Only because I kept moaning lol. They were keeping me in all to wait for a phone call from the other hospital to say when I can go there... Its the 2nd day of waiting now. So I told them to contact me at home instead because it was making me feel absolutely shit being in hospital. When I got home I just couldnt stop crying because Ive been so frustrated with not quite knowing whats going on!
At least now Im home I dont have to be frustrated alone. My mum is my rock
Hopefully Ill finally know whats happening today if the hospital phones. If not then Im going to chase it up myself because Im sick of waiting. Theyve told me this scan is a detailed one and very important that I have it because it should be able to tell me whats going to be wrong with my baby when he's born (if anything... but judging by what theyve been telling me and stuff then hes going to have a few problems :/)
But, enough about me. Im going to do as promised and catch up properly!
(All the way back from page 1122!)
Hayley - How frustrating. When you go back make sure they tell you exactly whats going on or they might just do the same thing again. Be persistant!
Lisaed - Lol, theyre messing me about a bit though because they were supposed to have me there yesterday morning... still waiting now. Looking forward to seeing thier equiptment though, been told its excellent! Hope youre well and out of hospital soon -hugs- xx
Smeej - Either way, not long till your bambino is in your arms :3 How exciting!
Loopy - -hugs-
Cola - Ive had something green come out too, while I was in hospital and I had to show the nurse my pads so they could monitor how much Id been bleeding and they said the green thing was just a bit of my plug. So yeah probably was just that for you too.
Apparently it can be different... like sometimes its more pinky and sometimes its more snotty coloured or whatever.
CrazyBird - My MW isnt seeing me till about 39 weeks either and by that time it will have been 4 weeks since the previous appointment with her! I thought you were supposed to see them more regular once you got to like 32 weeks though
Jakes - We've had fab weather the past few days!
Looks like we'll be in for a gorgeous summer
Bernina - lol, have you managed to paint your toenails yet? It seemed like mission impossible for me when I tried so best of luck to you with that xD
Missfox - Oh dear. Sounds like Rosie wanted to give you a bit of a scare. Hope the MW appointment went well and everything is ok.
Rainbow - Its mad isnt it that so many April babies are already here! xD
Cottles - Dont panic, he might not have! Oh and definately dont blame yourself! Sounds like Toby just wants you to know hes definately still in there and causing you worry! If its worrying you alot then maybe just phone them up and explain how worried you are and they might bring your appointment forward?
Gertrude - Big hugs for you! Chin up, sweetie... Go and bask in the glorious weather lol
Sorry if I missed anyone!