I havent gone in to see Dr yet, I wanted to make it a few days past when AF was due before I went in. I plan to call today to get blood test done. But I think I am on pregnancy test 30 by now and so far all bfps. On sunday I got the 2-3 week change on digital which made me so happy to see, I actually stood in the bathroom and did a happy dance for progression. I was worried at first because the fitst 4 stayed at the 1-2 week, but like I said earlier I have short cycles so it was just to early for the change to 2-3 weeks.
I am also eating like crazy, maybe a little to much at times lol. But the only thing that really tastes good is green olives which is off for me. I also only have on and off nausea nothing to bad mainly feeling it in the evening, probably more from eating everything I see then actual morning sickness.
Congratulations to you also