April Raindrops 2016

laubull, i'm sure all is fine - like it's already been said, brown blood is old blood. i have my fx for you!! can't wait to hear those numbers today.

cntry, i would be freaked out too about the progesterone. i'm on progesterone, too, until 14 weeks or so, and if i didn't have enough, i would freak out! insurance sucks. my progesterone is $126 AFTER insurance. i hope you get it worked out ASAP.

is anyone else crazy like me? i took 3 more hpt's today (walmart .88 one, which was darker than the control, woohoo! a frer and a blue dye) i don't feel pregnant, so i needed something to tell me i still am pregnant. i'm crazy, i know!!
Youngmam: Those tests are very unreliable! You never know what you'll get with them. This is a link to what the thresholds are supposed to be:https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/cdrh_docs/reviews/K112870.pdf
Page 6 & 7 show the levels.

Laubull: I know the bleeding is scary, but like all the other girls said, brown blood is the better to have. I hope all comes back well with your levels.

Cntrygal: I would be throwing a fit about the progesterone! That's just wrong. I'm so sorry. I would def look into getting some OTC prog cream until they work it out.

AFM, I got my HCG tested yesterday and the level for yesterday at 5+1 is a whopping 7661. Here I was freaking out that I wasn't getting a 3+ which the threshold to get that is 2600. I think either it's the hook effect causing me to get 2-3 or it's because I drink so much water during the day (close to a gallon) that my pee is just too dilute. I use FMU, but my FMU is still very pale, probably from staying really hydrated. I'm still going to get my HCG tested again on Friday, but if anyone else freaks out about not getting 3+ or bouncing back and forth, just know that those tests aren't a good diagnoststic tool for progression :thumbup:
Where would I find the OTC progesterone? I asked the pharmacy at Walmart because I was there and they said they didn't have anything.
They have it at Whole Foods or any natural health stores for the most part.
i think those clearblue estimators are crap, shellgirl. i have one more that i'm taking at 6 weeks, and if it doesn't say 3+ by then, i'm done. i've talked to SO MANY people that were so stressed out by them, only to have everything be 100% okay. i kindof hate those tests.
cntry, i know you can also get otc creams at health places like gnc as well, places like that who sell vitamins.
Okay I will check locally and at GNC. Thank you ladies!
Hi ladies, time for me to get nervous today, although I guess it's not really for a good reason. I'm headed to get a confirmation of pregnancy for my insurance. I think all I'm going to do is pee in a cup though, wish I could get a blood test or ultrasound. Guess I'm just scared that I'm going to walk in there and it's going to be a faint line or a negative. My boyfriend thinks I'm being crazy and negative but I just want to hope for the best and prepare for the worst...
I'm in guys!
Can't wait to see us all progress in our pregnancies!
Hi ladies! I plan on catching up, but I'd like to join if I can. :)
My name is Lesley, 29! Been married to dh for 4 years but we will have been together for 10 this upcoming fall :)
Got my bfp today at ~14dpo. Based off of o, my edd is April 13 or 14. My cycles are long so lmp doesn't really tell me much haha. I have a 20.5 mo son, and this was only my second cycle post partum. We were ntnp but I didn't think it would happen so quickly. We're delighted :)
Excited to meet you all and go on this journey together. Praying for sticky and healthy babies for all of us!!!
Hi missmccoy and babymonkey! :)

I understand purelygemini, I was terrified when I went for confirmation! I was only 3 weeks 5 days so my GP was twisting and turning the strip in the light lol but he saw it!
Oh boy, this thread moves so fast! I've been silently reading but haven't been able to reply.

I went for my 2nd HCG draw at about 5 weeks (I think) and my beta is 3,300! So happy and relieved. My first scan is next Thursday (6 weeks 1 day).

Can't wait when we all can start sharing scan pix with each other!

And Hello Babymonkey18!!! I have got 2 boys and its so nice to see the 2 boys playing together. Are u hoping for a boy or a girl?
speaking of scans, when is everyone's first scan? mine is at 6 weeks on the 14th. time is going SO SLOW!! :)

anyone else really lightheaded? anytime i stand up i get so lightheaded. i don't remember this from last time. oy vey, only 5 weeks - 7 weeks until 2nd tri! :)
ill have a six week scan as well on the 21st!!!

No lightheaded here. Only 4 weeks today. I did get some light waves of nausea today, but not feeling much of anything besides my boobs being sore/fuller.

Girls who have 4/15 edd, any symptoms?
I think my 12 week scan will be my first, unless I can persuade the hubby for us to have a private early scan in a few weeks time (which isn't looking likely). So it will be 8 weeks (ish) from tomorrow

I had a few moments of light headedness earlier, but I think part of that was because I stood up too quick, so could have happened at any time.

I'm a 15th of april edd beneathmywing, and not much to report symptoms wise apart from my boobs feeling bigger, a few pulls and twinges in my tummy and things tasting/smelling different to normal (but that only happens sometimes).
I'll have an early scan but I'm not sure exactly when yet. I have my first appointment on the 13th so hopefully I'll get a date then
8 week scan on the 26th if I don't cave and ask for a 6 week scan next week! Can't come soon enough. Had a little ice cream tonight bc I was feeling nauseous. HORRIBLE idea. That backfired. With my first I had nausea in the morning and early afternoon. It definitely seems like I have evening sickness with this one.
speaking of scans, when is everyone's first scan? mine is at 6 weeks on the 14th. time is going SO SLOW!! :)

anyone else really lightheaded? anytime i stand up i get so lightheaded. i don't remember this from last time. oy vey, only 5 weeks - 7 weeks until 2nd tri! :)

I have been extremely lightheaded just yesterday and today. To the point where I've been a little nervous to be alone with my LO bc I've felt I'm going to pass out at times.
Hey ladies! Cautiously joining! Got a complete surprise bfp today! We had a tubal reversal in 2012, short tubes, low sperm count, iuis x 3 with 1 m/c due to blighted ovum....so not the best luck TTC for us, but here we are! Worried my Libes aren't darker for 15-16dpo, but I did get a + digi today(pregnant 1-2) which was nice! Hoping for a healthy baby for us all! I'm due April 13th :)

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