Anyone want to be a buddy to a 40 year NTNP?

Hello pdmcd17 :hi:

Thank you for joining us :) Well in advance I hope you have a fabulous 40th birthday in August when you officially become "Naughty 40!" :happydance:

I'd love to see photos of your dogs at some stage. I have 3 cats as well as the 4 hairy hooligans and the 6lb elderly cat is the boss of everyone in the house :laugh2:

I can imagine how stressful the renovation is as I know how stressed I am since the house became bedlam yesterday whilst we prepare for our roof to be removed and a new one put up. The work starts Tuesday :wacko:

Well I wish my body and the old :witch: would decide what they are up to. I've been waiting for 4 weeks for AF to visit since I came off BC. Yesterday morning I had bleeding and severe stomach cramps to thought AF had finally visited which I didn't mind as it meant I could work out cd1 and then relearn my cycle length (it used to be 29 days so I'm hoping for the same).

Then by last night all the bleeding had stopped so I though oh well it was a withdrawal bleed.

But nope I've got bleeding and severe stomach cramps back again today so looks like AF is visiting but if she goes again tonight she can get lost as I can't be doing with this "is she here isn't she here" game :growlmad:

I'm wondering if tension over the upcoming building work combined with tension over my dogs as 2 now have injuries to deal with is having a negative effect on AF :huh:

So to cheer myself up yesterday I brought Fantasia on DVD. It was on a Disney buy one get one free offer so I brought Up as well which DH and I are snuggling down this evening to watch :D

How's everyone else doing? I am praying we all get BFPs soon and hoping you are all keeping well x
Hello I will try to uploads pics of my beasts lol tomorrow when I'm around my comp ( can't figure out how to do it from my phone)

My cycles took 17 weeks to come back after a medina iud in for 7 months and previously 2 doses of depo - last shot Jan 2010). I know have a short cycle 21 days which I had pre bc. I didn't react well to bc I got severe heartburn from the progesterone and am on meds, but now I only seem to need it now pre af.

I'm on a vit b complex and soy to see if my cycles will regulate properly
I'm tracking things only now to see if I will ovulate so far nothing since I stopes bc in early dec. I'm hoping soon to ovulate and get back on track and I hope my cycles lengthen up as this is my second visit from af in mar.

Have a great evening ladies
Hello all :hi:

Goodness 17 weeks for your cycles to come back - I don't know how I would have coped with that.

I had a progesterone implanted coil for 10 years before I came off BC in 2009 and thankfully was back on my cycles within 6 weeks.

I've had no bleed since yesterday afternoon again and what I did have was very light so I'm assuming it was a withdrawal bleed and still waiting for AF.

I hope the vit B and soy help regulate your cycles more.

Well DH and I have decided as we're already living in bedlam because of building work and slightly stressed because of it, we're going to do a bit more building work now. It is work which we were thinking of getting done in a few months time but the stress of it won't help NTNP so best get it all done in one go and then no stress in a few months.

I hope this finds all well x
pdmcd - welcome! Sorry to hear that your SO is getting a bit scared. NTNP sounds like a good compromise. Anyway I think the women usually do most of the actual TTC work anyway, I know when I was TTC my first, I was definitely the one doing most of the work and OH just went along with things. I hope your cycle gets back to normal very quickly and that you don't have long to wait for your BFP.

Macwooly and pdmcd - Definitely a good idea to get the building work done now, we were literally living in a building site while I was pregnant on Thomas, it was quite stressful coming towards the end of the pregnancy! I remember being in tears at about 32 weeks because I could potentially have the baby at any time and we still didn't have floors upstairs. And I was still painting the bedrooms literally the weekend before I had him! So definitely a good plan to get it all out of the way now.

Well my news is that I've been doing a bit of sneaky temperature charting even though we are NTNP rather than officially TTC - but I just wanted to see what my body is doing because I kept getting patches of EWCM but then no AF and not pregnant. And I really hate getting my hopes up and doing a test and getting BFN. Anyway FF gave me crosshairs yesterday and is saying that I'm 7 dpo!! I actually couldn't believe it when I put in the temperature and FF marked ovulation and I'm still not totally convinced because my temperatures have been pretty up and down. But I'm feeling really optimistic that maybe I'm finally ovulating and might get AF back! And if FF is right, then half of the TWW is already over without me even having known that I ovulated! Hope you don't mind me sharing my news, I don't really have anyone to share it with!
Polaris I certainly don't mind you sharing and I'm sure no one else will either.

I don't do temps but in my mind if your just doing temps it's not TTC. I think regardless of whether someone is hoping for a baby or hoping for AF every month then doing temps and understanding what your body is doing is a good thing.

I am considering doing temps since my "is it an AF or isn't it" experience the last couple of days.
Polaris I certainly don't mind you sharing and I'm sure no one else will either.

I don't do temps but in my mind if your just doing temps it's not TTC. I think regardless of whether someone is hoping for a baby or hoping for AF every month then doing temps and understanding what your body is doing is a good thing.

I am considering doing temps since my "is it an AF or isn't it" experience the last couple of days.

That is exactly the reason that I am doing temperature charting, I just want to have more of an idea what my body is up to. I don't set an alarm or anything but I am up pretty much the same time every morning anyway with Thomas, so it's really no extra hassle to just take 30 seconds to take my temperature. I decided to put a link to my chart in my signature although obviously CD1 is arbitrary due to no AF! Although if my temperature drops again tomorrow and FF decides that I didn't ovulate after all then I may well remove the link again! Not much point having a chart if there's nothing to see!
Is FF easy to use? Technology and I are not good friends :laugh2:

Does it matter where in your cycle you are when you start charting?

I've got books to read on fertility, etc but haven't found the time yet to read them which I know is bad but as I've only been of BC for a month I've not worried about things like that :)
Polaris my experience with ff is it can be off it said i ovulated 2x in my 7wk period then would change it based on my other symptoms

I would go with what you feel ie if your checking your cervix position and mucous that can be more accurate then temps as your temp only tells you after you have ovulated. I know i used in the past the ovulation strips they were helpfull if i dont get any signs of ovulation this cycle i will probably get some more

it is frustrating not knowing what your body is doing i would really like to get mine back on track so i know what it is doing ie im symptom checking - could this be preg or af symptom.

here are the promised pics of the beasts
photo (2).jpg

photo (4).jpg
Is FF easy to use? Technology and I are not good friends :laugh2:

Does it matter where in your cycle you are when you start charting?

I've got books to read on fertility, etc but haven't found the time yet to read them which I know is bad but as I've only been of BC for a month I've not worried about things like that :)

I find it pretty easy to use, you can start temp charting anywhere in your cycle but there's no point really if you've already ovulated as the temperatures only give you an indication of whether you have ovulated or not. A lot of people don't bother charting when you have AF because temperatures are usually all over the place. You can enter lots of other signs but I just enter temperature and if I have EWCM.

pdmcd - that is what I am afraid of, I am not totally convinced by my temperatures at the moment and I think FF could definitely change it if my temperature goes down again. When FF is saying that I ovulated does correspond to when I had EWCM so fingers crossed. It would just be great to finally get my cycle back. I have never used the OPKs, I do keep an eye on CM, but I do like the temperature charting because in the past I usually got a nice clear rise after ovulation so I knew how many DPO I was and roughly when to expect AF.
I love the photos of your furbabies :kiss: I've never seen a miniature goldendoodle before and how adorable is the little one :kiss:

I had a look at your chart Polaris and had to stop looking. I really struggle to understand any charts :blush: and FF looks like it could confuse me in a blink :blush:

I do pay attention to my CM but I've never paid attention to my cervix position so I need to start doing that
I love the photos of your furbabies :kiss: I've never seen a miniature goldendoodle before and how adorable is the little one :kiss:

I had a look at your chart Polaris and had to stop looking. I really struggle to understand any charts :blush: and FF looks like it could confuse me in a blink :blush:

I do pay attention to my CM but I've never paid attention to my cervix position so I need to start doing that

LOL my chart is confusing anyway because I didn't have AF yet! It's a bit clearer if you have a clear start date to your cycle. FF actually has a free TTC tutorial that you get regular email lessons about how to monitor all of the various fertility signs including temperature charting, CM, cervix position, etc. I did it last time when I was TTC and I found it really very useful. I hadn't a clue about anything before that, I didn't know what people were looking for when they talked about charting temperatures, I didn't even know that CM changed through the cycle because I was on BCP for so long.
:blush: I serious though I was the only one who reads posts from those seriously into TTC and didn't understand them :blush:

The first few days I used to read the posts and not understand a lot of it and I would look at DH and say "goodness I must be such a dunce as I'm 40 and only understand every other word" :blush:

Thankfully I am learning as I go along :)

Charts is DH speciality but he would rather I didn't temp as he feels it is too much like TTC and he is worried I will get absolutely obsessed again.

I really don't know why but in 2009 when we were trying I just never felt like a BFP would come my way but for some reason this time I really feel like I will get a BFP in 2011.

I would love a late April/early May BFP as I would love a Feb baby so it's close to my dad's birthday :)
I love the photos of your furbabies :kiss: I've never seen a miniature goldendoodle before and how adorable is the little one :kiss:

I had a look at your chart Polaris and had to stop looking. I really struggle to understand any charts :blush: and FF looks like it could confuse me in a blink :blush:

I do pay attention to my CM but I've never paid attention to my cervix position so I need to start doing that

Understanding the charts will probably come easier after you finish Taking Charge of Your Fertility. :)

And I've tried FF as well as and So far, I found countdown to be the easier to input information and understand...

Sticky :dust: to all!
How is everyone doing this evening? Hope you are all having a nice weekend. My OH is off out for the evening so I'm settling down with B&B and maybe a DVD later. Debating whether or not to have a glass of wine.

We have been having crazy weather here, it was a glorious sunny day today and I was out in the garden all afternoon tidying up pruning and weeding, but this evening is literally torrential showers of hail and thunder and lightning!

I feel like I'm beginning to feel a tiny bit obsessed with TTC again when I am supposed to be relaxed and taking it easy and see what happens. It's so stupid really because it actually really wouldn't even suit me at all work-wise if I did get pregnant this cycle but at the same time I keep thinking about it and hoping. How do other people manage to stay relaxed and stick with NTNP instead of obsessing and thinking about it all the time?
Evening everyone :hi:

Well I've had a busy day with housework and sorting as we have scaffolding going up on Monday (dependant on the weather) and after a manic week and having a messy house I feel drained :nope:

I've had a large bar of chocolate and a glass if wine tonight as I just fancied it - I know it's naughty but hey hoo :D Polaris I think if you fancy a glass of wine then have a glass of wine even if it is just a small one :)

Thankfully we have had pleasant weather all day but tomorrow we're supposed to get the lovely weather that Polaris is experiencing at the moment :( Oh well the plants will like it:)

Polaris sorry to hear you're getting a little bit obsessed :hugs:

I have had a picture which was in the loft but is now back on the wall which says "Good things will come to those who wait" and I have to believe in it and trust that if I'm supposed to be a parent then I will be (although easier said than done.) My method for staying relaxed is to remember how bad I was in 2009 when actively TTC and how I nearly destroyed my marriage - for me it's a fabulous calming aid but I know very unique to me.

I think it must be harder not to think about babies when you have one as you have to have things around you for that baby/toddler/child which make you think about others. I do have some baby stuff but it is in boxes so I can avoid it and in turn avoid thinking about babies.

Not really sure what I can offer as support apart from I think we can all get a little obsessive occasionally and not to beat yourself up over it :hugs:

Well DH has gone out tonight with his brother so I've logged on to see what is going on in the world of B&B and now I'm off for a very long, relaxing bath and then an early night :)

Hugs for all who need one, PMA for all and loads of :dust: to help with a BFP soon xxxx
Our day is just beginning! OH and I went to my little brother's hockey game last night. It was playoffs so the first game was at 8:45 and since they won, they played again at 10:45. We didn't get home until just before 1am so we slept in until about 10am! I just finished cleaning the house and now we're watching a bit of TV while I do laundry before we head out to the Championship game tonight! :) And tomorrow we'll do yardwork, homework, and more baby-making! :haha:

Polaris - I wish I could offer advice how to not get obsessed but it's WAY harder than I imagined. I've thought about babies 24/7 for years now but now that I'm actually off BC, it's different. Everything baby catches my eye, I can't pull my attention away from babies or toddlers when I'm out, and I constantly find myself touching my belly and telling OH I want our babies. Thankfully he's the same but I'm dreading the possibility of a BFN when I test in a couple weeks. I'd almost rather not test but I told OH we would on his birthday 4/13 so whatever happens, happens! :thumbup:

:dust: to everyone!
Gardenofedens - I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to test. I have a phobia of getting my hopes up and testing and seeing BFN. I am planning to just wait for AF and not test at all. When I got pregnant on Thomas I held off on testing until 16 dpo. So if I waited that long again that would be next Sunday I think but it's possible that I ovulated later than FF is saying as my temperatures are all over the place. So I'm really not sure when I will test if AF doesn't show. Anyway I don't even really know for definite that AF will show up because my last period was 22nd January 2009. I just keep telling myself that it would actually be more convenient not to be pregnant this month and that I would be so happy just to see AF making an appearance - which is definitely true!

Macwooly - thanks for your kind words. I know that I am so blessed to have Thomas and that at least I have him even if we are not lucky again. I think I just need to mentally step back and stop myself from getting so caught up in it all. It's useful to hear about your strategies for staying relaxed about it all. Well I took your advice and had a small glass of wine, I figure it can't do any harm. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your relaxing evening.
Hello ladies
Happy mothers day to all the lovely UK ladies, mothers day is in may in Canada (&US)

So one more room painted and decorated, only the livingroom and hallway ( including stairs). Then onto the real renovations turning the lift into a bedroom and building a recroom. DBF now thinks we can lay the hardwood in the livingroom not sure but that's a few weeks away- so we can think about it.

So af is ended so hopefully I ov in the next day and can get my bfp!

I don't think it is possible to not obsess over wanting a baby, I have found other projects very helpful ( ie the renos and I've started to run again I'm training again for a 10km race in 10 wks). Goodluck

Baby dust to everyone.
Hi ladies! I'm not NTNP (yet :haha: ..still gotta convince hubby lol) but have just read this whole thread and would love to follow you all on your journies to your bfp's! I'm so excited for you all and truly hope you don't have to wait too long! Good luck :hugs: And gorgeous furbabies!!!

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