sorry for the delay - babies take up a lot of time (mainly of sitting there staring at how utterly beautiful she is
anyway! my birth! sorry this is patchy it's taken from some other messages I wrote (as I don't have time to re-write it)
My labour was 5 hours induced labour - induced because of pre-eclampsia - shame the fucking midwives on shift didn't believe me when I said it hurt - they were idiots until OH a) barged his way back onto the ward to help me and b) told them that at the end of one contraction I said I felt I needed to push/it was different to the previous ones from nothing to 8cm dilated with no one believing you and no pain reflief wasn't my idea of how I wanted to give birth My offical delivery time is 1hr 17mins, though was only in the delivery room for about 50mins - it was so fast the midwife didn't have time to put her gloves on
Anyway, the delivery midwife (when they finaly realised and sent me to delivery) was absolutely fucking amazing, a 2nd degree tear (because she came all out in 1 push) and an utterly gorgeous girl later it really doesn't matter
My OH said that, they'd decided that I was being induced and therefore it would take x hours and wouldn't even consider they might be wrong. I laboured my way - to the point where think that made them just think I was a pain in the arse tbh. I had to be monitored for my blood pressure/baby heartrate and they kept trying to make me lie down - no way on this planet was anyone doing that so I just got labelled. OH said the same when he came back, he pretty much forced his way onto the ward after I emailed him just saying "Help me". They had me in maternity and all partners had to leave at 8pm no discussion - god bless his cantankerous ways as he got back on, I was moved into a side single room (as I was "making a scene" apparently), I got the gas and air to "calm the hysterical woman" and it was after my OH told them to examine me as I was having frequent contractions and they found me to be 8cm dilated already when they realised they'd fucked up.
At no point did anyone tell me what position baby was in, and at no point did they try to help.
In contrast the delivery ward midwife was out of this world brilliant - I asked what the hell I was supposed to do and her reply was "whatever feels right to you to do do it" and it just made me feel so much more in control again. I (don't remember) flew to the back of the bed in the room and laboured knealt up - whilst being monitored still - funny, I'm sure that's what I asked them to do upstairs
Despite the crappy bits, and not being at home obviously, it was the labour I wanted - I was left alone to do what I needed to (because of no care at first, then because of the right type of care) and I had the positions I wanted - firstly because I just ignored their monitoring
blush: ) and secondly because the other midwife just got it (they made an interesting comment when I said about being made to lie down that they don't see themselves as part of that ward because of things like that), I did it with only gas and air (of and the 2 crucial paracetamol from maternity ward!!), and I got the time with baby afterwards I wanted (which was because my BP went a bit mental so they left me to recover slower than normal which meant WAY more time skin to skin and time for a lovely bath)
I wouldn't change any of it - I would like to slap those two stupid MWs in the face though but I think they, and everyone around them, knew they'd very nearly fucked up - all the mums to be on the maternity ward were just getting up when I got back with my baby and you could see a few of them thinking "errr hang on, what happened there) so I'll take some happiness from that