Anyone trying for #4 or more?


Missing my precious girly
Mar 24, 2010
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Isabella was our 5th baby but unfortunately is obviously no longer with us. So we are trying for #6 but #5 to be our keeper (hopefully). We also had an early miscarriage the month before I fell with Bella Boo.

Anyone else trying for a big family? I had four pgs that were fine and have now had two miscarriages in a row.
Hiya Vickie, Yes, I am trying for number 5 after 4 easy peasy pregnancies and one miscarriage in October '09.

I know I have been through nothing compared to some girls on this forum, but it is still soooo frustrating that 4 times it was a breeze and now month after month the old witch arrives!:cry:

I have been NTNP since May 2007 and TTC since January 2009. Why does it feel like a lifetime?!:shrug:

My mum said I should be grateful for the kids I have, and its not that I'm not, its just that I desperately want another one. I want one even more now after my loss but feel like time is running out as I will be 40 in October.

I am also scared to go through a miscarriage again, but having another child is SOOO worth the risk!

I'm so sorry for your loss.:hugs: How many weeks was wee Bella? Have you got a journal? Sorry if i've missed it! Will go and have a look!:thumbup:
Oh girls :hugs::hugs: I am so glad you started this thread, I really do feel so alone.

As you can see from my siggy, we are ttc our 10th pregnancy, I have 4 children (although I only have three with me I am still a Mummy to Honey). I got pregnant very easily with both Morgan and Naomi-Mae, difficult pregnancies (pre-eclampsia) and then got pregnant (again easily) with Honey she grew her wings at 36+6 due to medical negligence, 361 days later her little sister was born. And then in July 2008 I had my first miscarriage, been ttc ever since and had four more miscarriages since the latest being Feb 10.

It is so frustrating and upsetting isnt it? I was just saying in another thread, why can't it be easy for everyone?

Like Mummytofour I hate the fact that people think we should just get on with it cos we already have children, it doesn't take the longing away does it? In fact my family dont know we are ttc or about most of the miscarriages because of this.

It would be good to get to know you both a bit more, and give each other support. :hugs::hugs:
Yes, I am trying for #5. I have three girls, 11, 8 and 4, and lost my first son shortly after birth in November. I want nothing more than to be pregnant again and am TOTALLY frustrated even though this is only cycle #3 of trying. I've never *tried* before-previously we just went off birth control and BDed a lot. You'd think by temping and using OPKs it would be easier, but unfortunately I know my age could be a factor. I just hope it doesn't take too long- I feel like my life is on hold until we can complete our family.
hi girls,
i'm ttc #4 at the moment. I had a mc at 14 + weeks when i was 16 then fell with my DS at 18 without doing anything. So so easy. i then had major trouble and it took 6 years to have my dd and then i fell easily with DS2. I had a mc last month and hope that soon to fall again as we've been trying since october 09 and i dead the thought of having trouble again.
It is really comforting to know you are not alone in all this TTC malarky isn't it?!:hugs:
Tasha, none of my family or DH's know we are trying again either, so I know exactly where you are coming from!:hugs:

My loss was an early one before 12 weeks, but still awful. I don't know how you girls cope with losing a baby later on. You must be sooo strong!:hugs:
Have any of you had all the battery of tests/scans etc to see if there is a medical reason for not conceiving again? Sorry if I've missed something in your siggies!!!
I am back on EPO,Multivits + Iron, 5mg Folic Acid and Progesterone cream for my luteal phase. I am hoping my RE gives me Clomid in May but not holding out much hope for that!:shrug: Why is the medical profession so "hit and miss" when it comes to fertility care?:growlmad:

I just repeat the mantra..."I will get pregnant again, AND have a healthy bean!"
We should start the "big families,big love" TTC buddies group!:thumbup:
Hiya Vickie, Yes, I am trying for number 5 after 4 easy peasy pregnancies and one miscarriage in October '09.

I know I have been through nothing compared to some girls on this forum, but it is still soooo frustrating that 4 times it was a breeze and now month after month the old witch arrives!:cry:

I have been NTNP since May 2007 and TTC since January 2009. Why does it feel like a lifetime?!:shrug:

My mum said I should be grateful for the kids I have, and its not that I'm not, its just that I desperately want another one. I want one even more now after my loss but feel like time is running out as I will be 40 in October.

I am also scared to go through a miscarriage again, but having another child is SOOO worth the risk!

I'm so sorry for your loss.:hugs: How many weeks was wee Bella? Have you got a journal? Sorry if i've missed it! Will go and have a look!:thumbup:

I was 13 weeks when Isabella died. I delivered her naturally so we could find out what we had and get some photos.

I am desperate to fall pregnant again but also absolutely terrified. I don't want to do this again.

I do have a diary but not on here as I didn't join this site until after I had already lost her. I can send you the link if you wanted to look though.
I have 4 children at home and my angel baby Charlie. So we are trying for #6. I need it to happen soon before i go insane!
I have 4 children at home and my angel baby Charlie. So we are trying for #6. I need it to happen soon before i go insane!

How many weeks were you when you lost Charlie? Tell me to get lost if you want

Was his trisomy diagnosed by scans? We suspect that Isabella had some form of trisomy but I don't know for sure yet.
It's ok hunni, i like talking about him. I was 14 weeks when we lost him. His problems were picked up at my scan at 12+4, excessive fluid. Had another scan and Edward's was confirmed by CVS. Are you having tests done hunni?
Mummytofour it really is comforting. It is such an isolating time, especially if everyone else around doesn't get or know. Yea my family don't know and my dh family we are not in contact with.

Every loss is awful hun, it doesnt matter 12, 20, or 40 weeks we still have lost a part of us. :hugs::hugs:

I had blood tests done after Honey (well once pregnant with Kaysie), it showed a clotting disorder I had to have aspirin and clexane, but no one has ever told me what it means for ttc, I have an appointment tomorrow at the hospital for recurrent miscarriage. I hope they can help with my cycles too.

I find the medical profession is hit and miss both with fertility care and obstetrics, there doesnt seem to be any standard care in any of it.

"I will get pregnant again, AND have a healthy bean!" is a lovely mantra to have, not feeling positive enough to have that right now.

Big families, big love ttc buddies sounds good, in ttc after a loss of just the general area? Who is going to start it?

Deb, I am sorry for the loss of Charlie, I know what you mean about feeling like you are going to go insane. :hugs:

Vickie I am so sorry for the loss of little Isabella, I remember the time I was waiting for Honey's post mortem results, the waiting was awful as was the not knowing, you feel in limbo dont you? :hugs:
It's ok hunni, i like talking about him. I was 14 weeks when we lost him. His problems were picked up at my scan at 12+4, excessive fluid. Had another scan and Edward's was confirmed by CVS. Are you having tests done hunni?

Will pm you.
Mummytofour it really is comforting. It is such an isolating time, especially if everyone else around doesn't get or know. Yea my family don't know and my dh family we are not in contact with.

Every loss is awful hun, it doesnt matter 12, 20, or 40 weeks we still have lost a part of us. :hugs::hugs:

I had blood tests done after Honey (well once pregnant with Kaysie), it showed a clotting disorder I had to have aspirin and clexane, but no one has ever told me what it means for ttc, I have an appointment tomorrow at the hospital for recurrent miscarriage. I hope they can help with my cycles too.

I find the medical profession is hit and miss both with fertility care and obstetrics, there doesnt seem to be any standard care in any of it.

"I will get pregnant again, AND have a healthy bean!" is a lovely mantra to have, not feeling positive enough to have that right now.

Big families, big love ttc buddies sounds good, in ttc after a loss of just the general area? Who is going to start it?

Deb, I am sorry for the loss of Charlie, I know what you mean about feeling like you are going to go insane. :hugs:

Vickie I am so sorry for the loss of little Isabella, I remember the time I was waiting for Honey's post mortem results, the waiting was awful as was the not knowing, you feel in limbo dont you? :hugs:

It's awful. I keep obsessing over what could have killed her. There is no closure at all.

I never thought I would have to do this.
It's awful. I keep obsessing over what could have killed her. There is no closure at all.

I never thought I would have to do this.

Obsessing is normal hun, it is so hard to focus on anything else when all you want is answers. I know hun, doing this is beyond anyone's worst nightmares, it really is unimaginable. If you ever need to talk just send me a message.
It's awful. I keep obsessing over what could have killed her. There is no closure at all.

I never thought I would have to do this.

Obsessing is normal hun, it is so hard to focus on anything else when all you want is answers. I know hun, doing this is beyond anyone's worst nightmares, it really is unimaginable. If you ever need to talk just send me a message.

Thanks. Everyone on here is so lovely. I am glad I found this site.

I have three boys aged 6, 4 and 2 (almost 3), I had a miscarriage in 1999, a MMC detected at 15 weeks (but baby didn't develop past 9) last September and a possible chemical in November. I've always had irregular periods and hormonal issues but it doesn't seem to be due to a specific problem; I have chronic fatigue syndrome/ME so that may be a factor. My husband and I are NTNP but if nothing happens may have to step things up a bit, its only really temping that works for me but I don't have the patience for it at the minute. We don't really tell anyone we are TTC or even NTNP anymore because next time I get a stupid comment like 'you should be grateful for the ones you have' or 'well you had a miscarriage; at least you know you can get pregnant' I'll probably throttle the person, lol.

Soph x
Oh Sop, i'm so glad someone else feels like that. Its treible when people respond like that and so hurtful. Only a few people know we're TTC cause we had losts of people including family say that after having trouble ttc #2. I muck around all the time and tell people i want 6 but DH wont come to the party (which is kinda true i do want 6 and DH said next one was the last) and they all tell me how crazy i am and that i should be happy with what i have considering there are so many that cant have kids. I get so pissed off i stop talking about wanting a big family anymore. I always gets comments about having wasted my time becoming a solicitor if all i want is kids.
Sometime i really wish people would understand that living for my kids is more rewarding than any job could ever be. And one day i will use my degrees i just choose to fill my life with love right now.
I think anyone who has either never had a loss or infertility of some kind can never truly understand the utter torment of it all.:cry:

I don't believe people are intentionally hurtful, its just that they live in ignorant bliss to the suffering of a lot of women.:shrug:

I have my repeat prescription for Progesterone cream now, so hopefully that combined with my RE app in May will give me my number 5!!:thumbup:

Good Luck to all "big families, big love" ladies, and here's to our next BFP's!:thumbup::happydance:
Fingers crossed for us all.

I had my consultant appt yesterday. No news on why Isabella died so I guess I will never know. I have to go and have some bloods done and if I fall pg again I have to take 75mg of aspirin. She did say she would scan me every 2 weeks in my next pg which is excellent.

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