Anyone want to be a buddy to a 40 year NTNP?

Morning all (or middle of the night to those in the US and Canada) :hi:

Gardenofedens: so pleased to hear about your little brother's hockey game and hope they did well in the Championship and I have my fingers crossed & loads of :dust: for a BFP on 13 April :)

Polaris: not sure whether to say fingers crossed AF stays away and that you get a BFP next weekend or not :) I wonder if the fact that the timing isn't perfect may help as things have a way of happening when you least expect it :)

I do sometimes wonder how hard it must be for people with babies when they want another. I've never had a BFP in my whole life so I don't know if I can get one but you've been there so I wonder does it make it harder as you know it can happen. Also I have lived my whole life with the motto "you never miss what you never have". You have your darling Thomas and you know how that feels, does the knowing make it harder than the imagining?

Sorry don't mean to push anyone back into the obsessing it's just things I think about :) I do hope everyone is able to be kind to themselves and not feel bad when they have the odd obsessional moment :hugs:

Pdmcd: how lovely of you to know it was Mother's Day in the UK :) I have to admit I honestly couldn't say when it is in the US and Canada :blush: Well DH says I'm a mummy to my furbabies so they got me "Marley & Me" on dvd for Mother's Day :kiss:

Glad to hear the renovations are going well. I have all these plans for my home but how many will be done is anyone's guess :) I do admit than thinking about changes I'd like to make to the house does keep my mind off babies.

Also my hobbies help with not thinking about babies. I'm doing my family tree so that really does focus the mind elsewhere :) But I love cross stitch and I doing the more complicated designs helps as well :)

Having said that I do think about babies occasionally and more than before I came off BC. On Saturday I brought (via eBay) a Hauck Jeep travel system (pushchair, pram and car seat) for a third of the price it would have been new and even though it is used it looks almost new. And also a Mama and Papa cot again for about the quarter to third of the price new. Both are things if a BFP never turns up we can sell for the same price we paid.

I do have to try to think "what will be will be" but some days that is harder than others.

Well I'll catch up with you all soon. Afraid AF is most definately back and making me feel incredibly ill so I'm heading for the sofa with a snuggly blanket, 4 dogs and definately 1 cat (possibly the other 2 as well) and loads of DVDs :)

Take care all and loads of PMA and :dust: for you all x
Hello everyone.

Macwooly, sorry to hear AF is giving you a hard time. I must admit that I am not looking forward to my first AF in over two years. Although I will be glad to see her at the same time if that makes sense after her being MIA for so long. Unless I'm pregnant of course (but I don't think I'll be that lucky!) - according to FF I am 11 dpo today. I have absolutely no pregnancy symptoms. But I know that doesn't mean much as the month that I got pregnant on Thomas I had no symptoms whereas I seem to have much more symptoms when I'm not pregnant, LOL. So maybe no symptoms is a good sign! Anyway I guess the good thing is that at least I have a decent length LP if I am 11 dpo and no sign of AF, a lot of breastfeeding mamas seem to start off with very short LPs when they first get AF back. So I am feeling pretty positive about things.

I'm not sure whether it is easier/harder TTC when you already have a baby compared to TTC your first. I think I am more relaxed about it this time round and I do feel hopeful that it happened before and will happen again. Also I love my little boy so much so at least if it takes a while to get pregnant it means that I have more time for him on his own. So I think for me it is easier this time round. At the moment anyway, it's very early days! I think if it didn't ever happen, I would feel very sad that Thomas wouldn't have a brother or sister and I would also feel sad about not having a daughter (although obviously I would be happy to have another boy if that is what happens). But I would still be so grateful that I already have a child. I do know what you mean about not missing what you don't have though, life is very different before you have a child and it isn't really possible to imagine it before it happens I think. I am feeling much more philosophical about it all today anyway, when it happens it happens.

I think a big obstacle for me is going to be tiredness. That is probably the main reason why I am NTNP rather than full on TTC. I actually don't think I would have the energy for all that BD. Some of the girls' BD schedules over in the TTC forum make me feel totally shattered. LOL.
So still no sign of any ov yet. If my cycle is lengthening I'm hoping for this weekend!
Were in niagara falls ont for 3 days/nights!!!
My honey's in a hockey tournament, so lots of relaxing and bd'ing
It would be neat to make a baby in the honeymoon capitol lol.

Finally spring weather is here were gonna get up to 18(deg cel) this weekend!!!! So lots of new life being created - here's hoping it rubs off on us ttc'ers

Wishing everyone a great weekend and lots of baby dust
Oh wow, Niagara falls sounds amazing! Yes that would be a fab place to conceive! :dust:

We have beautiful spring weather here too and it's supposed to stay nice over the weekend, YAY!! It definitely does really lift the spirits. :happydance:

Well I am expecting AF any time now, I started spotting last night but she is messing with me and it hasn't turned into anything yet. Wish she would just get it over with. I never used to spot before AF before having Thomas but I guess maybe my cycle has changed now. :shrug:
Hello all :hi:

Well AF got lost right on time :) So looks like I'm back on my normal cycle now just waiting to see if it's 29 days long as before BC :)

Polaris any sign of AF? I hope not and hope a BFP comes your way :dust: It is lovely that you can enjoy Thomas whilst NTNP for a baby sibling for him.

I must admit when I read some of the schedules for BD on the TTC forum I feel exhausted and wonder how they find the energy. I think I'd be asking for a break quite early in some of the schedules if I had to follow them :laugh2:

Pdmcd: I have had my fingers crossed for you to ov whilst in Niagara Falls and for a BFP in a couple of weeks :dust: And glad the weather is nice for you.

The weather in England has been gorgeous all week and around 15-18 (deg cel) until yesterday & today when it reached 21 (deg cel) :happydance:

And thanks to the wonderful weather my new roof went up in 3 days :happydance: So Monday they clean up their mess and when I'm happy I'll hand over the payment :) And hopefully the scaffolding is down Monday too as I have had no satellite since Monday when it went up :(

Polaris you're not the only one who's body seems to be messing with them :nope:

I've been experience ovulation pains all day but I'm only on day 7-9 of my cycle and ovulation is not due for another 7-9 days but I was advised by my doctor to go on soy isoflavon to help my cycle get back to normal quicker since day 1 and I have now read that soy can cause early ovulation. So not sure what's going on but I'm sure time will let me know what my body is up to :shrug:

I did have a huge wobble last night and ended up in tears with DH trying to be helpful bless him. I was reading about weight and fertility and realised I need to lose about 90lb to get to the weight doctors say I should be and suddenly I just sat there thinking "OMG DH and I are both 40, we're both overweight, DH has poor SA it is never going to happen, I'm never getting a BFP" :nope:

DH was so lovely and understanding and without dismissing me he pointed out that before I went on BC in 2009 I had regular cycles and 21 day tests confirmed I ovulated from each ovary so my weight and age shouldn't be an issue; he pointed out his SA had nothing to do with his weight or age and it only takes one :spermy: to make a miracle.

And I found a thread today for larger ladies which gave me hope too :)

I do feel more hopeful again today and I suppose I wouldn't be human if I didn't have my wobble days :)

Anyway loads of PMA and :dust: for all x
Macwooly :hugs:
I'm glad your DH was so supportive and understanding. As you say, I guess everyone has their wobble days. I've nothing really to add to what your DH already said to you. I hope the soy proves to be helpful. I wonder if you are ovulating already so early in your cycle? Would that mean that you would have a very short cycle?

Well I tested - :bfn:
Don't know what my body is doing. No spotting since last night and temperature is still high. The only thing that I can think of is that I must have ovulated later than FF is saying. Maybe three days later based on my temperatures. In which case I'm sure AF is on her way as we didn't BD very close to that time (four days beforehand). Wish she would just hurry up and get here!
Well still no sign of ovulation yet

I'm hoping I don't see af soon and could get a bfp but I'm pms'ing big time ( could be nice if my symptoms were preg)

I'm currently trying to focus on exercising, I'm getting back into running I'm starting to train for a 10k in june and hopefully loose 25lbs in the process.

I'm off to the salon for a new style!

Macwooly is the cleanup all done from the roof?
Were painting the last room this weekend then onto the basement and loft renos after Easter.

Have a good day ladies
hello ladies it has been quiet here lately how are you both?

Well AF is suppose to visit me today- she hasn't arrived yet but its only 630 pm yet. Im praying she doesn't come. sorry tmi - My breast especially my nipples have been beyond sore (more then normal) for the last week.

I did a cheapy test and it was negative. mind you I have a 21 day cycle so it still may be too early for it. If AF doesn't come by next mon i will retest

Im hoping but i dobt it as I still don't think I have ovulated, in either of my 2 cycles

This not knowing what my body is doing is hard.
have a great night ladies
pdmcd - it is a nightmare not knowing what your body is doing, I totally agree. Did AF show up yet? I really hope you did ovulate and that the breast tenderness is a good sign!

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