I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago and OMG the symptoms i get are so up and down. One day i dont feel to bad and the next day i feel really tired and drained and generally crappy. My doctor has started me on some low dose meds which ive been on nearly a week now.I cant see a great improvement. I had a another blood test yesturday and seeing the doctor tonight to discuss how my thyroid levels are wheather i need a higher dose meds or not. I am seeing the thyriod specialist at the hospital in 2 weeks time coz my doctor wants me seen as soon as possable. I cant seem to sleep at night times and im feeling so tired during the day with a 2 and a 3 year old. 3 yeard old goes to nursery and i am a SAHM so dont have to worry about going to work. Please tell me im not alone