~* April SweetPea's 2013 babies *~ 50 so far! 2 Blue 3 angels

Glad you had your nice bath hun. Stucks about the boiler i cant afford to put mines on right now so i need to double layers.

I'll be thinking about you tomorrow and hope it all goes well.

May i just add that because i cant sleep longer than 7.30am no more and i stayed at mums last night. I'm currently sitting in living where my mum has falling asleep and snoring her head off lol Sorry im trying my hardest not to laugh xxx
I don't know.. i don't know what to do about this CVS people will say not
to have it because it shouldn't matter if baby has got downs or not yes if
i was older and sorted abit more id not have the tests and not be bothered
as i have no problem with kids that have it! but right now im going to struggle
with a baby and a toddler let alone one that needs more care and my full
attention .. :dohh: .. i don't know its all a mind wreck lately all these problems
9 weeks

12 weeks
12 weeks.jpg


with another proberley to add tomorrow :dohh:
mad how much a baby changes in a few weeks! i keep thinking
its another boy now too :lol:
How is everyone?
abit quiet again :(

I had my scan today to see what was happening not much to really say
theres still a area of haemorrhage it was measureing 58mm x 16 x 58 but today
it is 75mm x 15 :shrug: so obviously bigger :( but im not bleeding red anymore
its just brown stuff .. i got told its touch and go they don't know what will happen
it will either absorb or not..

13 week scan.jpg
Oh man are they going to keep a close eye on you? at least see you every week to see how things are going. xx

Oh i thought i had posted in here. I agree with the piks you get they always seem to change and grow so fast in each one.

Keep us posted on how things are goingx
Its weird that my 12 week one and 12+4 baby looks quite big i think
then this one today looks smaller but im thinking it was zoomed in on
the others and not this one.. as you can see more of the womb etc..
But my belly is growing too so things must be okay baby is and my belly
is getting bigger :lol: just abit scared of my CVS wednesday i don't want them
to get the haemorrhage bit or something daft :dohh:! it scares me but they
should know if not ill tell them iv got it so there aware but they scan me while
doing it i think anyway to make sure they see everything and where the needle
will be going.. im terrified tbh .. they apparently numb your belly anyway but
:nope: .. FOB is coming with me thank god.. im too scared and my mum will be
having DS for me and they won't be able to come in with me :( so i can't have my
mum and have her look after DS so shell be taking us and waiting as afterwards
apparently i will not be able to do much and may be in discomft :( but least by
friday at the latest i will know a yes/no answer apparently too they can tell you
the sex aswell :shrug:
Aww Becyboo best of luck for Wedneday, buby looking good in your latest scan :thumbup: good news FOB will be going with you its good to have the extra support

Try not to worry too much hun, sounds like they will take every precaution they can, i hope you get the results soon and would be lovely to find out the gender so soon :hugs:

means alot .. i think wednesday will take ages to come.. i like mondays
now everyone hates mondays usually but my new fave day as im a week
more :rofl: .. so thats my days to look forward to.. I asked FOB to come with
me as he thinks im not involving him in anything he hasn't been to a scan yet
but i sent them all to him anyway.. but im terrified anyway of this test ..
and it beats going in on my own as my mum wouldn't be able to come in with DS
im not sure what is going to happen with me and him .. i think we should sort things
out and give it another shot tbh but i guess we need to meet up and have a big
chat.. i miss him alot really its not just because im pregnant with his baby..
im sure iv not seen him for like 6 weeks :nope: thats pure madness! .. think he will
be shocked when he sees my belly if im honest :haha:

Ive been told you get asked if you would like to know the gender.. by a few
people now but iv not heard anything about it and didn't want to ask like midwife
or hospital because its not relevent i guess its a test for downs so id feel abit
silly asking about gender :nope: but i may ask if they don't wednesday and ill
tell them i know its a test about downs BUT no harm in asking ...
My week change is Monday too :flower: looking forward to 13 weeks tomorrow :happydance: Wednesday will be here before you know it but for now try and rest when you can :flower:

Thats lovely you want to try again, defo have chats to see if you can work things out...maybe the time apart has helped? I hope all goes well with chats and will keep everything crossed for you for the test and results :hugs:

I would totally be asking too, i dont think it means you take the test any less seriously but if they can tell you would be lovely to find out :thumbup: im sure they will understand and probably get asked all the time :thumbup:
Have i put your date in wrong?!!
Iv got you as 28th? but your the same as me and im 22nd?
im right confused now
ohh soz hun, i probs forgot to say, they bumped me up at the 12 week scan am now due 22nd which is more or less what i thought originally....basically i got put back 8 days at dating scan at 6 weeks :dohh:

How cool we are due on same day :happydance:
Sorry guys ive been in and out of the threads kinda of being naughty and watching on youtube i didnt know i was pregnant and having a good cry to myself to.

Becky wish you the best of luck for wednesday. Ive never been put in the kind of situation before and i know you are a strong person and will pull through. I'll be in work wondering how your getting on and will be dying to get on the laptop as soon as i get home.

If you do find out the sex that would be a bonus for you. If they don't mention it i would ask lol just to see what they think it could be. I'm sure everything will be ok though.

Sending some love over to you :hug:

Try and relax a little and dont go near the junk food :blush: xxxxxxxxx
ooh and i also look forward to sundays now even though i go back to work tomorrow lol sundays is my new week xxx
Ill change you now! :D
i now have 2 people due the same day as me :D!!
its weird 22nd january was DS's due date :rofl: .. so strange now to
have this one due 22nd April :lol:

I can't believe your 15 weeks already Cherry remember you being 13 weeks..!
going so fast! i think other peoples seem to fly but i feel mine don't :dohh:!
even though im 13 weeks tomorrow :haha: weeks seem to just go

I think me and FOB just duno what we will do if we get a "yes" result :shrug:
its not easy to make a decision and as much as people would say you should
love the baby no matter what BUT its a very personal decision and its between
the couple i think.. and circumstances your in .. im just worried i will get judged if
the worst does come so im not sure we will be telling many people i will on here..
its just so difficult .. just pray we get a positive answer really
I wonder if the dates are to do with your cycle? You must be mega regular though if thats the case lol...i couldnt be less regular :haha: had a 39 day cycle the month before BFP...i really thought i was preggers that month for sure...more than the month of the BFP!! :dohh:

I think you will be surprised hun, people can be more supportive than we give them credit for :thumbup: It would be worse if you made a decision you weren't comfortable with and really its nothing to do with anyone else what you choose, you dont need to tell anyone anything :hugs: but you might find some support in telling close family and/or friends...you have to make the right decision for your family and circumstances and no one else has the right to judge you on that :hugs:
Sm is right hun. It is a huge thing and no one else's opinion counts other than you two's. i hope i spelt that right:(

If it pretty a tough thing you going through just know we're here for you to. I'll prayer and have my fingers crossed too.

Oh the weeks go fast but when you in the middle of the week feels super slow doesnt it. I feel like this was a long week but i think thats cause ryan aint around. Think if i get another flat next year for me and baby i dont think ill be to bored lol maybe feeling bit lonely but having the baby it all i really need unless someone knock sense into Ryan lol.

I actually told my mum what he said last sunday to me. He doesnt wanna get another girlfriend so he cant still cuddle in to me Nicking my hear :S lol men are funny at times aint they. Kind of looking forward to him coming home lol xxx
I wonder if the dates are to do with your cycle? You must be mega regular though if thats the case lol...i couldnt be less regular :haha: had a 39 day cycle the month before BFP...i really thought i was preggers that month for sure...more than the month of the BFP!! :dohh:

I think you will be surprised hun, people can be more supportive than we give them credit for :thumbup: It would be worse if you made a decision you weren't comfortable with and really its nothing to do with anyone else what you choose, you dont need to tell anyone anything :hugs: but you might find some support in telling close family and/or friends...you have to make the right decision for your family and circumstances and no one else has the right to judge you on that :hugs:

Yep its likely! i have regular 25 day cycles always have..
but when trying this time i started getting off cycles like on/off
3 day cycles not 5 so im not sure.. i only concieved i think because
we DTD the day after my period! .. which im not ment to even be
fertile so all the time we was trying we was waiting for the time
and we totally missed our chance i must be fertile the few days
after my period and thats it .. we usually DTD CD9 and onwards..
but i needed to CD6 and CD7 and CD8 :shrug: lol!

I think we will come to the bridge when it happens thats what FOB
says .. and i agree its very stressful .. My ms has now gone i think
so i feel better and more human i just have a cold and cough :(
got flu jab to have next week sometime blah! lol

Sm is right hun. It is a huge thing and no one else's opinion counts other than you two's. i hope i spelt that right:(

If it pretty a tough thing you going through just know we're here for you to. I'll prayer and have my fingers crossed too.

Oh the weeks go fast but when you in the middle of the week feels super slow doesnt it. I feel like this was a long week but i think thats cause ryan aint around. Think if i get another flat next year for me and baby i dont think ill be to bored lol maybe feeling bit lonely but having the baby it all i really need unless someone knock sense into Ryan lol.

I actually told my mum what he said last sunday to me. He doesnt wanna get another girlfriend so he cant still cuddle in to me Nicking my hear :S lol men are funny at times aint they. Kind of looking forward to him coming home lol xxx

:haha: i was dreading living alone if im honest :( .. scary thought
so im hoping that won't be the case soon but i don't know ..
our problem is we need to find a 3 bed house or whatever.. because
DS needs a room.. and we do obviously .. then its another room for
his DD she only comes weekends but we said we need another room
for her because its not fair her sharing with mason even if shes only
there for weekends.. and then she can share with the baby when its
old enough to be in a room as she won't be there majority of the time
anyway.. but its difficult! iv looked everywhere for places and i just
find everyone has already been let but it doesn't say that on the website!

Awh! i hope you can sort things with him! :hugs:
lol yeah ive got my name down for another council flat but they normal take ages to get house might need to hassel them lol

If we dont get back together we'll still be friends lol and he's always there for the baby xx
Your lucky having a regular cycle, mine are all over the place :dohh: Its so weird with the fertile days, they never seem to be when we think lol....i was the same and was only BFP the month we decided to forget all the fussing and just DTD when we wanted too :haha:

great news your ms has gone, cant wait to join you in the MS free zone :thumbup: hope your cough and cold get better soon hun :thumbup: i been feeling dizzy and sick today but not actually been sick in a couple of days now :happydance:
ive got irregular period and i thought i would never fall pregnant.. To much info to go into lol but when i got a postive i stood shocked and never told ryan until the day after as i got another test lol.

Have you tried drinking tea hun ive started having one a day yummy pg ones are amazing. i dunno how i feel better these past 2 days lol but im glad i am.. im going to head to bed. i know it only after 8 but im shattered some how lol night ladies

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