Anyone want to be my TTC fwiend? XX


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
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i'm 27 i have been trying on and off since i was 22.
i had a m/c oct 09 and ruptured ectopic july last year which has left me with one tube.:sad2:
i've had a bit of time off actively trying, but haven' been preventing either.
i'm ready to start actively trying again.
i could do with someone to talk to. and would like to hear others situation and hopefully be useful to someone else.:hugs:
i think i'm going to start having acupuncture again
i have also had IUI treatment a few years ago too
i think i'm going to start chart my bbt and have never done it before so any advice on that would be great.
i should be ovulating this weekend so finger crossed :happydance:
Hello Hispirits,

I'm new here but decided to join since I just started charting for the first time. Charting has made me a little more anxious during the 2ww so I figured a little fellowship with some women dealing with the same thing may be helpful. My husband and I have been together since Aug 2003 and married since Jan 2010. We've TTC off and on over the past five years but took it more seriously after I had an episode with a ruptured cyst in Jan. My gyno basically said that my plumbing looked great but since I had never been successful conceiving, she suggested I use OPKs. I havent done the OPK yet, as I want to get used to charting for a month or two first.

I'm sorry to hear about the m/c and the ectopic but just know that those experiences were not in vain. It's all going to make you a better mother in the long run. I know so many women who have children without even trying and alot of them just dont treasure the blessing. I would hate to have such a beautiful gift and not even appreciate the greatness of it simply because it came so easily. I know not ALL women are like this, but I know alot who are.

As I said before, I'm new to charting too but if you ever have questions I'd be more than happy to help! Blessings and baby dust to you!
Hi Hannah,
thankyou i totally agree with you, i do find it really frustrating. but i just keep myself busy and try to have other things to focuss on.
i found that when everything you do revovles around concieveing, you loose track of everything else, me and my husband have been down that road begore and it didn't end well. but that was about 3/4 years ago, since then i have started university which keeps me on my toes and shifts my focus.

i don't think you will have any problems concieving. i reckon with in 4 months you'll b there, it might sound a long time. but i don't think you need to worry.
i have had a cist before, to be honest i have had a bit of everything lol
when i had my scan last year and when i had my iui treatment, i was told i have a tilted womb, large ovaries ( commom with pco) a bit of endymetriosis and unexplained infertility! but like i said i forgot about concieveing and got on with my life and feel pregnant within 6 months!
But its been 9 month since the last pregnancy and i'm getting a bit impatient now. so i will be doing a bit more to make it happen
i'll start charting the begining of my next cycle in 2 1/2 weeks, so let me know how it goes with you.
good luck spk soon
I am thankful for your warning about making everything revolve around conceiving. I can totally see how that could happen. My husband is not very interested in learning about the technical aspects of conceiving but I'm obsessed. The result is us spending our time totally apart ... except when it's time to bd of course! :winkwink:

That is so great that you went back to school. I don't know if you're a spiritual person or not but I definitely believe that God has a timing for everything. I have learned in my experience that He will put things on hold just so you can complete some things that otherwise would've altered your path or success. I think you focusing on simply leaving and bettering (that is sooo not a real word, lol) yourself, you are definitely getting closer to receiving the blessing of that little bundle of joy!!! :happydance: I don't believe any challenge is in vain so you've always gotta find the treasure in the trial.

Since you're thinking of charting, you should get setup with FertilityFriend if you haven't already. That will allow you to share your charting with the ladies on here and also they have videos on there that teach you how to chart. I've learned so much from them. Right now I'm about 6 or 7 dpo (I'm unsure since I started charting so far into my cycle). If I'm unsuccessful, I'll be starting a new cycle around the 26th. I think that will put us about a week apart in the ttc race right?
Hi Ladies,

I am new to this forum and hoping I can join you. I stopped the bcp last July and did not get my period at all so left it 3 months as from the reading I did on the net it said it can take between 3-6 months for your cycle to regulate. I was diagnosed with unexplained high prolactin so given medication to bring this down and then had one cycle. As the meds had stopped it went back up again. I took another months course in March and have started clomid this cycle.

I took my first tablet this morning so I am feeling very nervous about any possible side effects and trying not to get my hopes up too much.

I also live overseas so am away from close friends and family but have managed to get treated quickly but all my friends are pregnant and I am thrilled for them but do find it hard.

I totally agree with you that it can really take over your life and although husband is very supportive he doesnt really understand whats going on!!

Hispirits - hope you had your ov this weekend

Hannah - i havent tried charting as I had no cycle to chart but a have a clear blue fertility monitor which seems to be very accurate.

Good luck ladies :thumbup:
hi hannah,
i wouldn't say i'm spiritual in that i believe in god, but i do feel sometimes that things haapen for a reason and that there are greater force at work, you can probably see on my signature i like to have a dabble in readings, i know that there are skeptics out here, but the put my mind at ease and give me a bit of hope.
i love going to Uni, but right from day one i said that after my second year i would take a year out to have a baby. throughout theses two years i've had two losses, but as i am now coming up to the end of my second year the time really feels right, so fingers crossed
don't worry or frt about anything, from past experiance any stress can harm your chances. try to stay positive with out getting your hopes up, very hard i know! i have had clomid before and i didn't experiance any side affects, i think they tell you the side affects as a precaution, the likeliness of anyone experianceing them is very slim. my best advice, try to find something else to keep you mind occupied, thats why i went to uni, and its done me the world of good. i can't believe i am the same person anymore. i'm not suggesting you start uni, because that is stressful in itself, sink yourself in a good book! when things used to get on top of my when i was trying, my escape goat was decorating! strange i know, but the repetition of painting the wall was kind of relaxing.
as for men, my husband and most men, will not be fully supportive and understanding until a baby is here, i had this dispute with my oh yesterday. i know he wants a baby, and he listens to me, but he doesn't even try to understand, because he can't. its so frustrating, because i needto know he knows and understands, and that i'm not doing this alone, but i always feel like am doing it alone, i told him yesterday, you seem to think all you have to do is supply the :spermy: if doubts everything i say if i get excited, for example i have had three readings that all say i will get a :bfp: may 2011, one of which i got in september last year. this ws good news for me, it got my spirits up, and i expect everyone to be skeptical and look at me like i'm mad, but when i tell my oh i would like him to perhaps say, "that would be great if that happened. not why are you listening to that. :growlmad: i no too well how it sounds but he is the last person i want highlighting it, sometimesi just wish he would humour me, if it keeps my spirits up. i would do it for him
i'm ranting on now aren't i lol!!!!!! sowwy! had to get it out. :haha:
Hi DesertDani and welcome! Did you have to go through a lot of testing before they were willing to put you on clomid? It seems my doctor wants me to do quite a bit of things before she'll put me on Clomid. I appreciate the fact that she's not throwing medication at me like most doctors would do, but when you've only had one chemical pregnancy in almost eight years, I feel like I just want to just skip through all the hooplah and get down to business! Keep us updated on your Clomid experiences!

Hispirits, I was assuming those predictions were from readings, I was right! I know what you mean about men not being understanding. It's so weird bc the.biblical term for marriage is two become one flesh but there is definitely a struggle.getting to that place! I was crying early yesterday morning bc I got bad AF cramps and I my heart that yet again we were unsuccessful. Now I know this is the first month we're "officially ttc" but I just started thinking how long its been without success and then dreading the possible long road ahead and I just broke down. DH just says, "dont worry, it's gonna work one day". That irritated me. How can you be so laid back and nonchalant when clearly there is an issue with fertility here. He just seemed so emotionally uninvolved. I know I was being a bit irrational since he can't experience things the same way I do, but I just wanted more from him. They just can't get it until the doc tells them that THEY are the problem!

Sorry I've been a the last few.days. I got really sick. Thought at first the sudden high temp was the sign of success but AF cramps and a BFN pretty much confirmed I'm out of the game this month. I keep going from one extreme to another emotionally. Right now I'm feeling a little depressed again
it is so frustrating when me can't understand our emotions. sometimes makes me wonder if they are hollow.
after my mc and ruptured ectopic i basically had to suck it up, and drown myself in my studies, because if a spoke about it or got upset about it i knew he was a bit uncomfortable because as he sees it as it was never a baby we never saw it so it don't happen, (he's never said that, it my interpretation of his actions)
but after the other day when this came to head and i said to him, i'm basically doing this on my own and explained to him (as you would a 2 year old) how it feels to me and what would help me; and how i do this sort of thing for him naturally everyday, support him and keep him happy and that if i want the same in return i shouldn't have to ask for it.
don't get me wrong my husband is a darling, he's not an ogre, he very sweet and very loving but when it comes to emotions he's up the creek without a paddle lol
is af shows next months cycles make a plan, i have because after getting three readings saying i'll get my bfp in may i'm going to do everything i can to make sure it happens, i've even told my husband the week around and on ovulation in april to have the week off lol
i'm getting a clear blue fertility monitor, some ovulation testing kits, i'm taking agnus castus and prenatal vitamin, i'm not missing that egg next cycle!! :wohoo:
Yes, I sooo understand what you mean. They use logic so much that they have the emotional sympathy of a rock. My hubby is great too but he is also extremely lacking in this department!! Must be all that ESPN they watch draining their empathy skills!! lol

I've got a feeling that all of that determination is going to equal to a :bfp: in the month of May for you! It's so strange that you mention May being an important month for you to conceive. It happens to be special to me too.

Last year after I prayed about starting a family, I fell asleep on the sofa and when I woke up I saw a visual of "05.14". Was it an answer to my prayer or just totally random? I was trying to think of a way I would receive the answer and then I remembered the story of Gideon.

(Just in case you're unfamiliar, i summarized it in the next paragraph. You can skip it if you already know about it...)

Gideon was a judge in Israel who at the time were being oppressed by the Midianites (I think thats how you spell it). An angel asked Gideon to defeat the Midianites but Gideon found it hard to believe that God would choose him for such a huge task because he was so weak and scrawny. So he asked God to prove that He would really help him destroy the Midianites. He put a fleece outside of his tent and asked that if God wanted him to go to battle, when he awoke, God would make his fleece wet from morning dew but keep the rest of the ground dry. When Gideon woke up, his fleece was wet and the grass was dry. Still in disbelief, he asked God to confirm things again by making the exact opposite happen the next day. Sure enough when he awoke, the grass was wet but the fleece stayed dry.

So, in response to my dream, I decided to put out a "fleece" of my own: I asked that by the end of the day, God would make me hear someone call out my husband's name (which would be the chosen name of my future son). In my mind I was going to go out and do some shopping, giving God an easy chance to have someone call out DH name around me. Well, turns out I ended up being stranded at home due to car troubles. I was so bummed and by the time 6pm rolled around I had given up and put the "fleece" out of my mind...

Well 11pm rolls around and my DH had just gotten home from work and as usual he turns on the tv (I really cant stand tv so it stays off majority of the day). We're talking mid conversation when suddenly I hear someone clear as day shout my husband's FIRST & LAST name. First I'm surprised to hear my husband's name coming from the tv (no his name is not super unique, but its not something you hear on tv every day). I look up at the screen and it's a coach calling out to a kid on a football team on a reality tv show. It's at that moment that I remember the "fleece" that I had totally given up on. I look at the clock and it was about 11:30pm, just before the end of the day!

It may not have come the way that I had in mind, but God still had answered me and not just with DH first name, but his FULL name!!! Coincidence? Perhaps, but I don't believe in coincidence. I mean what were the odds that on that day and at that moment, the channel my husband had randomly paused at happend to play a portion of a show where someone was calling not my DH's first name, but his FULL name on the same day I had put out the "fleece"?? Call me crazy, but I believe that something special will happen on May 14th of this year in regards to ttc. Maybe that will be the date of my first :bfp:!!

I never really told anyone that story bc they'd probably think I was nuts :wacko: ... but somehow, I'm thinking that since you do readings, maybe you won't think I'm too crazy after all :rofl:

Sorry for the lengthy message...

Here's to :bfp: in MAY!!!:happydance:
I don't think your crazy, maybe other people will think we are both crazy though :rofl:

well as i am regular as a clock every month i'll be testing around 2nd May. Providing :af: doesn't show, and also if my psychic readings are wrong, i'm not actually out of the game yet this month, but i'm kind of enjoying not worrying about it and ruling it out already, the calm before the storm. and i'm already 'preparing' my body. and my husbands, my husband loves junk food, his so slender, but loves a McDonalds. and when he's at work he eats so many energy drinks and basically everything thats bad!
so i've given him a warning, after our chat the other day, i have asked him to try. so i have been sending him to work with a lunch every day, and warned him if he has to go out for a business lunch that McDonalds if off the menu!! he can haves a steak with a salad, and bless him he went to lunch yesterday with his colleagues at McDonalds and ate the lunch i made him and only order a coke, i felt quite sorry for him, you know what guys are like, but very impressed also.
i am going to attempt to get him to eat a salad later, that will be fun! what makes me cross is that his dad died of a heart attack at 45!!! so i hate him eating junk, but you know what guys are like, they need the evidence shoved under their nose!
i think that maybe me and you have got a priorities right, we have both got a bit of hope and faith, although in different ways, and i think thats all we need, a lot of women do let ttc drag them down and have no hope or faith, and i understand why, but i feel the more distressed you get, the less likely that you will conceive, it puts to much stress on the body.
i think that we will get our bfp very soon if if the mediums and god don't come through for us in may, i doubt we will have to wait much longer than that. xxxx
It is so funny that you mention the whole diet thing bc DH and I have had several heated discussions about this very same issue! My hubby has the eating habits of a ten year old. He eats a variation of about 8 meals, hardly any of which are healthy, and he refuses to eat anything else. He dislikes practically every other food known to man. The only good thing he has going is that salad falls into one of the 8 foods he eats, lol.

What really bothers me is that he never drinks milk even though he's promised me for over two years that he would. He hasn't even attempted to take zinc either. I already told him how important these things are to optimize our chances of conception. After all I do, I find that drinking milk and taking zinc is a fair request. I'm the one with my legs up in the air for 20 min after :sex:, taking vitamins, getting up at 7am every morning to chart, getting poked and prodded by the gyno and this dude can't even drink some chocolate milk?! I mean do SOMETHING other than tell me "next month will be our month!

I got so frustrated with him that I literally blew up at him and was like, you know, I'm not having this baby by myself!! If I could do this solo, believe me I would, but if we're going to get this accomplished, you need to start eating like an adult and not a two year old. He is 28 and already has high blood pressure just like his Mom. If that wasn't enough, his older brother who is in his early 50's (he's the youngest of 8 boys; his Dad is in his 70's) has diabetes so bad that he practically is hooked up to a machine 24/7. Still, he stays munching down on all that bad food with the added salt and hot sauce! I finally have nagged him enough that he has cut back on the cheesesteaks and I have also started making his food most days to take to work. We'll see how long he keeps up this progress.

Geez, I totally went on an unexpected rant. Guess I had some much needed steam to blow! But anyways, now I'm thinking about how cool it would be if we both got our :bfp: around the same time! Let's see, my cycles are late in the month so I would be testing around the 23rd (but of course you know I won't be waiting that long to POAS!!!) I was starting to feel kind of bitter about having to be the type that couldn't accidentally fall pregnant like all my friends, but you know, talking about your predictions and my "fleece" have given me something to actually look forward to and this totally helps relieve the pressure for next cycle. I'm so lucky I stumbled across your thread when I did... but that was no coincidence either! :winkwink:
no i don't think it was a coincidence either :friends:
i made dh a salad last night, he ate it ...and liked it!!! \\:D/ He said he hated to admit it that he liked it.
but today he has been a pain in the ass! i'm decorating the bathroom at the moment, and he decided to 'help':dohh: in our house i say that he's the thinker ( he's a pharmacy manager and dispenser) and i'm the tinker ( because i do everything with my hands, i'm an art student). and that usually works really well because we balance each other out. but when it comes to doing things like decorating (which is my area) or sorting out the finances( his area) its a nightmare! we bump heads and bicker, more than anything he's so irritating, in the end it is actually quite funny because we are both so pathetic, but i'm trying to be stress free, so today i could've head-butted him, lol my solotion to get him out of my way so i could return to my stress free blissful bubble was 'do you want to play on the xbox all afternoon" ..........and he was gone, thinking he's got away with being a smart ass, not even realising i had actually one because i was in fact getting my way :smug: mwahahahah men they are so simple lol
anyway all peace has returned to my house now and we are both cohabiting the same living space once again, him on the xbox and me writing to you :muaha:

BTW do you like me signature? i though i'd make it official that we a ttc bud's :finger:
Wow, I LOVE the signature!! How did you do that? That's so cool!

Hee hee, that's so funny about the XBox getting rid of DH. I have to try that sometime when he's getting on my last nerve! It's true that opposites attract. We balance each other out so perfectly but it's like hell getting on one accord! Sometimes I feel like I do it all in our relationship but when I'm out of my wit's end and approaching psychopath territory, he's the only one that can calm me down and give me a big smack of reality when I need it. I hate to admit it, but I think that's what I actually needed for a partner, someone who is loyal, can put up with my mood swings :blush:, and bring me back to reality and possitivity when I let circumstances get the best of me.

Hey, do you ever watch the Housewives of Atlanta? There is a character on there named Kim and she goes to a lady out in Georgia for her readings. Well in the first episode of a prior season, the lady told her that she was going to have a son. Kim said she in no way saw that in her future even though she'd like to have another baby some day. Well, at the end of the most recent season, she surprisingly ended up pregnant after a short courtship with a new guy she was dating. She didn't even know the guy existed at the time of her reading! That psychic must be the real deal. Kind of makes me wanna buy a ticket to Georgia to pay her a visit! Maybe you can tell your hubby about that next time he tells you not to get your hope up about a reading!
Here a signature for you, copy and paste it into the signature part of the control panel, if you don't like it you can make them at this website:

No i never heard of that show..
How typical is this; I'm completely hyped up about ttc next month.I have it all planned out, I brought the clear blue fertility monitor and the test sticks and today I think I got implantation bleeding.
tbh I have been feeling a bit odd, and had few symptoms, but I've ignored them because I feel pregnant every month and end up disappointed, so I ruled this month out, and noted down any symptoms, then completely forgot them so i could focus on making my preditions come true next month. Well today not only did I get what I think was implantation i have had an upset tummy, nausea :loo: and i feel completely drained.
My friend at uni, whos name is Hannah(my Husband says i have a thing with Hannahs, most of my friends are called Hannah) said to me this morning "you have that look about you like last time, you look pregnant". how weird! it was a few hours later i got the spotting. i took a test but it came up :bfn: so i'll try again in a couple of days, i'm trying to stay on the fence and not read to much into it. so watch this space.

Did you have a good weekend?
We didn't do much, just redecorating the bathroom, i think i'm nesting, lol. i keep tidying and organsing things.I've even starting cooking again! when i'm at uni cooking and tidy really is a chore. But its been the centre of my world this week, and i've enjoyed it!! :yipee:
i do feel rather scatty aswell, i think its the spring air.
i hope your well, spk to you soon

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