~* April SweetPea's 2013 babies *~ 50 so far! 2 Blue 3 angels

Mine with DS wasn't very nice either.. i didn't ask anything
and at the time i was with DS's dad .. and he wasn't very supportive..
he was more nervous then me :rofl: .. not nice when its your first time :(

Its said now.. that at your dating scan between 12-13 weeks because there bits
are forming/formed you can tell but its not 100% but they could tell you or have a good
"guess" .. its not something to go with obviously but id love for them to have a look
and have a guess from what they see! Im not good with the "nub" theory its if you
see 3 lines i think its a girl and the "angle of the dangle" :lol: but i still don't
really understand it much.. then theres the skull theory which to me isn't true at
all.. this baby has more of a rounded head compared to my DS's scan .. but most
people have guessed its a boy again :lol:
Mine with DS wasn't very nice either.. i didn't ask anything and at the time i was with DS's dad .. and he wasn't very supportive.. he was more nervous then me :rofl: .. not nice when its your first time :(

Its said now.. that at your dating scan between 12-13 weeks because there bits are forming/formed you can tell but its not 100% but they could tell you or have a good "guess" .. its not something to go with obviously but id love for them to have a look and have a guess from what they see! Im not good with the "nub" theory its if you see 3 lines i think its a girl and the "angle of the dangle" :lol: but i still don't really understand it much.. then theres the skull theory which to me isn't true at all.. this baby has more of a rounded head compared to my DS's scan .. but most people have guessed its a boy again :lol:

Hehe DH was like that too bless...its very scary the first ever scan though so to have grumpy tech is well harsh but i guess they seen it a hundred times so just dont mean the same :pop:

Wow, i never realised there were so many theories on it, interesting but i guess like you say not worth going with but nice to have a guess at least :lol: i did see a youtube clip about some red cabbage pee test :haha: was so silly cos looked like it depended on how long you boiled the cabbage for and not the pee :rofl:
sorry for tmi ladies.got up anf had a pee then back to bed. couldnt fall back asleep nect minute im bolting for the loo and throwing up alot more than i normaly do:shrug:
anyways i got some crackers and water hope i can drift off.. also had a weird dream...

neighbours up stairs were watching simspons bit loud so i knocked up with a mop. next minute theres water patch then dripping. im pure shitting myelf as it spreads to others rooms. house now cover in water and when trying to get someone out to help fix it no one comes because its a sunday...

good thing its a dream but the crazy part is im due on a sunday lol

going back to the land of nod i hope xxxxx
sorry for tmi ladies.got up anf had a pee then back to bed. couldnt fall back asleep nect minute im bolting for the loo and throwing up alot more than i normaly do:shrug:
anyways i got some crackers and water hope i can drift off.. also had a weird dream...

neighbours up stairs were watching simspons bit loud so i knocked up with a mop. next minute theres water patch then dripping. im pure shitting myelf as it spreads to others rooms. house now cover in water and when trying to get someone out to help fix it no one comes because its a sunday...

good thing its a dream but the crazy part is im due on a sunday lol

going back to the land of nod i hope xxxxx

Hee Hee Cherry what a funny dream :haha: i wonder if you were really dreaming about your waters breaking on a Sunday then? :haha: ...apparently it happens when your relaxed :thumbup:

Really hope your sickness ends soon hun...does sound a bit like the bug i had...hope its not that xxx
lol it was soo weird thar dream

im ok today i think i may have ate something that didnt agree with me.. im normally ok through the night just need to pee thats all lol

how are you todayxxx
Hehe DH was like that too bless...its very scary the first ever scan though so to have grumpy tech is well harsh but i guess they seen it a hundred times so just dont mean the same :pop:

Wow, i never realised there were so many theories on it, interesting but i guess like you say not worth going with but nice to have a guess at least :lol: i did see a youtube clip about some red cabbage pee test :haha: was so silly cos looked like it depended on how long you boiled the cabbage for and not the pee :rofl:

The thing is i wouldn't want to be a sonographer if i didn't have the
good spirit i know they do it many times per day but thats there job
they chose! each person will want a good experiance :(

I read into it all alot im pretty sad :rofl:
theres quite a few tests to do.. but there just for fun i guess!
the cabbage one is ment to work well though!

sorry for tmi ladies.got up anf had a pee then back to bed. couldnt fall back asleep nect minute im bolting for the loo and throwing up alot more than i normaly do:shrug:
anyways i got some crackers and water hope i can drift off.. also had a weird dream...

neighbours up stairs were watching simspons bit loud so i knocked up with a mop. next minute theres water patch then dripping. im pure shitting myelf as it spreads to others rooms. house now cover in water and when trying to get someone out to help fix it no one comes because its a sunday...

good thing its a dream but the crazy part is im due on a sunday lol

going back to the land of nod i hope xxxxx

Hope your feeling better now :(
Iv been having crazy dreams aswell.. but i usually forget what they
was even about i had one last night and i can't for the life of me
remember what it was about now..:dohh:!
yeah im feeling okish now *touch wood*
Hey Ladies,

First day back today and i survived :thumbup: felt sick most of the day but i seem to be mega hungry this week so i have managed to reduce the sickness feeling by eating hehe....i have to say though, i am finding myself craving veg and oranges....random but happier than when i was after sweets sweets and more sweets :winkwink:

Super tired now :sleep:

Cherry - im glad your feeling better hun, maybe it was something you ate great news its not MS returning :thumbup: am looking forward to hearing about the next random dream hehe :haha: will let you know if i remember any random ones :thumbup:

Becyboo - I totally agree, if they cant at least make the effort for people on such an important day they probs should have gone for a job not dealing with the public :thumbup: (like me :haha:)

Oh i like the tests but i dont think i will believe them until i see someone get the same result as they do on the 20 week scan....its prob happened loads LOL I heard the red cabbage one was good too but when i watched videos on Youtube they made me laugh as the pee test bit was exactly the same colour as the boiled water pre wee :haha:
Hey Ladies,

First day back today and i survived :thumbup: felt sick most of the day but i seem to be mega hungry this week so i have managed to reduce the sickness feeling by eating hehe....i have to say though, i am finding myself craving veg and oranges....random but happier than when i was after sweets sweets and more sweets :winkwink:

Super tired now :sleep:

Cherry - im glad your feeling better hun, maybe it was something you ate great news its not MS returning :thumbup: am looking forward to hearing about the next random dream hehe :haha: will let you know if i remember any random ones :thumbup:

Becyboo - I totally agree, if they cant at least make the effort for people on such an important day they probs should have gone for a job not dealing with the public :thumbup: (like me :haha:)

Oh i like the tests but i dont think i will believe them until i see someone get the same result as they do on the 20 week scan....its prob happened loads LOL I heard the red cabbage one was good too but when i watched videos on Youtube they made me laugh as the pee test bit was exactly the same colour as the boiled water pre wee :haha:

Hahaha glad im not the only weirdo watching video's on youtube. I watch some random things about pregnancy on there :blush: can you believe people post there labor on there to. i know i shouldnt but well this is my first and i just wanna pre-pare myself lol even when they do hospital bags. cause i have no cluse what ill need so i took notes. I know ive got ages to wait aswell but i thought i was being prepare haha lol

I told everyone about that dream still cant believe the sunday part of it. Council wont comeit because it was a sunday and im due on a sunday lol

im not big on sweets but i love my crisps well transformers the spicy ones lol
And i getting super sleepy to dont so your not alone mines kicks in when i get on the bus from work or sometime as i just out into the fresh air

Oh wow not sure I'm ready for birth videos lol would probs freak out...sweet your taking notes and very organised I best get my butt in gear too and have a peek at those bag videos....

It's like that duvet day feeling but your trying to do normal stuff hehe foggy!! Miss my naps might bring them back he he x x x
i cant nap through the day i work 1-5 lol then i go to bed betweeb 8.30 and 9...i had another weird dream last night including micheal from eastenders haha me running away with my baby from him not telling no more cause that was scary itself

not been on for abit again.. i feelt horrible i was in bed all day :( ..
and i sleept until like 12ish today :nope: .. nothing is making me better
i just want it to go now but its doubtful ill be one of them that have it until
20 weeks+ :cry: .. its the point im eating cause im starving but i feel sick after
eating.. i feel its not worth eating if i feel like that but ill be back in hospital if
i don't eat something and keep my intake up .. as my body was starved last time..
Iv got my sea bands on now.. not sure they will help but right now i need a miracle
my tablets don't seem to be helping but i think im going back doctors (if i can get in)
tomorrow as my eczema is all flared up on my face and neck :cry: painful! .. and i
need more tablets aswell anyway which is getting a joke as theres only 10 days
worth so im going to be going back every week to get more :dohh:!!

Hope everyone else is okay
Cherry - I work 7-3 so im home mid afternoon which means a sneaky nap isnt out of the question hehe but still need to be snoozing by 9 so i can get up so early (it IS painful getting up that early)

Eak no idea what that could mean :shrug: wonder what tonight will bring :haha:

I have become a vegaholic LOL i had a subway for lunch and only had salad in it ooohhh it was SCRUMMY :munch: couldnt stop thinking about it on my way home LOL think i will have it again tomorrow :happydance:

Becyboo - Im so sorry your feelin so bad hun, i feel your pain after a weekend of much the same :nope:

I really hope sea bands help, i have seen a lot of ladies on here recommend them so defo worth a shot. Hopefully your Doc will give you some stronger or different tablets to help, and hopefully he will give you enough for a while so you wont have a battle keep going back :thumbup: ..you poor thing, you have been through it enough for 3 pregnant ladies :nope: defo try and eat what/when you can, i found ice lollys helped settle my tummy when all else failed....maybe worth a go?

I have had MS still the last couple of days but i found when i eat bread things it helps settle it for a while, also fruit pastels help too :thumbup:
Becyboo__x It kinda stucks your going through all that :(. I'm doing much better i just get cramps or random pains on the side of my stomach :S its comes and goes i have no idea what it could be. In bed i have to sleep on my left side now as i dont feel so comfy on my back or my right :(

Have you try the plain cracker/ plain toast and tea. I keep getting told to eat them if im feeling sicky.. Ive also started drinking lucozade more to. Just for the sugar boost. loving it now lol.. I do hope your doctor can give you something to help hun xx

Smanderson...Oooh your lucky wish i said to thm when he asked me which shift would i prefer to work lol I was wanted a subway yesterday lol if im lucky i might get a mac'ds on friday since we're going out to argos to check out this buggie i reeeeeally want lol.. And it has a huge basket under it. When i get it ill show you guys hopefully my mummy will buy me it and i just have to owe her money back. As i work out what i should be getting paid. Im a struggler, you lucky if i have 50 pound to get me through the months lol dam bills and rent.
Cherry I think most people are struggling these days, wages are no where near level with what it costs to just live :nope: im the same as you, i seem to exist from one pay day to the next but im hoping things will get better esp with puddin on the way :thumbup:

I do like finishing early but it sucks to leave for work in the morning and know everyone else is sleeping away in cozy warm beds :sleep: but i guess its cool to have the afternoon to do whatever, although usually gets wasted doing house work and walking the dog LOL

Mmmm Mc Donalds loving their chips right now - think its the salt :haha: what buggie are you looking at? i havent even really considered anything other than things for the nursery :haha: loving mamas and papas nurseries.....im hoping to find some online deals and go for a similar look as zeddie and parsnip :thumbup:
Cherry I think most people are struggling these days, wages are no where near level with what it costs to just live :nope: im the same as you, i seem to exist from one pay day to the next but im hoping things will get better esp with puddin on the way :thumbup:

I do like finishing early but it sucks to leave for work in the morning and know everyone else is sleeping away in cozy warm beds :sleep: but i guess its cool to have the afternoon to do whatever, although usually gets wasted doing house work and walking the dog LOL

Mmmm Mc Donalds loving their chips right now - think its the salt :haha: what buggie are you looking at? i havent even really considered anything other than things for the nursery :haha: loving mamas and papas nurseries.....im hoping to find some online deals and go for a similar look as zeddie and parsnip :thumbup:

Glad not to only one struggling along. i dunno whether to go back to work after or just leave. because if im not working i get my rent and tax paid for me and i get benfit for the little one to help me out.

Here the link to the buggie im hoping to get lol but this is on amazong they have them in argos and mothercare lol


Ive not looked at much else either but im on amazong alot looking at random things that could help me out lol

Its not the fries i like but i do like them i love the chicken legand lol
Its hard work these early weeks hey, i heard your energy comes back in the second tri so hopefully that will kick in for you soon - i have aaaages to second tri :dohh:

Sounds like you would be better off staying home for now, maybe later on you could go back to work but really if financially its better i dont think there is much reason to keep going to work and leaving your bubs :thumbup:

Cool buggie, i find i all a bit too confusing to be honest there are just so many :wacko: might go for the same as you....haha: I think i will be more in to looking at stuff once i pass the 12 weeks, for now i get scared to get attached ...apart from zeddy and parsnip that just happened by mistake and i really love it :dohh:

I was really in to their chilli chicken wrap but i got on a couple of weeks back and the first bite make me feel so sick i spat it out and havent had one since.....stuck on the fries though hehe :thumbup:
Its hard work these early weeks hey, i heard your energy comes back in the second tri so hopefully that will kick in for you soon - i have aaaages to second tri :dohh:

Sounds like you would be better off staying home for now, maybe later on you could go back to work but really if financially its better i dont think there is much reason to keep going to work and leaving your bubs :thumbup:

Cool buggie, i find i all a bit too confusing to be honest there are just so many :wacko: might go for the same as you....haha: I think i will be more in to looking at stuff once i pass the 12 weeks, for now i get scared to get attached ...apart from zeddy and parsnip that just happened by mistake and i really love it :dohh:

I was really in to their chilli chicken wrap but i got on a couple of weeks back and the first bite make me feel so sick i spat it out and havent had one since.....stuck on the fries though hehe :thumbup:

See thats what i think to. Im properly alot better off not working and i would wanna stay with the baby. I did say to mum and Ryan that i would give it ago and if i dont like it then ill just leave. At least i get up to a year off to start with lol.. Just the thought of coming back.

Yup ive defo got my engery back and i can sleep through the whole night lol :D

I just really want this one because the storage bit underneith is pretty big lol so for carrying shopping back it perfect. I just hope they have them in stock for me :( lol

OOoooh i love there chicken tikka one lol but i dunno if there mayo is ok to have. I know jars are and mac'ds ones are lol i asked my midwife about them heehe cause i was so confused by it some people said there ok and im like but they have raw egg haha lol glad i asked now.

Think i might just asked them when i go heehee xx
Hey guys. Sorry I have been like out of touch so much this past few weeks =[

My Ms is bad with a Vengence, I am back to being badly sick, it actually burns my throat =[ But I am starting to see what things I can actually keep down which is good.

Got my first scan tomorrow, am sooooo excited!!!!!
How is everyone doing with their Bumps?
Jocelyn girl - welcome back and sorry to hear you have been suffering, i feel your pain and im sure Becyboo can too...MS is the worst :nope: hope you start feeling better soon and best of luck for your scan :hugs:

Cherry - I cant see any reason for you to go back if im being honest....well at least for a good while, if i could afford to stay at home with my puddin for longer than maternity leave i would jump at the chance. Dont look a gift horse in the mouth as my mum would say :thumbup: These early months/years will go by in a flash and you cant get them back. I say go for it and stay at home :thumbup:

Oooh you lucky thing getting your energy back, sounds like your in full second tri mode now hun :happydance: LOL @ storage good thinking!! You have plenty of time you could even put in an order if they dont have them in when you go to pick it up :thumbup:

My sis in law is a total angel, she told me today about tonnes of things she has for us including a cot and buggie which is amazing so we only need to pay out for things like car seat and bits and bobs woohoo :happydance: she also gave me a maternity winter jacket - i should have married her :haha:

I re joined slimming world tonight so hopefully i will curb the extra weight gain if im keeping an eye on it. I just dont want to go crazy and put mountains on....i think it scared me putting on in the early weeks with sweetie cravings and being unable to stomach a decent meal :shrug:

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