Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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This month I'm going to use preseed, and because I'm on Clomid (which thins your uterus lining and dries up CM), I'm trying to do some research on taking Robutissm (sp?!) for CM and baby asprin for uterus lining...but scared to take any medication not recommended by the doc (who is not very helpful!). Other research says that Evening Primrose Oil up until O is very good, as well as Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

I used pre-seed this month, and I've heard a lot of good things about Mucinex or Robitussin as well. OH hated the pre-seed, we don't normally use lube, so it was a little too slippery for his liking. Mine too, I could hardly feel him xD. But, if it works, it works. :thumbup:

And thanks for adding me to the first post. 7 days til testing!! AGHH!!
Dont worry I managed to do it.. yay!!

So this month I am using OPK. The box says that I should start testing 10CD so that's what I am going to do. I am already taking Prenatals. My OB-GYN had told me to start them at least 3 months before we even think about trying to conceive so now its the 4th month that I have been on them. The OTC brand I am taking is Rainbow Light - Just once Naturals- Prenatal One.. It is 100% natural.. it also has Red raspberry leaf extract & ginger extract & spirunlina..

No drinks no tea/cofee (not that I used to drink them in the first place.. so no biggi)

Has anyone tried MACA? I just read about it on a blog.. it boosts fertility apparently

Thanks for the link!
I also take the Rainbow Light prenatals but I do the mini-tabs because I can't swallow the bigger pills!

I know! The damn things are HUGE. and they smell awful!! I haven't seen the mini ones.. where did you find them?

I know they have them at Whole Foods but I think around here they were $17 for 90 tabs (30 day supply). I got them on this site--180 tabs for $19 https://www.lifesvigor.com/prenatal-petite-multivitamin-180-tablets-rainbow-light.html
Had a hectic day at work...just trying to catch up with all you girls:

Joli...I have recently bought Serenity Natural Progesterone Cream online (see my journal). It was recommended by a nice lady in 2nd tri who had 5 early mc's until she "took matters into her own hands". You apply a little to fatty areas eg butt, thighs twice daily after ov. How long is your LP normally? I've bought some Robitussin but I stupidly got the one with decongestant in which will dry me up! :doh: Apparently Mucinex works well too...the magic ingredient you are looking for is Guaifenesin. I am also hooked on the Red raspberry leaf. What days did you take the Clomid out of interest? Now I am the one with all the questions :rofl:

Thanks for the big group message 2016! What a great job you're doing keeping up with all the girls :happydance:

I'll look into the progesterone cream - what ever works!! It's hard to say what my LP is - I was clockwork when I was younger, but was on the pill for 10 years, been off now for 8 months, and didn't ovulate. In my first round of clomid, my LP was 13 days, so not too bad (but I didn't O until CD21!). I'm not on 2nd month, so we'll see... But I've read that going on clomid has so many side effects (dry CM, thin uterus lining), so I'm going to try to do everything I can to combat it! I'll go down to the chemists today to see if I can find some mucinex!

On clomid, I did 1st round on days 5-9, this round, I accidently took it a day early, so I'm on days 4-8. I've tried to do some reading on what the difference is, but there doesn't seem to be any massive difference. It seems to be making my temperature rise though! My low AF temperature didn't stay around for long?! I'm not sure that that means... :wacko:

I love all the banners girls! This will be our month!!!:dust:

MommyMichelle...Did you get any side effects with the soy? What day do you ov normally?

See that's the thing hun, I really don't know. I don't temp because of my sleep habits, it's not going to work for me. I have a hormonal imbalance (high prolactin) that's interfering with my ovulation. I'm medicated for it but we won't know if it's in normal range unless I get pregnant or get tested again in FEBRUARY! Meanies. I try and track my ovulation by CM and CP for now. No OPKS! (can't see the damn things well anyway)

Now about the soy. I used it last cycle and OMG talk about tons and tons of EWCM! I've never had that much in my life ever! I did notice that on CD 15 everything was where it needed to be for O and I even got a very quick needle like pain on my right side AFTER DTD! But it really didn't mean anything, the pain could have been a stitch for all I know. After CD 15, things changed. EWCM went away and my CP dropped like a rock, so I figured it was over. It was a busted cycle in the long run but things were looking really promising as to my body working properly again!

This cycle, I've upped my soy and I'm on CD 10. I don't know what going on with me this time. My cervix is being all funny, really hard, sometimes really low and other times really high but never soft. It's still early yet and I should start getting EWCM in the next few days if I go by what happened last cycle. My boobs are bothering me and I'm leaking now and then and with having high prolactin, that's not a good thing. My meds might not be working like they should be. Leaky boobs are a sign of high prolactin but not always. Sensitive boobies can also be a sign of O!

Anyway, we are BD every other day until my CM goes away again. lol we started BD on CD 6! AF lasts 3 days lately thankfully! I can't keep DH off me lately anyway, either he can sense that I'm about to O or he's just that randy lately, who knows lol! :haha::blush:

How are you ladies?
I have some not good news... my DH did a semen analysis, the report came in today. Only 14% of his guys are motile, and out of that, 50% of them are slow. He needs to see a urologist to see if there is anything that can be done... otherwise, according to the doctor, we will have to consider IVF. Can't explain how gutted I am right now :(
I have some not good news... my DH did a semen analysis, the report came in today. Only 14% of his guys are motile, and out of that, 50% of them are slow. He needs to see a urologist to see if there is anything that can be done... otherwise, according to the doctor, we will have to consider IVF. Can't explain how gutted I am right now :(

This is a tough thing to find out but at least you now know and you can hopefully improve things. See my new motto on my signature. This is a marathon not a sprint (remind me that in 2 weeks time) and things will work out in the end :thumbup:
Might be a daft/silly suggestion but I feed my DH Vitamin C, Zinc and Selenium supplements because they help the spermies. I also keep banging on at him about cutting out the alcohol and caffiene. He is trying but I feel like I am doing so much for TTC that is a small request for a month or two. Sorry talking about me there....

Also wanted to say that I noticed a slight spike in temps from soy. I think the reason is that oestrogen lowers your temps and with Clomid/soy having the "oestrogen soaking up effect" there is less in your system so the temps are higher. :shrug:


Hope the rest of you amazing Aphrodites are well! :kiss:
I noticed when I edited my signature this morning that the team badge takes up a lot of lines. I wonder if I should make a long thin one...you know how I girls like options! I just fancied a different shape when I made it.
Thanks for the uplifting words :) I'll let you know what the urologist says tomorrow... DH isn't taken any particular supplements (he insists that he doesn't 'believe in vitamins' - but he just might now!!). He drinks a lot of tea too, so that's probably no good... <sigh> I never thought I would have to do IVF, honestly don't know that much about it...oh well, I guess we'll know more tomorrow....

Thanks for being such great support gals. xxx
Hi Joli, just read your post, sorry to hear of your news and that your down, but like someone else wrote, at least you know definitely what is happening.
I dont know much about that side, but hopefully they can help you get a BFP very soon. I am sure they can with modern medicine.
Sending you lots of baby dust
Joli .. just read the post. sorry to hear the bad news.. but I agree with everyone else, now atleast you know whats happening.. so be strong & modern medicine can do wonders these days, Things will work out. We are all with you. (Take those vitamins :flower:)
My chart looks very strange.. hmm.. I hope it looks normal by the time O comes around..

So I did alot of research about MACA and I ordered the powder yesterday. I also ordered WheatGrass powder. Both are good for you. No harm in taking them.. Hubby and I are both gna take them everyday. MACA is especially good for him. 1/2 tsp MACA with milk in the morning & wheatgrass in fresh juice in the evening. So lets see what they do for us.. I used to make fresh wheatgrass juice in the summer but since I live in Seattle and there is no Sun all winter long I think powder is better now. They will be arriving tomorrow CD 7 so that's when I will start.
Hi hun, can you update me please, still no AF but not looking good on the BFP side either, did a clearblue digital today and it couldnt have been any clearer to tell me 'Not Pregnant'

Gutted...I started feeling that I could be pregnant today, I thought my boobs were being to hurt and i felt a bit sick - well that MUST have been all in my head...!!

Just need my period now so that i can start on my next cycle...:cry:
I have some not good news... my DH did a semen analysis, the report came in today. Only 14% of his guys are motile, and out of that, 50% of them are slow. He needs to see a urologist to see if there is anything that can be done... otherwise, according to the doctor, we will have to consider IVF. Can't explain how gutted I am right now :(

Just read back and seen your post, so sorry to hear this hun, but like others say at least you know what is probably the cause of you not getting pregnant so you can be helped. FX for a BFP in 2010 xx
This is only the 2nd month I've charted but my temps are noticeably different during the follicular phase than last month.
Last month they were approx 97-97.2F and they're above 97.5F so far this month. Maybe I still have some progesterone floating around since AF isn't quite over yet. Hmm...

Is this normal? Do you have different temps month-to-month or are they usually the same? I'll check some other charts, too
Jaxvipe....Another soy girl. Same question for you - what day do you normally ov and what day do you hope to ov this cycle? Sounds like you are similar to me with the Vit B, Red raspberry leaf and progesterone cream. I have never actually used the cream before so I can be guinea pig if you lot are wary of it.

Well don't really know what day i O on. The last two cycles i O'd on CD 10 and then CD 14. So im basically trying to get a better O. I only took 55mg just to see if it does anything. My main concern is my LP. It was 9 days and then only 5 days. So thats why i wanted to try the progesterone cream after o. My concern tho is what if i do get pg and then like the dr gets mad at me for using none prescribed cream or w/e. IDK im just kinda lost and confused at the moment. I came of Depo in August so my periods are still regulating. BUT they are getting back to normal. I was at a spot on 28 days before depo so im hoping they will bounce back quickly since i was only on it for 3 months so, one shot total.
Hey iwanta8a8y so sorry to hear your body has been playing tricks on you. Hope AF comes soon so you can get on with BD'ing in your next cycle. Fingers x it will be your lucky month hun. Makes you feel frustrated when you aren't sure and then test and it's BFN and then you feel like 'why did I waste that test' (kick yourself)! But sometimes you just gotta put your mind at rest! Lol x x

Hi hun, can you update me please, still no AF but not looking good on the BFP side either, did a clearblue digital today and it couldnt have been any clearer to tell me 'Not Pregnant'

Gutted...I started feeling that I could be pregnant today, I thought my boobs were being to hurt and i felt a bit sick - well that MUST have been all in my head...!!

Just need my period now so that i can start on my next cycle...:cry:
This is only the 2nd month I've charted but my temps are noticeably different during the follicular phase than last month.
Last month they were approx 97-97.2F and they're above 97.5F so far this month. Maybe I still have some progesterone floating around since AF isn't quite over yet. Hmm...

Is this normal? Do you have different temps month-to-month or are they usually the same? I'll check some other charts, too

Look at what my chart is doing and you will have a good laugh! :haha:
This is only the 2nd month I've charted but my temps are noticeably different during the follicular phase than last month.
Last month they were approx 97-97.2F and they're above 97.5F so far this month. Maybe I still have some progesterone floating around since AF isn't quite over yet. Hmm...

Is this normal? Do you have different temps month-to-month or are they usually the same? I'll check some other charts, too

Look at what my chart is doing and you will have a good laugh! :haha:

What's going on? Looks like a ski slope!
Thank you for all the lovely encouraging words! We saw the urologist today, and he suggested getting another sperm sample in a couple weeks time to compare. In the meantime, since I'm on clomid right now, we're seeing a fertility specialist tomorrow to see if it would be possible to do IUI this cycle. The chance of success is remote with low sperm motility, but it's a higher chance than just trying on our own....miracles do happen, right...???? :cloud9:

Here's hoping!! I'll let you know what the fertility specialist says... <gulp>

Lots and lost of baby dust to all of you!!!!!! :dust:
Joli...fx'd the FS is willing to help out. Keep us posted. x

Devi & hibiscus...your charts look fine to me, I basically don't take too much notice about AF temps because they can be all over the place. Devi you are right to start OPKs CD10. I bought loads and couldn't wait so started CD7 I think :doh: which basically means I have wasted 4 tests so far.

iwanta8a8y...thanks for the update. Its horrible to be in limbo like this I am sure. I don't want to give you false hopes but it is still possible for you to be pg but your levels are low. This website I look on with hcg levels shows that at 18/19dpo (not sure which you are anymore because I got distracted while updating this morning) your levels might still be between 7 & 16 which is too little even for a FRER! Those CB digis are only 50miu which is half as sensitive as FRER at 25miu. If you do have a FRER handy then do that with FMU and post for us tweakers and line spotters. After this long wait I really want a BFP for you!
Heres the website : https://www.betabase.info/showBasicChart.php?type=Single
Just wanted to say hello again, I haven't posted since you moved the thread!

Jaxvipe, I was on depo a couple of years ago...horrible stuff isn't it? They really should inform people more about the shot or I never would have gotten it. I think its great that you are being so proactive in getting your cycle back on track! :)

Joli: I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. :hugs: Hope everything goes well with the specialist!
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