Anyone with teenage daughters?

I've always been really good at remembering mine Kerry but Emily can be a bit of a div.....:dohh:...

My sister had the Depo too and she was fine so Emily might be lucky and have no effects......her periods have been regular and easy like mine too but you never know.....
I've always been really good at remembering mine Kerry but Emily can be a bit of a div.....:dohh:...

:rofl: at div!! Im the same!! Then I had the depo and came off of it and was crap at taking the pill (sometimes missing days at a time) and fell pregnant 12 months later!! :dohh:
I wonder if chastity belts affect your periods....:lol:......a better option me thinks......
its really hard one lisa i know exactly how you feel, rosie is 14 and since we had rhys i swear she's regressing lol, she has resorted to stamping her feet to get what she wants and i cant help but laugh.
i let her watch the sex v porn programme that was on and i was asking her questions she knew all the answers, if i try have and have a direct conversation with her i get a look of disgust and tells me to shuttup lol, so i try the indirect approach.
the thing is getting a balance as soon as rosie thinks i'm lecturing her she shuts up, she also has limits on msn she dropped her laptop last week and broke it, and to be fair she's been alot more pleasant to be with, spend more time on the internet than her now.
i think i will put er on the depo jab if she's suitable and i will take her till she's 18, i has her at 17 and i hope she realises what she missed out on, i tell her education is the most important thing right now, goodness the arguements we had over choosing gcse's she told the teacher she wanted to be a wag lol she was joking though.

i've wrapped rosie up a bit too much i think cos she's epileptic but hasnt had a seizure for a yr so has been given longer curfew's which she breaks and ends up grounded lol.
i record all the conversations and have checked a few. but luckily never found anything too bad. she had her phone took off her at xmas for making 2800 texts in november. it cost her grandad nearly £200 she had a contract phone but abused it totally she has to pay for her credit now lol.
I was 18 when i got it in. It all depends on the person as to how it affects your periods, i had nearly non in the 2 and a half years i gad mine it. It was a but uncomrotable when getting it in and out but nothing to bad
hi my girl is 13 although she isn't active yet we have talkied about depo but were told nit till she was 18 for some reason cause my thought is while they are young they may forget to take it !! im thinking put her on something when she turns 14 to make sure she is safe !
I went on the pill when I was 15... was on it until I was nearly 19, but fell pregnant on it even though I took it at the same time everyday (reminded via cell phone alarm at the time I got pregnant)... I always used condoms also but the one time we didn't... lol
oh how i wished i would have had a mum like you!

when i asked my mum would she come to drs with me to get the pill sorted (not for sex itself... although i was sexually active, but for a festival i was going to i was due on and didn't want to be feeling dirty and yuck kwim? with there being no (proper) showers) and she said no i was too young. weather she thought it was for other reasons i don't know? but if she would havecome with me then i'm sure my 1st pregnancy wouldn't have happened. at that age i was too young to really know what happens with the pill etc and the effects hormonal contraception has on your body and now that i do know i think it's strange and worrying, not natural to me kwim? but at that age, it would have been all i'd have known if that makes sense, so normal kwim?

also, if my mum was more open about sex/contraception i'm sure my 16yo sister wouldn't have just chucked her life away by getting pregnant (apparently she's around 26weeks preg)

so from my point of view i think you are def going the right way about it! better for you to embarass her than her tothrow her life away.

Kayleigh has just turned 16 and hasn't yet had a steady boyfriend. She's had bf's that have lasted a week or so, but nothing longer. I found condoms in her room months ago, but they turned out to be her friends.

I am considering going with her to the doctors to ask her to be put on the pill due to her having excrutiating heavy periods.

You do sound like you are a very switched on person, and open and honest with her. Go with your instincts hun, they've worked so far with her.:hugs:
I also got talks etc as i advanced , but I also read a lot by myself (somehow a topic that always intrigued me , while as a kid I wasn't interested in having kids myself , I was always keen to read the parenting magazines xD, and sex-ed books)
Anyway since I don't like the ideas of hormones I looked for an alternative nor hormonal way and chose that. I think as a parent one should allow the kid also to choose rather whether it prefers mechanical or hormonal (and I am talking on permanent stuff not pessars or condoms )
Thanks MM & Amanda - I hope being open has the desired effect. Your comment means a great deal - reassures me I'm being sensible. :hugs:

Morri - what alternative did you go with?? I'm keen to look at all the options with her. :)
I have displayed it in the topic : (what do you go when you go to TTC ) too. So There is the hormon less IUD gynefix, which is also fittable for teenagers and anybody else who hasn't born yet. I try to dig out that specific thread :))
The good thing about it though is in a short summary:

It gets stuck to the uterus , it does not have any arms which can irritate the sides.
It is hormon free.(it works with copper)
it has different sizes(4 pieces to 6 pieces)
and it can stay for 5 years.
It has as high safety as the pill , or even higher.
I've not heard of that Morri, is that like the normal IUD?

We are using condoms at mo as I came off the pill at the end of last year as I was having problems. Once we decided we were going to ttc, I thought we would be ok with those until the right time.

We will try without any help first and depending how things go then I will look into the temp method etc.

The gynefix IUD is actually just a string of 4 to 5 small tubes of copper on a string. It does not have nay arms so there is less irritation. I opted out for this one because it is totally hormones free and you basically keep your same cyclus, but also doesnt disturb you too much. I havent had any problems at all with it. Because it is available in these two sizes it is even suitable for those who haven't born yet.

It get fixed into the wall of the Uterus and thats it :D
Are these widely available then? I'm defo going to consider this in the future ie hopefully after baby no.3!
They are not too widely spread , (depending where you live)
but at this lj entry of somebody I found this information.

Director of Family Planning at Halton and St Helens PCT near Liverpool and Manchester, [email protected] and alsothis one can tell you too:
[email protected]
'no glove-no love'

:rofl: this makes me laugh, but its good, a saying she'll deffinitely remember!!
you know i dont have any teenage kids, but i went on the pill at 16, my own choice. i never spoke to mum and dad about sex, they never brought it up either. although i know they knew when i did start to have sex, because of little things they'd say about making sure i was careful. i didnt have any sex ed at school either.. but i really wish i did..
Lisa, your an amazing mum, and Emily is lucky to have you being so open and honest with her. i wish my mum had been more like you.. :hugs:
i only ever was on the pill, but maybe try a coil? or the implant? i dont know if theres age restrictions with them too, but they're alternatives.
x x x x x
My mum was very open to me about sex and contraception. I have always used protection with every partner. I feel by my mum not being on edge about it i was able to talk to her and get the emtional as well as practical support. :D
HI, i dont have a teenage daughter so cant advise on that part of ur Question, but what i would say is avoid the depo injection at ALL costs. It completely ruins ur cycle, and she is far too young to have that. I wouldnt recommend it to anyone who hasnt had children yet, as it really does cause lots of problems for the future. Please dont let her have it. There are loads of other options :hugs:

Not always. I went on the depo aged 15 as i had terrible periods and the pill didnt help. I was on it from age 15-22 with no problems at all. I came off it in November and fell pregnant in March. My periods have been fine since and I will not hesitate to go back onto it when i am finished babymaking!

I went on the above contraception due to my periods and it was before i had started to have sex but i know my mum told my sister to go on the pill when she noticed my sister interested in boys/having boyfriends.

My mum has always been very open with all of us and considering what the "professionals" say about the liklihood, apple falling fair from the tree etc etc (my mum had us all very young) i had my first baby at 25, my sister is pg with her first at 23 and my older brother has none. and i truly believe that was due to my mum being so open and honest about sex, relationships etc.

My little brother is 13 and we are very open and frank with him. He saw me in labour with no clothes on (some people may not agree) but i believe he needs to know what women are, what they go through and that their bodies arent just sex objects. He knows about condoms and he talks to my OH alot about stuff which is good as his dad died when he was young.

Sounds like you are doing a great job Lisa and Emily sounds like a credit to you. Its scary your kids growing into young adults (it scares me with my liitle bro so cant imagine my child).....

My only advice is carry on what your doing......

oh and wen i was on the pill for my period my mum just reminded me every morning to take it (didnt have phones back then!!!!)
I would say to avoid the depo jag for your daughter completely. I went on this jag when i was around 16 to regulate my hormones and i believe it completely mucked up my cycle. I gained almost 3stone whilst on it then when i came off i didnt get a period for 2.5yrs and even then i had fetility problems and to this day i dont think everything is completely right and i firmly believe the depo is the reason. Obviously its down to personal choice but there are so many other contraception available i would say to stay away ffrom depo hun as it caused me nothing but problems. Kx
Not always. I went on the depo aged 15 as i had terrible periods and the pill didnt help. I was on it from age 15-22 with no problems at all. I came off it in November and fell pregnant in March. My periods have been fine since and I will not hesitate to go back onto it when i am finished babymaking!

I went on the above contraception due to my periods and it was before i had started to have sex but i know my mum told my sister to go on the pill when she noticed my sister interested in boys/having boyfriends.

My mum has always been very open with all of us and considering what the "professionals" say about the liklihood, apple falling fair from the tree etc etc (my mum had us all very young) i had my first baby at 25, my sister is pg with her first at 23 and my older brother has none. and i truly believe that was due to my mum being so open and honest about sex, relationships etc.

My little brother is 13 and we are very open and frank with him. He saw me in labour with no clothes on (some people may not agree) but i believe he needs to know what women are, what they go through and that their bodies arent just sex objects. He knows about condoms and he talks to my OH alot about stuff which is good as his dad died when he was young.

Sounds like you are doing a great job Lisa and Emily sounds like a credit to you. Its scary your kids growing into young adults (it scares me with my liitle bro so cant imagine my child).....

My only advice is carry on what your doing......

oh and wen i was on the pill for my period my mum just reminded me every morning to take it (didnt have phones back then!!!!)

Thanks so much Rachel :hugs: It means a lot to hear this. I have a great deal of respect for you and I think yours and your family's open attitude with each other is exactly the way I want things to be here. :D

I know a few people have said to stay away from the depo but I still think it's down to the individual. Both me and my sister have used it and not had any problems - infact I concieved after 3 months with #1, 2 months with #2 and my sister caught the egg on the first cycle! :lol:
You are a great mother! i'm 18, my mother knows i've been with my bf for 2 yrs, we use condoms but i'd love a more safe method. i've been hinting about it but she refuses to talk about it! and my doctors my dad so not like i can go to him. It's great that you are so open with your daughter, she's lucky to have a mom like u

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