~* April SweetPea's 2013 babies *~ 50 so far! 2 Blue 3 angels

Hopefully the bug pasts soon hun if its the bug lol

Yeah before i found out i was pregnant i was 6lbs heavier lol so i lost that and now bang on the stone mark.. You should see what i eat lol i think i was living on junk food on saturday lol and it was like every hour or so lol. I would normal gain a pound or two when i'd over to it in a day but nope no budge either way lol.. I know if will pack on soon though so im not going to worry to much about that. some people have said they have no gain anything at 16-17wks so i think im ok for now.

Oooh. I can mind when my sister breast feed my neice her boobs where huge and then after breastfeeding tey shrink lol.. She has gain a little weight now but i think thats cause she isnt in school no more and is bored. so ill be drgging her with me. Hopefully i can get that body back that i use to have before hitting high school lol

The only time im sick is was i'm trying to shift whatever cloggs my throat in the morning lol Im nasseling (Nose blokes up a bit) at the moment so trying to clear that makes me boak lol

I get that blocked nose thing too but im just sick all the time at the mo boooo cant wait to get to your stage :thumbup: defo not worth worrying about weight at the moment, a friend of mine lost weight with each of her pregnancies and is now skinnier than she started hehe lucky thing i guess thats what comes of running around after 3 little ones :haha:

Bug seems to be passing, feeling better as the day is going on so now not sure if this morning sickness was MS or bug LOL oh well i got the day to rest which i needed anyways - probs back to work tomorrow though boooo but i just heard i got a job i applied for so im v happy :happydance:
Thats good about the job Smanderson! well done!

Its so hard to know if its ms or a bug right now.. theres so much going around
i think mine is ms might of been mixed before but now its just ms lingering i did
feel better .. but now i feel its slowly coming back again.. i feel exhausted all
the time which is apparently normal in the 1st tri .. i literally can't wait for DS to
go bed so i can go every night :lol: he usually goes 7-8ish so i do too :rofl:
i still feel so tired in the morning ..

Iv tried eating more fibre but i just seem to not get rid of the problem .. i wouldn't
mind if it wasn't followed with horrible cramps :\ .. My other problem is eczema ..
iv had it since i was a baby but not bad your ment to grow out of it by teens or
by 20 and im nearly 21.. so its not going to go :rofl: .. its got worse and i managed
to sort it .. but last few weeks iv started to feel sore and get dry spots now..
my entire face is all dry and sore :( and my neck is all patched with different color
skin! .. i cannot get in the doctors for the life of me either there awful right now
so im stuck im lucky as my dad has some simler cream from the hospital thats for
the same as what i have but i have a stronger version but he has a huge pot and
he doesn't need much so im using that .. but its not really looking to help :cry:

1 thing after another ill be happy when 1st tri is over with and hope to god i feel
Thats good about the job Smanderson! well done!

Its so hard to know if its ms or a bug right now.. theres so much going around
i think mine is ms might of been mixed before but now its just ms lingering i did
feel better .. but now i feel its slowly coming back again.. i feel exhausted all
the time which is apparently normal in the 1st tri .. i literally can't wait for DS to
go bed so i can go every night :lol: he usually goes 7-8ish so i do too :rofl:
i still feel so tired in the morning ..

Iv tried eating more fibre but i just seem to not get rid of the problem .. i wouldn't
mind if it wasn't followed with horrible cramps :\ .. My other problem is eczema ..
iv had it since i was a baby but not bad your ment to grow out of it by teens or
by 20 and im nearly 21.. so its not going to go :rofl: .. its got worse and i managed
to sort it .. but last few weeks iv started to feel sore and get dry spots now..
my entire face is all dry and sore :( and my neck is all patched with different color
skin! .. i cannot get in the doctors for the life of me either there awful right now
so im stuck im lucky as my dad has some simler cream from the hospital thats for
the same as what i have but i have a stronger version but he has a huge pot and
he doesn't need much so im using that .. but its not really looking to help :cry:

1 thing after another ill be happy when 1st tri is over with and hope to god i feel

Thanks hun, so excited :happydance: just gotta tell them our news :haha: think i will wait till after 12 week scan though, then i can be sure everything is going ok :thumbup:

I feel for you with the exhaustion, i struggle with it and i cant even begin to imagine how much more shattered you must be with a young son to run around after too....bless you going to bed so early, rest assured your not alone...i have been in bed by 9 most evenings since BFP :haha::sleep:

i know what you mean, REALLY cant wait for 14 weeks ...only 3 weeks for you and 4 for me! Phew...will be such a relief to get past all the sickness and icky feeling :flower:

Doc appointments are so difficult to get these days unless its an emergency...so annoying to have to wait weeks...not days :growlmad: hope you manage to get an appointment soon hun xx :hugs:
Some doctors people ring and just get in.. at mine they tell you to
ring at half 8 in the morning to get the same day appointment.. but it
never happens.. i think its really unfair anyway theres only 3 doctors
1 is never around either.. I only need to get some more sickness tablets
so overall i don't need an appointment i just need him to review my prescription
and print another and i could collect.. he doesn't need to see me.. he could easily
just review it on his computer and do it like that.. i end up argueing with the
receptionest over the phone :nope its literally a 5min appointment aswell even
getting one :dohh:!! .. its just bad now that i need to go for my eczema aswell
as my tablets but hopefully IF i get a appointment for 1 of my problems i can
ask for both when i go :haha:

The only thing i worry about is that it won't go at 13-14 weeks like my doctor
told me it most likely will! .. ill be one of the unlucky ones that have it for
majority of the pregnancy :dohh: and i will cry (maybe get used to it though)
its so different to my 1st pregnancy i adored my 1st no problems at all!! .. with my
2nd (mc'ed) i had sickness too so i imagine that would of been the same as now
but i only got to 8 weeks then.. I just keep saying i hope its a little girly now im
going through all this sickness! but i shouldn't as i should be happy with any but
this will be my last and the more i think of it the more i would like a girl because
ill never have a daughter :cry: but whatever happens it does still be my baby :)
Have no boys names chosen what so ever either struggled with my son :dohh:
he was named the day he was born :rofl: .. we have 2 names picked for a girl
atm.. i was staying team :yellow: too but :shrug: i think its best i don't to get
things ready and sorted not neutral stuff ..

Im feeling so bad right now again :dohh: i feel dehydrated but i don't see
what i can do :( im drinking bottles and bottles of water! but it just seems to
make me stay the same! :dohh:
Might of missed you put something :dohh:
but have you got your dating scan date?

Mines only 7 days away now! :shock:
Have you tried drinking cola or something - i know we have to monitor ow much cos of caffeine but i found it helped settle my tummy or at least i could keep it down this weekend when water came straight back up in 5 mins :dohh:

Your doc sounds terrible, how about telling them you will go to EM Doc or even going to EM Doc - they can be pretty good, esp if yours wont see you....so so bad when you cant get an appointment, i just cant see why its so bad these days...

i have my next scan on 10th Oct so not long after your :happydance: so excited, just wanna know everything is ok in there...and double check there is only ONE in there :haha:

I dont know what i want really, girls tend to run in my family but DH family tend to have a mix so im not sure. I would love a little girl but a boy would be ace too :dohh: i would probs feel the same as you if i had one already though, its nice to have one of each but like you say we will love them no matter what :flower:
I found i have a huge craving for Pepsi.. the problem is that i stopped
drinking fizzy pop when i was pregnant with DS :shrug: i got put off
it (he must of not liked it :rofl:) .. but i never drank it since only the odd
drink of it now and again if anything.. But this time im finding i want a drink
of Pepsi so badly.. iv made sure i have it in the house.. i just had the fizziness
i like it when its going flat but has a little fizz still :rofl: .. When i was really bad
i was on 7up that was all i could drink .. Im drinking water alot now but it don't
seem to help.. other then that i drink like 1/2 cups of tea a day i used to drink
alot it would be all i drank through the day but ive gone off it now alot

The only other place i can go is a walk in centre .. where you don't need an
appointment .. but the 1 close has shut down so i can't get to the others as
there not close for me to manage to get to easy! .. i can get an emergency
appointment at my doctors but they make it so difficult! you end up having to
tell the receptionest what is wrong with you and in my opinion you shouldn't have
to explain it sometimes its embarresing enough to tell a doctor .. but i will ring
tomorrow and see what they say

I think i feel abit better after having my emergency scan :lol: i wanted to make
sure there was only 1 too :haha: .. seems to have came round so quick now
12 week one feelt ages away! I think because iv decided this will be my last i
just want 1 of each but i did want 2 boys and a girl just after this pregnancy
i don't want to go through this again :dohh: and i think 2 will be enough to handle
for me.. I might even end up having a private early scan :dohh: at like 16-17 weeks
to find out but i shouldn't .. it isn't really that long till i will know as im sure it will be
mid december time by what i think i will be 20 weeks on 4th december ... day after my
21st birthday!!! :shock: :haha:
I found i have a huge craving for Pepsi.. the problem is that i stopped
drinking fizzy pop when i was pregnant with DS :shrug: i got put off
it (he must of not liked it :rofl:) .. but i never drank it since only the odd
drink of it now and again if anything.. But this time im finding i want a drink
of Pepsi so badly.. iv made sure i have it in the house.. i just had the fizziness
i like it when its going flat but has a little fizz still :rofl: .. When i was really bad
i was on 7up that was all i could drink .. Im drinking water alot now but it don't
seem to help.. other then that i drink like 1/2 cups of tea a day i used to drink
alot it would be all i drank through the day but ive gone off it now alot

The only other place i can go is a walk in centre .. where you don't need an
appointment .. but the 1 close has shut down so i can't get to the others as
there not close for me to manage to get to easy! .. i can get an emergency
appointment at my doctors but they make it so difficult! you end up having to
tell the receptionest what is wrong with you and in my opinion you shouldn't have
to explain it sometimes its embarresing enough to tell a doctor .. but i will ring
tomorrow and see what they say

I think i feel abit better after having my emergency scan :lol: i wanted to make
sure there was only 1 too :haha: .. seems to have came round so quick now
12 week one feelt ages away! I think because iv decided this will be my last i
just want 1 of each but i did want 2 boys and a girl just after this pregnancy
i don't want to go through this again :dohh: and i think 2 will be enough to handle
for me.. I might even end up having a private early scan :dohh: at like 16-17 weeks
to find out but i shouldn't .. it isn't really that long till i will know as im sure it will be
mid december time by what i think i will be 20 weeks on 4th december ... day after my
21st birthday!!! :shock: :haha:

I also found i really loved Appletiser for a while but seem to have gone off it in favour of cola and im finding myself craving veg this last couple of days...phew was worrying i kept wanting sweets, sweets and more sweets up to now hehe

I agree, you shouldnt have to tell receptionist what is wrong with you, they are not a doctor and its not their business but some how they hold the power so you have to. I think you should go for emergency appointment as you will be feeling rough when tablets run out and will end up back in hospital if it gets as bad as before so seems pretty important hun...they always make a fuss but it will be worth it :hugs:

Maybe once you pass this horrid stage you will feel differently, i know it sucks but hopefully will be on to the next bit soon and FX neither of us ends up with MS for to muc longer :hugs: xxx
Hopefully the bug pasts soon hun if its the bug lol

Yeah before i found out i was pregnant i was 6lbs heavier lol so i lost that and now bang on the stone mark.. You should see what i eat lol i think i was living on junk food on saturday lol and it was like every hour or so lol. I would normal gain a pound or two when i'd over to it in a day but nope no budge either way lol.. I know if will pack on soon though so im not going to worry to much about that. some people have said they have no gain anything at 16-17wks so i think im ok for now.

Oooh. I can mind when my sister breast feed my neice her boobs where huge and then after breastfeeding tey shrink lol.. She has gain a little weight now but i think thats cause she isnt in school no more and is bored. so ill be drgging her with me. Hopefully i can get that body back that i use to have before hitting high school lol

The only time im sick is was i'm trying to shift whatever cloggs my throat in the morning lol Im nasseling (Nose blokes up a bit) at the moment so trying to clear that makes me boak lol

I get that blocked nose thing too but im just sick all the time at the mo boooo cant wait to get to your stage :thumbup: defo not worth worrying about weight at the moment, a friend of mine lost weight with each of her pregnancies and is now skinnier than she started hehe lucky thing i guess thats what comes of running around after 3 little ones :haha:

Bug seems to be passing, feeling better as the day is going on so now not sure if this morning sickness was MS or bug LOL oh well i got the day to rest which i needed anyways - probs back to work tomorrow though boooo but i just heard i got a job i applied for so im v happy :happydance:

I got your message at work but when i was replying i some how manage to wipe the whole thing i wrote lol :S

You'll be at my stage soon enough hun it pastes so quick lol :D

Ohh i hope i turn out like your friend lol i was planning on walking alot afterwards since ill have the buggie lol

Ohh congrats on the new job :D and it does stuck to go to work whenyour feeling like crap xxx
I found i have a huge craving for Pepsi.. the problem is that i stopped
drinking fizzy pop when i was pregnant with DS :shrug: i got put off
it (he must of not liked it :rofl:) .. but i never drank it since only the odd
drink of it now and again if anything.. But this time im finding i want a drink
of Pepsi so badly.. iv made sure i have it in the house.. i just had the fizziness
i like it when its going flat but has a little fizz still :rofl: .. When i was really bad
i was on 7up that was all i could drink .. Im drinking water alot now but it don't
seem to help.. other then that i drink like 1/2 cups of tea a day i used to drink
alot it would be all i drank through the day but ive gone off it now alot

The only other place i can go is a walk in centre .. where you don't need an
appointment .. but the 1 close has shut down so i can't get to the others as
there not close for me to manage to get to easy! .. i can get an emergency
appointment at my doctors but they make it so difficult! you end up having to
tell the receptionest what is wrong with you and in my opinion you shouldn't have
to explain it sometimes its embarresing enough to tell a doctor .. but i will ring
tomorrow and see what they say

I think i feel abit better after having my emergency scan :lol: i wanted to make
sure there was only 1 too :haha: .. seems to have came round so quick now
12 week one feelt ages away! I think because iv decided this will be my last i
just want 1 of each but i did want 2 boys and a girl just after this pregnancy
i don't want to go through this again :dohh: and i think 2 will be enough to handle
for me.. I might even end up having a private early scan :dohh: at like 16-17 weeks
to find out but i shouldn't .. it isn't really that long till i will know as im sure it will be
mid december time by what i think i will be 20 weeks on 4th december ... day after my
21st birthday!!! :shock: :haha:

Our doctors is doing that to now. so much for your stuff being private eh.and we have to que on the after side and you can still heard what the patience is telling the person on the other side of the desk
I got your message at work but when i was replying i some how manage to wipe the whole thing i wrote lol :S

You'll be at my stage soon enough hun it pastes so quick lol :D

Ohh i hope i turn out like your friend lol i was planning on walking alot afterwards since ill have the buggie lol

Ohh congrats on the new job :D and it does stuck to go to work whenyour feeling like crap xxx

Ohh i have SO done that about 5 times today....sooo annoying hehe my internet keeps dropping whenever i went to hit send DOH :dohh:

I hope your right and it passes quick as really seems to drag esp with scan coming up...might as well not have had one at 6 weeks was so upset to be put back a week i really didnt see much on the screen at all :nope:

Thanks hun, super excited about it and cant wait to find out when i can make the move - hopefully they wont make me wait 3 months otherwise i wont be there very long hehe :haha:

Yeah i will be doing a lot of walking too....we have a very big dog (Rhodesian ridgeback) so he needs lots of walks which we share at the mo but when im home all day will be my job i think so little bean will get LOTS of fresh air hehe

Hope work was ok today and that fella helped out with the heavy bags for you :hugs: xxx
Lol i never asked for help:blush: lol but i did take a little seat when i was quiet lol.. If your scan is like what i get just try and hold the tears back lol. I need cried both times lol

But you should see something :)

My laptop freezes alot if i have to many windows open. but it is a notebook my actaully laptop the light is not working on it :( so i need to get it fixed
Lol i never asked for help:blush: lol but i did take a little seat when i was quiet lol.. If your scan is like what i get just try and hold the tears back lol. I need cried both times lol

But you should see something :)

My laptop freezes alot if i have to many windows open. but it is a notebook my actaully laptop the light is not working on it :( so i need to get it fixed

Glad to hear your taking the seat now hun...defo worth it, will make your life easier for sure :thumbup:

Ohh i hope my little puddin is ok in there...really excited and nervous at the same time but more excited :happydance: will have to turn in to my mum for a few minutes while im in there and insist on numerous piccys of the same pose haha :haha: hope they let us have at least a couple :thumbup:
Iv done that a few times on my phone + laptop .. i press backspace usually
when i didn't make sure my cursor was on the end of my sentence so it goes back
a page :dohh:! ...

That is awful about queing and hearing the other people talking :nope:
i had a problem when i went in to get my results for me wee test .. the receptionest
was trying to "be quiet" but it didn't work i needed to really go speak to her in private
but luckily i wasn't too fussed about it all even though my doctors is my local one
and i know alot of people that go there :dohh:

Smanderson- you will see something! .. defiantly at 12 week one :)
i was worried at the emergency one i had i wouldn't see anything but i was
surprised! and at 12 week im sure they zoom in alot aswell baby looks so different
to earlier ones!
This is something i thought about....

At the hospital im going to .. you have to pay £4 for a scan photo.. so me and
FOB will want 1 each so its going to be £8 .. and i will only get 1 picture whatever
they take i don't think they take more then 1 :( but iv seen others that have
a normal photo and a potty shot one too!
This is something i thought about....

At the hospital im going to .. you have to pay £4 for a scan photo.. so me and
FOB will want 1 each so its going to be £8 .. and i will only get 1 picture whatever
they take i don't think they take more then 1 :( but iv seen others that have
a normal photo and a potty shot one too!

Whats a potty shot?? Sounds like it could get expensive but may be worth stretching too if you can? At least one photo will be lovely :thumbup: will be so nice to have something to look at to imagine the little puddin :cloud9:
A potty shot is just of there bottom bit :)
so you can see down there :winkwink:

You will get a good shot :) its even nicer when you get a nice person
going your scan.. i had a lovely one and she got a clear photo too..
My scan with DS wasn't great abit crackly and everything :( ..
A potty shot is just of there bottom bit :)
so you can see down there :winkwink:

You will get a good shot :) its even nicer when you get a nice person
going your scan.. i had a lovely one and she got a clear photo too..
My scan with DS wasn't great abit crackly and everything :( ..

oooohhhhhh that makes so much sense!! I wonder if you can start to see if boy or girl if they get a good shot? :shrug:

Really hope we get nice ones, my last one was really grumpy like Ms Trunchball :haha: i was a bit too scared to ask any questions :haha:
Aww boo my comment never went lol. went i hit post quick reply i lost the page and comes up error:( think i need to go to bed lol.. i close the window down and reopened it oh wells.

im off to bed ladies getting tired lot more early these days xxx
Aww boo my comment never went lol. went i hit post quick reply i lost the page and comes up error:( think i need to go to bed lol.. i close the window down and reopened it oh wells.

im off to bed ladies getting tired lot more early these days xxx

Aww boo annoying when that happens :dohh: night hun hope you get a good rest xxx

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