~* April SweetPea's 2013 babies *~ 50 so far! 2 Blue 3 angels

yeah its defo made my mind up now. i cnt afford nothing while im working. dunno how ill live through this month.

awww wow that is handy aint it. we order buggie of amazon last night and its coming tuesday :) so ill need to be in for it.

i know what you mean.. i dont wanna gain too much either. if i do ive got a gym buddy for after birth. cant see me getting on bus much so ill be doing loads of walking
Hey guys. Sorry I have been like out of touch so much this past few weeks =[

My Ms is bad with a Vengence, I am back to being badly sick, it actually burns my throat =[ But I am starting to see what things I can actually keep down which is good.

Got my first scan tomorrow, am sooooo excited!!!!!
How is everyone doing with their Bumps?

I wondered where everyone was :nope:
its only been 3 of us lately :dohh: lol!! ..but i was away for abit
aswell :blush:

Sorry your MS is bad :( .. i was the same .. i feel better now though
not sure if mines subsiding or my seabands are keeping it at bay..
which would be abit odd i think as surly bands won't make it go!

Ah let us know how things go!! :)
Yeah seems like your best option, you can always go back later on when your ready :thumbup:

So...my first day back on Slimming world started with a fry up and then lunch was a tuna melt...mmm not looking good - i defo need to put a bit of effort in hehe :blush:

Very handy, she has 3 and the youngest is 3 so i just assumed that she would have got rid of most of it by now but thankfully she has loads so we will be kitted out :happydance:

YAY nice one ordering your buggie :happydance: how exciting :thumbup: whats next on the shopping list? :haha:
Well today i bought little cover, some vest and little booty's lol.. My mum is taking me to Matalan on monday so we can use her voutchers before they run out sooo ill get few bits then to lol..

I bought them all in white since i dunno what colour to go for yet..

I was just wondering is there a second tri for the April group as we're closer getting closer and closer in..
Aawww so lovely to be able to pick things up and dream about your little bubs and things they might like :thumbup: im getting really nervous about my scan now....i just wanna know the puddin is ok in there :flasher:

How sweet is your mum! bless her heart she must be loving all the fussing hehe :flower: do you want to find out at your next scan? I think we will want to know,think it would be helpful to plan things easier :thumbup:

No idea about second tri threads, haven't even had a peak yet ...maybe you could set one up??
I could do... But i know the Becca done this one so i dunno if she will be ok with me going and making it up lol..

Yeah love my mummy she helps me out alot.

Welcome Raechel :D xxx
Ooo yeah i wanna find out at the next scan what we're having :) cant wait to find out when it will be either..
Hey ladies. Im due with my first bub April 20th. First scan monday!:happydance:
Please add me on to list.:thumbup:
Need buddies! :hugs:
Hey ladies. Im due with my first bub April 20th. First scan monday!:happydance:
Please add me on to list.:thumbup:
Need buddies! :hugs:

Hey you!! Welcome to sweetpeas :hugs: wow cant believe our scans have come round so fast! Pls post piccy when you get back from your scan Monday :thumbup: Mines Wednesday

SO EXCITING!!! :happydance:
Welcome to the newbies :)
i will add you now


Cherry this is in the groups and discussions section not any trimester so that
was the point of it :lol: so i didn't have to make like 3 different groups for us
:winkwink: so all trimesters we can be here together.. weather were in 1st 2nd
or 3rd :) ... there may be other groups in the trimesters though, I made this one
because i only saw 1 other group for April babies which was only just started then
i saw another but it was rammed with people so another group feelt needed for those
not wanting a massive group and to feel lost :lol: But this group seems we only have
a few of us talk now .. which isn't a problem :lol: just wondering where all the others
are and how they all are doing! ..

Is everyone feeling okay today??
I only have 1 outfit for the baby which is a cream sleepsuit with winnie the pooh
on it :lol: got that from Asda.. i don't think i will be buying anything until after 20
weeks maybe later but thats just because i have other things to sort atm christmas
Ds's birthday a month after .. and i should be moving in the next month or so :dohh:!!

My blood pressure isn't great iv not had it checked .. but i just know it was 70/40
in the hospital which is really really bad... :nope: why they let me go is beyond me..
but i keep feeling really bad not fainted again yet or anything but just walking around
i feel its going to happen :nope: luckily my son has stayed at my mums last night and he
won't be back til around 5pm .. so gives me a break but im dreading if this gets worse
how im going to cope with my son and going anywhere :nope: im starting to feel better
in the day think my sea bands have helped OR its subsiding thank god! but now im feeling
bad at night.. not being able to sleep tossing and turning and then my belly hurting alot :(
rather have it at night i guess but i need my sleep :dohh:!!

Scans monday so hopefully things have improved from my last scan and i hope i don't
get put back :(!! but i have a feeling i will
Ohh lol.

Sorry im sorta new to this site lol. still trying to work out some thing.

Im feeling ok today just got few mild cramps across my belly :s lol i got my buggie today was only 45 min later than the delievery time lol. I also got few bits from asda yesteday vests, cover and booties lol to cute xx

Ps my brain is working alot slower and i click on to late to lol. Ive just remember what i wrote before lol xx
I have not seen me added yet just wanted to check and see if you have added me. My estimated due date is April 17th 2013. I've been doing okay battling a headache so I went to the ER seems as if I have a sinus infection. So they gave me benadryl and Reglan to help with the headache and amoxicillian to treat the infection. Today i woke up with tinted brown discharge. Praying its nothing.
Welcome to the newbies :)
i will add you now


Cherry this is in the groups and discussions section not any trimester so that
was the point of it :lol: so i didn't have to make like 3 different groups for us
:winkwink: so all trimesters we can be here together.. weather were in 1st 2nd
or 3rd :) ... there may be other groups in the trimesters though, I made this one
because i only saw 1 other group for April babies which was only just started then
i saw another but it was rammed with people so another group feelt needed for those
not wanting a massive group and to feel lost :lol: But this group seems we only have
a few of us talk now .. which isn't a problem :lol: just wondering where all the others
are and how they all are doing! ..

Is everyone feeling okay today??
I only have 1 outfit for the baby which is a cream sleepsuit with winnie the pooh
on it :lol: got that from Asda.. i don't think i will be buying anything until after 20
weeks maybe later but thats just because i have other things to sort atm christmas
Ds's birthday a month after .. and i should be moving in the next month or so :dohh:!!

My blood pressure isn't great iv not had it checked .. but i just know it was 70/40
in the hospital which is really really bad... :nope: why they let me go is beyond me..
but i keep feeling really bad not fainted again yet or anything but just walking around
i feel its going to happen :nope: luckily my son has stayed at my mums last night and he
won't be back til around 5pm .. so gives me a break but im dreading if this gets worse
how im going to cope with my son and going anywhere :nope: im starting to feel better
in the day think my sea bands have helped OR its subsiding thank god! but now im feeling
bad at night.. not being able to sleep tossing and turning and then my belly hurting alot :(
rather have it at night i guess but i need my sleep :dohh:!!

Scans monday so hopefully things have improved from my last scan and i hope i don't
get put back :(!! but i have a feeling i will
Ohh lol.

Sorry im sorta new to this site lol. still trying to work out some thing.

Im feeling ok today just got few mild cramps across my belly :s lol i got my buggie today was only 45 min later than the delievery time lol. I also got few bits from asda yesteday vests, cover and booties lol to cute xx

Ps my brain is working alot slower and i click on to late to lol. Ive just remember what i wrote before lol xx

:hugs: its fine :lol:
i don't know why there is 3 threads made for each tri in a way
i do because you can talk about each section but seems better to
keep in 1 section and talk about all 3 :) theres always someone
around the same stage as you :winkwink: but feel free if you want
to make a tri thread! :hugs: i wouldn't be able to keep up with more
then this thread :haha:

Glad your buggy arrived! :D im trying to hold off i don't want to find
out the gender what im having BUT in another way i do because i
want things sorted :dohh: but buggy wise im not sure if im getting
one until baby will be abit bigger i want to use a wrap/sling for the baby
so then i can do that and walk with my son :lol: or if hes still in a buggy
i can push him while carrying LO .. but then theres the thing if to get
a double stroller :rofl: im really unsure depends as DS will be starting
nursery in April :brat: i will be pulling my hair out!! heavily preg and
DS starting nursery :rofl: so i think he should be out of the buggy :shrug:

Your not alone with the cramps.. i also have been getting this
not often but on and off every few days mainly when i lay down
in bed or if im sat down and bend i feel a sharp pain :shrug:

Sorry for rambling :dohh:!!!

I have not seen me added yet just wanted to check and see if you have added me. My estimated due date is April 17th 2013. I've been doing okay battling a headache so I went to the ER seems as if I have a sinus infection. So they gave me benadryl and Reglan to help with the headache and amoxicillian to treat the infection. Today i woke up with tinted brown discharge. Praying its nothing.

I did add you you was on 15th but i must of not seen you said you
had changed sorry! i have moved you to the 17th now :hugs:

So sorry you've had a rough time :nope: i hope the medication
helps you feel better! and you can get lots of rest too
If its brown stuff its usually old blood so its not a concern as such
but if your worried and it continues defiantly go in to see someone
about it :hugs:
Thankyou! Based on babies growth it should be the 15 but based on LMP it is the 17th. Doesnt matter to me! LOL :)

Ohh lol.

Sorry im sorta new to this site lol. still trying to work out some thing.

Im feeling ok today just got few mild cramps across my belly :s lol i got my buggie today was only 45 min later than the delievery time lol. I also got few bits from asda yesteday vests, cover and booties lol to cute xx

Ps my brain is working alot slower and i click on to late to lol. Ive just remember what i wrote before lol xx

:hugs: its fine :lol:
i don't know why there is 3 threads made for each tri in a way
i do because you can talk about each section but seems better to
keep in 1 section and talk about all 3 :) theres always someone
around the same stage as you :winkwink: but feel free if you want
to make a tri thread! :hugs: i wouldn't be able to keep up with more
then this thread :haha:

Glad your buggy arrived! :D im trying to hold off i don't want to find
out the gender what im having BUT in another way i do because i
want things sorted :dohh: but buggy wise im not sure if im getting
one until baby will be abit bigger i want to use a wrap/sling for the baby
so then i can do that and walk with my son :lol: or if hes still in a buggy
i can push him while carrying LO .. but then theres the thing if to get
a double stroller :rofl: im really unsure depends as DS will be starting
nursery in April :brat: i will be pulling my hair out!! heavily preg and
DS starting nursery :rofl: so i think he should be out of the buggy :shrug:

Your not alone with the cramps.. i also have been getting this
not often but on and off every few days mainly when i lay down
in bed or if im sat down and bend i feel a sharp pain :shrug:

Sorry for rambling :dohh:!!!

I have not seen me added yet just wanted to check and see if you have added me. My estimated due date is April 17th 2013. I've been doing okay battling a headache so I went to the ER seems as if I have a sinus infection. So they gave me benadryl and Reglan to help with the headache and amoxicillian to treat the infection. Today i woke up with tinted brown discharge. Praying its nothing.

I did add you you was on 15th but i must of not seen you said you
had changed sorry! i have moved you to the 17th now :hugs:

So sorry you've had a rough time :nope: i hope the medication
helps you feel better! and you can get lots of rest too
If its brown stuff its usually old blood so its not a concern as such
but if your worried and it continues defiantly go in to see someone
about it :hugs:
Ohh lol.

Sorry im sorta new to this site lol. still trying to work out some thing.

Im feeling ok today just got few mild cramps across my belly :s lol i got my buggie today was only 45 min later than the delievery time lol. I also got few bits from asda yesteday vests, cover and booties lol to cute xx

Ps my brain is working alot slower and i click on to late to lol. Ive just remember what i wrote before lol xx

:hugs: its fine :lol:
i don't know why there is 3 threads made for each tri in a way
i do because you can talk about each section but seems better to
keep in 1 section and talk about all 3 :) theres always someone
around the same stage as you :winkwink: but feel free if you want
to make a tri thread! :hugs: i wouldn't be able to keep up with more
then this thread :haha:

Glad your buggy arrived! :D im trying to hold off i don't want to find
out the gender what im having BUT in another way i do because i
want things sorted :dohh: but buggy wise im not sure if im getting
one until baby will be abit bigger i want to use a wrap/sling for the baby
so then i can do that and walk with my son :lol: or if hes still in a buggy
i can push him while carrying LO .. but then theres the thing if to get
a double stroller :rofl: im really unsure depends as DS will be starting
nursery in April :brat: i will be pulling my hair out!! heavily preg and
DS starting nursery :rofl: so i think he should be out of the buggy :shrug:

Your not alone with the cramps.. i also have been getting this
not often but on and off every few days mainly when i lay down
in bed or if im sat down and bend i feel a sharp pain :shrug:

Sorry for rambling :dohh:!!!

I have not seen me added yet just wanted to check and see if you have added me. My estimated due date is April 17th 2013. I've been doing okay battling a headache so I went to the ER seems as if I have a sinus infection. So they gave me benadryl and Reglan to help with the headache and amoxicillian to treat the infection. Today i woke up with tinted brown discharge. Praying its nothing.

I did add you you was on 15th but i must of not seen you said you
had changed sorry! i have moved you to the 17th now :hugs:

So sorry you've had a rough time :nope: i hope the medication
helps you feel better! and you can get lots of rest too
If its brown stuff its usually old blood so its not a concern as such
but if your worried and it continues defiantly go in to see someone
about it :hugs:

Aww im glad im not alone with the cramps. Its like someone is poking me but its sore but i can cope with it.

Yeah i agree with you with having the one group. ive made a thread on second tri anyways lol...

there is to many decisions to make what to buy and not lol i think ill just buy bits as i go and hopefully i use them :)

Hope everyone is okay..

I woke this morning to find something my stomach doesn't like or baby doesn't
im struggling to find something i can drink.. water makes me more thirsty.. tea
makes me feel abit dodgy i only manage 1 cup or half now :( .. basically anything
i couldn't manage .. i found Pepsi was something iv gone to which is odd because
i went off fizzy pop with my son and only had it now and again after having him for
nearly 3 years! .. now im back on pepsi i can drink lots of it too! .. not good for me
i know but at least its helping me.. The bad thing i found drinking is Powerade.. i know
you shouldn't drink like energy drinks etc in pregnancy but i didn't overdo it.. i just
thought it was a better soluation then drinking fizzy pop :lol: but i took a sip this
morning to take a tablet and i was gagging :nope: .. i then ended up throwing up
just before i got a lift to my scan :nope: i was thinking GREAT!! :growlmad:

But i made up for it by pigging out on a maccys :rofl: .. for some reason.. maccys
and this certain pizza i buy i feel like im happy and full? .. most other things are
making me feel sick afterwards or dodgy... My ms seems to be wearing down
(i hope!!) ... i won't say too much but i took my last tablet today iv only really
been taking them now and again anyway when really needed.. iv not had my
travel bands on all day either.. i haven't feelt really good but better .. I over did
it today really helped my friend out with his new horse.. as i know alot about horses
etc i helped him get the horse to a new field.. some druggies stole him this morning
from his back field he has a stack in the floor for now but they ripped that out
and ran off with him at like 7am :nope: cutt his fringe he had a long fringe now its
short .. but luckily someone told him and he went to get him .. and was livid ...
why the hell would someone take a horse off a field for a laugh as he was off his
head on drugs... its heartbreaking poor horse :( .. hopefully hes okay now hes been
moved to a new field and hoping to get him stabled asap theres just no spaces
free anywhere close :nope:

Anyway.. I went for my scan.. im dot on 12 weeks :)
im due 22nd april now and i have my 20 week scan on my 21st birthday :rofl:
i did ask though because i saw it said week commencing 3rd december.. so i
asked the woman and she was really nice and said she could get me in for
the morning of my birthday :)

Awww thats a nice prezzie for your birthday :)

I hope you get your appetite back hun. i manage to eat everything again but sausages i cant stand them. I also loved my fizzy juice and coke as become my new favorite i normal drink irn bru like there is no tomorrow. Im not a huge fan of water and i use to drink alot of coffee but i went of it a little and can manage tea which i dont normal drink :S

Glad you scan went well and you got your next scan. Ive got midwife tomorrow : cant wait to find out when my gender scan is xxx
Its weird isn't it i forgot that i went off alot of things i loved last time
now i think about it i remember more.. i loved fizzy pop but i went off it
throughout the pregnancy :nope: luckily i didn't go off much else i loved
gravy on everything! mash and gravy and spaghetti with gravy that is a
odd one!! :haha: I tend to go from tea to coffee every other month
which is odd this is before being pregnant.. but i was loving coffee again
soon as i got this sickness i was off coffee and couldn't drink either! :(
i love a cuppa in the morning it wakes me up :lol: i can now drink tea but
only with a tiny bit of milk in i hate it milky now .. iv even gone off milk when
im a big milk fan :nope:! .. But yeah i feel better i have to say id like to feel
like this just feeling sick 1 part of the day then all through.. might be lucky and
it will go by next week! fingers crossed im a lucky one :lol:

Hope midwife goes well! whats this one for?
i don't see mine until 16 weeks i can't book til im nearer the time
either so iv got nothing to look forward to atm like a closer date.. :lol:
it should be start november i will be 16 weeks so around then.. doesn't seem
that far when i think about it :dohh:! i like things nicely spaced out like they
are atm it brakes it all up and you've got things to make it go abit faster!

When do you find out when your next scan is? here they book it after your 12
week scan xx
I seem to be munching alot :( which aint to good has most of it is junk.

Ie not seen my midwife since the 11th September lol way to long so i think it's just to see how im good and hopefully get my gender scan app book in to. Im really not sure what else will happen tomorrow i will update tomorrow afterwards lol

I even got this little tube thing so i need to take pee in with me (TMI) lol she tested it last time to make sure it was ok, like the levels where good and such. Im over weight also and few members of my family are diabetic.

Ill let you know anyways xx

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