
Lol lizzie, I never knew about that so I'm not to blame!
I'm not sure on how long the follies take but it sounds like your nearly there so I wouldn't worry, my clinic said they wait til they're at 17mm so your nearly there!
Hey girls,
Lizzie sorry to hear about your leg but it's quite a funny thought! I had a similar experience "shooting up" in a cabaret/burlesque club this cycle on my friends hen do! Glad to hear ur follies are coming along nicely, sounds about right to me. You don't want them all to be massive at this stage. Keep positive!

Star, what's in the drinks you've to take?

Jackdoll, glad to hear all is well with you and bubba!

Mowat, have you started ur drugs yet?

Hope everyone is well xo
Glad your scan went well Lizzie. Sorry, I can't help with size---sounds good to me though!

I have an ultrasound booked locally on Monday. I've been on increasing amounts of Estrace since AF. I'm currently on three a day, plus the synarel nasal spray, prednisone and aspirin. Hope my body is doing what it is supposed to---I'm already
cd 12. If feels like the transfer is super late.
Thanks all, they upped my stimms last night so hopefully that will keep me on track.

Twinkle, how are you doing? Have you come to any decisions about the new clinic that you went to look at?

mowat - sorry to be dense but when are you likely to be doing transfer? I get so confused because once into IVF my CDs seem to mean absolutely nothing any more!
Hi all
Twinkle, it's vitamins like vitamin d and omega but I think high levels of them, they said not to start them until the day of the scratch
When is your next scan lizzie?
star - next scan is tomorrow then another one on Friday.
My transfer should be next Friday. How many days is that? 10 days. Finding it really hard to not obsess now that I'm back to work. I think I'll totally lose it if there is a problem at my u/s---cysts stay away!
Hoping cysts stay away for both of us mowat. My transfer is likely to be around the same time so at least we will be company for each other in the tww!

Had my scan this morning, my follies have grown another couple of mm so most now measure around 10 with a couple behind at 7. Another scan on Friday so just waiting to hear whether they are upping my dosage again or not. I hate the not knowing when things are going to happen, its so difficult to try to keep my professional life on an even keel!!
Good luck ladies! Hope you have the 2ww together so can have each4 other for support, cant wait to see some more bfps!
aaargh, they are upping my stimms dose so they obviously think im slow too. Huff huff. Fingers crossed it does the trick and they shoot up in size for Friday.
Lizzie, think of this being a positive move, if they don't up your stims then your eggs won't be the right size, everyone is different and takes different amount off drugs to make these eggs grow, also can take longer, the consultants don't know what way your body is going to react to these drugs and will start you off on a dosage then either increase it or decrease it...don't panic, I had increase in drugs and 2 extra days of drugs because they were just waiting on them getting to the right size.. Good luck, can't wait to hear how your egg collection goes..

AFM I'm ok girls, I don't really have sickness, I'm just tired, have my 12 week scan this Tuesday, excited..x
thanks Jackdoll and i know you're right i've just lost my perspective today i think! Gosh i can't believe its nearly time for your 12 week scan already. that is exciting!! x
I know what you mean lizzie, it's a really long & emotional journey... You will get there...

I know I'm 11+1. Booked a holiday to tenerife in aug time, ill be 15/16 weeks. All inclusive, I won't be getting my monies worth on the cocktails lol
MpleOoh have fun jackdoll, my sister just came bk from there and the other 2 sisters are going nxt week, you'll have a great time :)

Lizzie, how did scan go? Hope your ok

Had the scratch today and it was similar to a smear except it hurt! I think it was worse cos I'd told myself it wouldnt hurt at all, it was only for a minute or 2 and was like an intense period pain and ive had light cramps since then, she done it once then looked to see if she had enough for a sample but didnt so done a bit more and thats when it hurt most, at least tho I know what the tube is like for the embryo transfer as this is what she used
Started the drinks today and theyre grim, like a weak blackcurrent juice with a thick texture amd brown in color, yummy!
Also got dh sa results bk, 17mil count, 52% motility and 9% morphology so not bad, theu said when it comes to the time would do icsi if need be but depends on how they are when needed

Hope everyone else is good
Jackdoll - that sounds lush. Make sure you at least make the most of mocktails. Have extra umbrellas in them to make up for the lack of alcohol!

Star - ouch, sorry it was painful but glad it' done now! Drinks sound minging to be honest lol but they will be totally worth it when you get your beautiful BFP.

Had another scan this morning which caused a bit of a conundrum but all sorted now. Egg collection is on Tuesday next week - eek!
How exciting lizzie, your nearly there!
What was the conundrum if u dont mind me asking? What is egg collection like?
Nothin much really. They had asked me whether I wanted to go to blastocyst before transfer if possible and I'd said yes. Because my clinic aren't open for Transfers on a Sunday I had to decide whether to wait until Weds for retrieval so that I could have a 5DT or have retrieval on Tuesday but with a 3DT (embryo rather than blast). I was worried that by waiting until Weds my egg quality might suffer and negatively impact the cycle but likewise I really wanted those extra few days to see how the embies were developing before deciding which to put back. The consultant has looked at my scans and has agreed with me that Weds might be pushing things too far so we're going for Tuesday and a 3DT and hoping it's the right decision.

Have no idea about Egg Collection, slightly terrified!
It sounds like youve made the right decision, I would have done the same as you, my clinic doesnt do anything ay weekends either which I always think strange as we cant predict when our bodies will do certain things or nees something on a certain day, youre embies will soon be back in their natural environment though so all going well for you :)
I'm a bit wary of the egg collection after the scratch hurting today! At least it will be under sedation though and we probably wont know whats going on, I'm worried about feeling ill after though, I know it's different but when I have had general anaesthetic in the past ive been so ill, after my lap my bp was so low and I was in hospital all day being sick and nearly had to stay overnight when I should have been home in a couple of hrs, just hope sedation doesnt affect me the Same!
gosh Star that sounds like a terrible reaction to GA. Be sure to tell your DRs about that in case they need to do anything different for you in terms of the sedation. Im nervous about the procedure but think I should be ok with the sedation.


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