Anyone with anxiety?

it would be nice to see everyone using the support group, to talk about their day fi they are having a rough time, or if they've had a good day without anxiety etc.
Since birth I have written down - when he feeds, how much, what, nappy change, and sleep. If it's not written down I feel worse. If my OH forgets then I get bad tempered as I don't feel in control! If we are out in the car and my LO needs feeding I feel incredibly anxious until my LO is fed. I get anxious if I misplace something and now if LO puts a toy somewhere and I can't find it, I feel over anxious again and can't forget about it until it's found again.

Hmm.. some of this feels familiar to me :hugs:. I suppose you've done all the tried and tested anxiety management techniques. Meditation, visualisation, cognitive behavioural therapy ? With LO around and less time to devote to managing my anxiety, I've fallen to the habit of doing breathing exercises when I'm bfeeding. It helps me recenter (is that a word?) myself over the day.
:hugs: I have anxiety too. I'm going through a particularly bad patch with it at the minute (it's got worse since the birth of my son) and have barely left the house.

I'm also finding that I can hardly sleep or eat at the minute because I am so anxious. And I get butterflies in my tummy for no reason, as well as palpitations. Sometimes I get anxious over the littlelest things (i.e. I worry that a dust particle might go into my son's throat and choke him, while he's sleeping!) and I don't like to tell anyone else because they laugh and think it's 'silly' which makes me feel even worse!
I suffer from anxiety attacks, i used to suffer from panic attacks too but *touch wood* i have them under control. PM me if u need a chat :)
please everyone do come and post in the support thread, its a great place to talk about how your feeling and having other peopel to relate to is so nice *big hugs for all*
I have GAD and agorophobia. Even something as simple as booking a doctors appointment is hard for me. It's silly, really, but I just can't get over it.
Hi there, I have severe anxiety issues and have panic attacks. I had it under control for a while but now it has come back with a vengeance. Butterfly2, in the early days I was a complete control freak, I had to do everything myself, I also couldn't bear it if the kitchen wasn't spotless and the workshops sterilized with Milton. a bottle couldn't sit for 3 mins without being washed. also I would freak out when anyone apart from my mum would hold him. I wad unwell after the birth and was in and out of hospital so that control was taken off me and it caused me tons of worry. I'm on medication again now thankfully. if anyone wants to pm me please do,it would do us good to chat to others who understand x

I used to have to do everything myself like you, i also had to write everything down that i was going to do the next day.. from having a shower to eating lunch. Im a lot better now but with LO i feel very down and it makes me panic a lot. I used to take beta-blockers, and ive tried a variety of different homopathic medication.. now im not on anything since a few months before i fell pregnant and im struggling x
I have GAD and agorophobia. Even something as simple as booking a doctors appointment is hard for me. It's silly, really, but I just can't get over it.

exactly the same there :dohh: is hard isnt it

I suffer from anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia, its the reason I can't TTC just yet.

I was doing CBT last year, but in the past 2 months have been with a therapy called Acceptance Commitment Therapy. You learn to untangle yourself from anxiety, see it for what it is, and go forward despite it all. It sounds hard at the beginning, but you learn bit by bit. The aim is not to make anxiety go away, but to be with it, and move forward towards all you value. Of course the mayor part of anxiety does go away because you are no longer frightened and avoiding it, which is what gives it such stronger power. Your mind might be telling you now "yes right, maybe she can do that but not me, I am different" but you know, your mind tells you all sorts of things, many of which are not at al true.

If you want a look at my therapy, there is a link in my siggy to my blog, where I am recording everything. I have some stories, reflections, strategies, and titles of books you can read if you are interested in it. One day when i am totally forward in my life, I will be able to say, look, I am the living proof. I have only just started so its not the case, it will be soon XXX
Hi, im a bad 24/7 hour sufferer too, be nice to open up a thread just for us :) x Pm me anytime :)
i'm in the anxiety boat too

feel free to pm me anyone :hugs:
I have panic disorder, so I hve an anxiety and panic attacks all the time. It is hard to deal with at times.
i set up a thread in groups if anyone wants to join x
here you go everyone new in this thread follow this link to the support group for anxiety and depression
I used to suffer quite badly but these days I'm not too bad. Sometimes I get bad if I am going somewhere that I haven't been before and haven't been out on nights out for like easily 3+ years because I get quite bad. But as I don't often get put out of my comfort zone these days I am much better. I don't think it ever goes away.

Big hugs to all of us girlies :hugs:
Hiya :flower:

I've been diagnosed with anxiety and depression both in the 'severe' part of the scale according to the BDI and BAI scores. I saw the GP about things last summer and only got my preliminary appointment with the CBT lot a couple of weeks ago. I'm still to find out when they can start me with CBT properly. MH services are really oversubscribed sadly. I study MH too and that's really helping me get a handle on things, getting it from that perspective too.

I have tried medication, Citalopram didn't really help me and affected my sex drive and stopped me getting pleasure from sex which was horrible as sex is really important to me and OH so I came off that and went on Fluoxetine which was awful because of the very vivid and realistic dreams I got. I get these to a degree anyway, but whilst on the Fluoxetine they were worse and really freaking me out.
I have had panic attacks but having learnt about CBT techniques I feel a bit more in control now. I would really recommend to anyone suffering these to try reading up about the techniques they use in CBT as it's helped me a lot even though I am still waiting for CBT sessions at the hospital! The courses I've done/am doing are with the O.U. but I would have thought there's plenty of books about the topic out there in libraries and bookshops too.

So, I am trying to get on with things as best as I can without medication, sometimes this is very difficult. My anxiety and depression seem to go in cycles, where I can be fine for a while, super-anxious for a while, really down for a while. I haven't been diagnosed with bipolar but I suspect it myself.

So yeah anxiety (and depression too) is far more common than a lot of people think and it needs to be discussed more or we feel alone which makes us feel even worse. Anyone wanting to PM me about this you're welcome to x
Haven't been diagnosed with anxiety but I am pretty sure I suffer from it. I'm not depressed, just get worked up about situations & after doing some google research it all makes sense.

Take for example returning to work. The thought makes me physically sick! I worry about it most days & although I have 4 months of leave left, I'm wasting my time worrying about putting LO in nursery and all sorts of issues surrounding returning to work.

I worry a lot about what people think about me. I'm fine in social situations, its just a job forcing myself to go to baby groups etc, but when I'm there its all good. If someone has a go at me or anything like that, it worries me to death.

Not suffered from panic attacks as such, its just I worry all the time about things that don't really matter. Having my LO has actually calmed me down in some aspects. I love looking after her & it causes me no anxieties. Its just the things mentioned above that worry me 24/7!

Does this sound like anxiety to you? :wacko:
I don't suffer with anxiety myself, but through my job I have worked with sufferers. Have you thought of seeing a Hypnotherapist to help? Hypnotherapy is one of the top treatments for dealing with anxiety based issues. It's remarkable what it can achieve and in a very short space of time. I have seen some people who have suffered for years with anxiety just to see a Hypnotherapist a couple of times, and never suffer again. Seriously worth looking into if you haven't already :)
meeeee v bad for 3 yrs extra bad after baby being born
u on facebook? im not quite sure how to send msgs on here xxx

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