The other issue as far as insurance for me is that it can't be considered induced by lifestyle choices. They have high expectations. I need to follow a special diet to remove it. I doubt it will be covered which is why I'm looking into a different option.
The diet I should follow (but I find to restrictive with my allergies) is Eat to Live. Essentially it is plant based, limited carbs and limited meat. I've had 0luck getting there due to fruit and legume intolerances (not to mention dairy and gluten).
The reason won't matter too much for my current insurance.
The big issue my current insurance looks at is if my lifestyle caused the problem.
So did being overweight cause the endo (although im convinced I've had it since my first cycle before I think I would have been overweight). BMI determining overweight. I'm currently at a bmi of 29.5. I need to get closer to 25 and remain there to get them to cover the surgery.
Which unless I follow the diet perfectly and don't have any improvement would be the only way it would be paid for since endo is common with people exposed to toxins, and are overweight. I love the insurance but hate it.
Which is why diet is important for me. But also my big barrier.
Well I'm not sure if my insurance does think that but that would be why they wouldn't cover it though (due to lifestyle choices as they say) But from what I understand food and endo do work closely of ether.
Which leads back to lifestyle. I'm changing my lifestyle but it's easier said than done.
Hopefully my DH can get the info from his new job about his insurance soon so we can switch so it isn't an issue but then again I'm Leary as my last surgery my insurance only covered 5-10% when they said 50%.
I go to the practitioner today hopefully I can get some answers!